Hi Sarin Nair,i would suggest you to go to Design Studio and then to Snippet subset , you might find the number of created snippets there click on any one then on the right hand y...
Hi Sarah Goodchild,You can try Targets in Anchor tags,They are real simple just highlight the text and PRESS "CRTL + K" or if you still cannot do that just highlight the text and ...
Hi,I have created a Code to auto complete the Company name using Google Location.Refer Below but it is not working can you help me with the issue:<script src="//app-sj04.marketo.co...
Hi Adam Mertz,Happy to help. I can do that on contract bases.I am doing on the same for my company on a permanent bases.Let me know if you are interested. Reach me out on raviansa...
Hi Avigail Mouyal,You can create a smart list using condition on syncing lead to SFDC LIKE: SFDC Created Date [Person] is empty send notification to yourself.Hope this helps
Hi Mandy Hanson,I will set it up your form in this way if you want you as this required some manual work, just email me @ raviansal@live.com.And thanks Alexis D'Alba and i have t...
Hi Alexis D'Alba,I was facing the same problem, so here is what I have done:I used the form alignment as left and for the Label that needed to be on top I used Rich text and remov...
Hi Sanford,Thanks for the great explanation. I am getting your point; but i need a work around for this.Let me show you an example as if if you click on the below link:http://pages...