Hey Ben,What's you're reasoning for doing this client-side? Exposing the access token to be client-facing opens you up to some serious security issues. You should really only be ex...
Hi Amir,You need to have an Opportunity Contact Role linking the Opportunity to the Person record for the data association to be made correctly in Marketo.
Hi Karin,Does the destination page have munchkin on it? I not, then we cannot track a visit. Otherwise it's possible that this person had javascript disabled so munchkin could not ...
Hey Ryan,I haven't seen this occur at all. What happens if you disable tracker.js? It could be doing something that conflicts with a resource which munchkin is using.
Hi Julie,This is still the prinicpal method to remove email invalid from a record. It's reasonable to assume that when an email address is changed that it has changed to a valid on...
Currently the Source constraint in the Data Value Changes trigger does not autocomplete. This makes it difficult to apply the correct source filters when constructing campaigns bas...
Hi Scott,I'm putting the finishing touches on a developer's blog post for situation 1 right now, and it should be up some time in the next week or so. Regarding 2, are your users a...
Hey Gregory, I believe Erik was referring to embedding the iframe into the landing page, and then linking to the page. Other than that, there's not really a good way to pull live w...