Hi Shinoa,Spam filtering can be highly specific per company. I'd suggest reaching out to whoever administers your mail servers to determine the exact cause, so you can evaluate thi...
Hi Dennis,We support multiple landing page domains through domain aliases:https://community.marketo.com/MarketoResource?id=kA650000000GtnhCAC Currently there is not support for mul...
Hey Rasmus,You can user the MktoForm2.whenReady() callback to ensure the form is loaded instead of setTimeout when you're trying to hide the fields. There's less variability in thi...
Tiia, could you elaborate on what this might look like? Are you suggesting setting up rules to designate specific days of the week or month to be tagged as a 'type' of day?
Hey Michael,The preferred method for lead capture forms it to clear your _mkto_trk cookie before loading the form to prevent prefill from ocurring. This is only an issue for forms ...
Josh is right. If these tokens are local to the program, they should be cloned, if they are at the folder level(or parent program if this is a child), then they won't be inherited ...