Campaign Member Fields DO sync with Marketo but they are read-only. See the "Medium" field below. I assume you'd like to write data in those fields? If yes, vote for this idea
If you import a CSV file that contains records with no email address, those will always create duplicates. If you have multiple records with the same emails in your CSV, those will...
Most likely the Change Owner and Change Data Value come from SFDC because the last column is empty. To know for sure, double click the activity and you will see the 'source'. If it...
I don't understand question #1Question #2: it will update the existing record. It will overwrite the fields for which you provide a new value and leave the other fields untouched. ...
I was informed that dynamic content in this specific scenario may not always work, because it it will take Marketo a couple of seconds to process the form submission, but it may di...
Alternatively, you can use dynamic content: that case, there will only be 1 page, but that page can have multip...
Yes, these 3 campaigns will run at the same time if someone visits 3 pages within 1 hour, becaues they will qualify for all 3. Since it happens in parallel, they will not be member...