As Sanford mentioned, you cannot filter on location in the tree, or what Program an activity belongs to. You can filter on whether Leads/Contacts are on a particular Static List, a...
Lead ID never changes. However, it is possible that you have multiple records with the same email address and different Lead IDs. Also, if you merge records, only 1 of the Lead IDs...
Currently Program is indeed not returned via the API. Most customers are extracting "Change Status in Progression" (= Program Status changes), activity ID 104. Generally, a Form su...
A couple of things to keep in mind: Marketo Programs live in a particular Workspace, which has access to one or more Partitions. There is a caveat if the Workspace does not have ac...
True, you can't track changes to those fields via the Marketo API. If it's not in the Activity Log, the API won't show it either (and changes to those fields are not in the Activit...
It appears you were only interested in 1 activity type: Interesting Moments. However, if you wanted to download more than 1 activity type (up to 10), it's best to make a call with ...
Once you've synced with SFDC, it is a permanent bond and disabling the sync is simply "pausing" the sync, not removing it. You need to file a support ticket to see if the SFDC sync...
Not sure whether I fully understand the question, but it sounds like you get Email Open activities and you'd like to know which Program the email is in? To accomplish that, downloa...
Hi Dan, 2,500 Programs are downloaded in 13 API calls (batch size 200) so - while I agree it would be convenient to filter on 'last updated' - it's not a huge hog of API calls. Not...