Hi Andy, in the past your instance had a custom dedupe rule for Email + Partition ID, which means that dupes are allowed across Partitions, but not within a single Partition. This ...
yup, we have migration scripts that use the API to copy over all images, update references, etc. But scripts or no scripts, a migration is always a lot of work unfortunately. This ...
clone them into a Program, then import the Program into the new instance. For Forms, make sure the fields also exist in the destination instance. Same for Lead tokens in Emails/LPs...
Not sure about your specific setup, but ideally you should store an event date in a Program Token, not in a Custom Object. Same for Event Content, that should ideally be in Program...
Agree with Sanford. But what are you going to do with the Forms after downloading? There is no standardized format that you could import them into FormAssembly or some other form t...
I realize your post is from 2014, but wanted to provide an update for later reference. Marketo has developed a 'remove crm sync' tool, which is currently still experimental. It rem...
Just for reference, I worked with Valerie to run the experimental 'remove crm sync' tool, which removed the SFDC sync, all Opportunities, Company records, Sales People (= SFDC User...
Anna, Marketo Professional Services also offers an "Event Cap" solution. It will redirect to an 'event full' or an 'wait list' page when the capacity has been reached. If intereste...