It would be nice if when you are doing a choice in a flow step, for example 'change data value', that you could insert multiple layers of options under each choice. For example rig...
When you change the name of a local token, unlike renaming a program or a local asset, you need to go back and update the name of that token each place that it was used.It would be...
It would be nice if there was a way to folder or organize local program tokens so that they could be more manageable. In certain programs where you end up with dozens and dozens of...
The ability to do custom filters in RCA like you can in a Marketo Smart List. Right now filters are only ALL, and it would nice to be able to do OR's or custom filters like 1 AND 2...
Search constantly crashes my browser when I am searching for anything in Marketing Activities or Design Studio of my clients who have large instances. I get something saying unresp...