Teddy Doohan now that I'm onboard let's talk internally if this is still an open item.But, to provide a quick answer here, the lead will not receive content (by ID) in a stream mor...
Got this lead in on April 25th. It was added to my engagement program at 1 am yesterday, May 3rd.My cadence fires at 11 am on Thursdays (yesterday)Why did they not receive the firs...
I have only seen syntax for pixel widths for the mktoImgWidth attribute.Does anyone know how to set it so the <img> returned has width="100%" as an attribute?Tried this without suc...
Has anyone else had experience in attribution where Adwords is set to auto-tag with their gclid parameter?This is a nice feature when you are early in the maturation model, but whe...
Rajesh Talele , do you have any suggestion here? This is an urgent and one-time need as I inherited some bad data.Trying to not have to go into thousands of records