Does your email have multiple links? If not, you could leave it as "clicks link in email". Otherwise you might want to submit a support ticket regarding your muchkin code. I've had...
If you don't have RCA, you can build a custom channel and use the progression steps to time and date stamp members and figure out which stage they're in based on triggers. I did a ...
So you can edit your lead scoring model if it's not working for you--it's definitely not a 'one size fits all'. What issues have you encountered with your decaying lead score?
You can also create a channel type with steps to tag your different date/time stamps if you don't want to/can't create custom fields. You can then report easily off of who has viol...
Hey Chris,We just did the integration with Cvent and it's AWESOME!1. How well it is working for you.It's working perfectly and adding our registrants to a static list so they aren'...
Yes! I absolutely couldn't agree more. Request campaign is a nightmare when you're managing a larger instance, or when you're trying to do any reporting. Personally, I avoid reques...
I would submit a support ticket with both Marketo and Salesforce to see if there's a sync issue.What do you mean when you say most 'recent'? Have you sorted the data differently?
I think Allison has the right idea and Josh brings up some good points.If I was you, I'd go (normally hedge towards) option 1 only because I also freak out about over-emailing and ...