Hi Adriana,You could add a program channel step that changes their status when they click on the link in the email, then have a smartlist or list populated with those that have cli...
Are you asking if the lead has already been through the same stream, can they go through it again? What are the current program statuses you're working with and what are you trying...
I think you could make a 'scoring' field and have it add up the number of registrants in your registration trigger. Then, when the field reaches "x" number, you could have the aler...
I'd just try to iron out different groups that you email consistently; a lot of them will depend on your modeler. Some that we use are company size, customer vs. net-new lead vs. t...
I recommend ironing out your segmentations for larger database sizes. The most helpful one is "valid email addresses" which will always give you the number of people included vs. b...
I think the easiest way is to set up your modeler, then when they reach a certain stage (IE Opp opened stage), you marketing suspend them. If you have this happen automatically in ...
Here is Steven Moody's presentation from 2014:How to Turn Every Bounced Lead into Two Warm Leads - YouTube I don't think there are many ways to un-automate this but if you have the...