Video in email is not supported across all email clients. ClientPlays VideoShows FallbackAndroid 4, Native ClientAOL MailApple Mail *Gmail WebmailGmail AndroidGmail iOSLotus NotesO...
I see what I did wrong. I was missing the beta I had of . Thank you for all your help it works as it should us...
I really appreciate your help, espescially with updating the beta.The gcal works perfectly. The .ics description gets cut off (disappears) after%0D%0A . Is it just me?
Thanks again, but you said youchanged GCal mode so it replaces \n with <br> automatically. It didn't change automatically. Ifi use%0D%0A it line breaks for Gcal, but breaks the ics...
I need to have line breaks in an event description for the calendar links in both outlook and google calendar. Looking to having my cake and eating it too.The event description is ...
Is there any danger in putting this into the robot.txt file and uploading it to marketo and redirecting the marketo robots.txt file?The robots.txt would look like this:User-agent: ...
Hi,I created meta og tags for various social media platforms. The code itself is correct, but I get an error from Twitter saying it can't load the image because the robots.txt will...