@Jasbir_Kaurfrom the looks of that screenshot you should review your button text's line height. The text getting cut off. It COULD improve the line appearing below, but again, ther...
Hi@Jasbir_Kaur,Is this an issue appearing in Outlook emails? If so, its a common issue that unfortunately has no solution. Here are the notes I have on the issue:A White Line Is Ap...
Hi Lindsey, I wonder if its an issue with Apple Mail or IOS. Can you try using a different email service provider like Gmail or hotmail and open in a browser like Chrome? Let me kn...
Hi@SaurabhGoyal_GNThis is a known issue with velocity tokens. You will need to output the entire <a> tag for each of the languages.For example:#if($preferred_lang.equals("en-gb"))
Hi@nhabischWings, quick question is your token{{lead.Consumer Loans - Survey Link for New Auto Loan}} a velocity script token? Did you implement the fix as outlined in the post you...
Hi@Danielle_Wong,I was curious to test out the Gmail Product Carousel with a Marketo email template. I added in all the compatible code necessary and did a preview test with the to...
By Joe you've got it!In your response you mentioned the format:@SanfordWhitemanwrote:But that format MM-dd-yy HH:mm isn’t Marketo format, ergo it has to be a generic string field w...
I am having an issue trying to calculate the correct time for Arizona (America/Phoenix) in velocity script.My script looks like this:#* Get Lead Time Zone and convert Timezone calc...
You'll need to look at the css file associated with the template. Within that css file look for ".icon-twitter" , there you will likely find the image associated with theicon-twitt...
Unfortunately, just having the form field reordering script + tagging script isn't enough for the need.<script id="teknklFormsPlus-tag-0.2.2" src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.co...