Looks like if the form is added directly in the page, the page puts in some JS to prefill with the appropriate fields. If you use JS to call in the form, it doesn't automatically p...
Sanford, thanks. That's what I ended up doing. Previously I was trying to write them to a JS var which was causing an error. For example, if I tried this:if (name == "autodemo") {c...
The problem is you can't script in-betweens. So, it has to all be done like IF (foo=bar) {text = "{{my.stuff}}"} else if {(foo = notbar) {text = {{my.otherstuff}}}You can't transfo...
Thanks. I've got it to work, but discovered a but with Rich Text tokens. Please see this thread:Rich Text Tokens add a 'ZERO WIDTH SPACE' char between P tags
So figured this out by digging around quite a bit.I'm using JS to select the appropriate token to display on a page. The potential tokens are all Rich Text, because I want HTML out...
Hi all -Sorry for necroposting, but I've been using this functionality on my page but it's not prefilling the form. Is there a setting I need to add to get the pre-fill? The page h...
I'd like to have a page that adjusts its height according to the size of the form, including adjustments when fields become visible. Is there a way to get this information and put ...
Hi, I like this method but I'm wondering if there's a way to use this one page multiple times with a URL parameter that's set as a token name that would be used to call the ThankYo...