Easy Way:If it's just a few key accounts, create email performance reports with those company names in the smart list.Less easy way:Create smart lists for Delivered, Opened, Bounce...
This is very simple and doable. This is 101 level stuff.Create a landing page.Add a form.Create a smart campaign listening for that form to be filled out.In the flow, send the emai...
The form editor kills me. If I have to scroll down on the right column for any reason, trying to click causes it to jump. It typically takes 3-4 clicks to Make Required or Disable ...
I know that we can't enable caching, but what can be done to fist laggy server response times? I've been checking my pages on Google's PageSpeed Insights tool and last night I got ...
Probably have a bad one cached. Stupid rules nowadays with your letters and numbers and whatnot. Randomness of the string < length of password.Something like "p@$$w0Rd" is easier t...
Here's an idea - feel free to shoot it down, but...You would have to make a change to your template. Where you have your other scripts, put in {{my.Custom-Script}}. Now, copy the a...