I'm sending samples to my outlook email and my table keeps showing up as left-aligned when it should be right-aligned. But when I preview email in Marketo, the table is right-aligned and when I send to my gmail the table is right-aligned. Outlook doesn't seem to accept floats, so I used <table align= "right;"> but it didn't help. I can't remove the "float: right" element either in Marketo because it immediately will push table all the way to the left in the editor view.
Is there another way to approach this?
You will probably need some special HTML code to handle this. I would research Outlook optimized HTML. Sorry I don;t have more info for you
Hi Tom Kerlin,
Share the code. I think i can help you with this.
Hi Ravi,
Below is code for table I want to right-align:
Hi Tom Kerlin
It would be easier if you share the whole text code instead of a image. As i was unable to test on this code i have tried something on my on.
I would suggest you to replace Div with Table. as it works the same way as a <td> tag when it comes to email design.
I tried the below code and it it working fine on both gmail and outlook.
<table width="800">
<table align="right" width="200px; ">
<tr><td style="text-align:right">column1</td><td>column2</td></tr>
Hope this helps or provide me the code i will correct it.
Ravi Ansal
Try applying align="right" to the cell the table is within. I often have best results with outlook when applying styles to cells only, versus tables or rows.
<table width="800">
<tr><td align="right" >
<table width="200px; ">
<tr><td style="text-align:right">column1</td><td>column2</td></tr>
I have also experienced issues with my email template in Microsoft Outlook 2003 and 2007. It even displays as rendering correctly in litmus and emailon acid; however, as soon as I do a test send to my outlook 2007 instance, it still does not display correctly. Has anyone found the beat working conditional statement and css for this?
Have you tried text-align: right instead of just align?
Here's a good resource for debugging:
Ultimate Field Guide to Common Bugs in HTML Email | In The Box: MailerMailer Email Marketing Blog