Hey Rob,Are you trying to do this for all emails? If so, just set up something like this:Add a filter "Was Delivered Email...is any." Make sure to use ALL filters. Like Greg said, ...
Yes definitely good to check on that. We do it two different ways depending on the situation and they both work. You can either clone the email and name them Email A/Email B, or s...
If you want to! We usually do one to end on M-F 9-5, since it's already been pretty well tested that emails landing during business hours perform better than those landing on eveni...
There's likely a simpler option than this, but we do this all the time with one campaign but it does require an additional smart list.Then in the smart list, just reference anyone ...
Do you have any cost attribution set up? If so, it's very easy to compute in RCA, overall, by channel, etc. If you don't, you could plug in a few basic costs like Greg mentioned ab...
Isabel,I'd take a look at the product docs for each of these. They at least start to answer these questions. From a very basic overview, we haveProgram Analyzer: Answers questions ...
Hello loyal Marketo support group users.I'm struggling to create accurate inflow reporting according to my company's definitions. I'm hoping this is a simple fix that I'm missing. ...
Hi Erin,Why do you want to avoid using a field for this form? Marketo forms require fields linked to them so that they have somewhere to collect this data. You could either create ...
You should be able to create as many as you would like. The URL builder doesn't store the info, it's just a tracking rule, so you can always try plugging some values in and opening...