Are you typing in the URL of the page or the name of the asset? If you're using the URL, try removing the http:// part. If not, the asset name should work.
Hey Andrew,Have you made any advancement on this? We recently completed a campaign strategy we've come to call 4D because we incorporate emails (obvs), paid ads (social media, AdWo...
First step, if you haven't already: in your lifecycle model, click into each relevant lifecycle status and click the "Start Tracking by Account" button at the bottom. This will pro...
Hi Franklin,Not sure if this is related, but it wouldn't surprise me. I submitted a support ticket this morning because some of my segments aren't working. For example, let's say I...
Hi Miki, can you provide some more detail on what you are trying to accomplish? Are you attempting to score leads based on behavior using insights from customer behavioral data, an...
If you have their email addresses (which hopefully you do if you're going to import them!) you can create a smart list with "email address is" and plug in all the emails from your ...
Yikes, yep you definitely don't want a 1:1 program-to-video bijection. Do you have to track the successes via program successes for individual videos in order to obtain ROI reporti...