Within Marketo or not, we would love to hear all about your creative campaigns...share below!
SystemID Warehouse took not so exciting barcoding hardware and created a great video couple years ago.
In an effort to either learn more information about our leads or validate their data, we sent out a link with our holiday card directing them to a landing page with a Marketo form. The draw was that if they filled it out, we'd donate a small sum to the Wounded Warrior Project on their behalf.
I wouldn't have thought something so transparent would've been as successful as it was!
We have a Global Holiday card and even if the whole team of Power Users help, the campaign is send in A LOT of languages and we even divide it on Sales Segment, its a mayor task
I've learned that click through rates on holiday cards are never great, so unless you have something absolutely amazing to share and have a goal other than truly wishing your customers/prospects a happy holidays, don't spend too much time on this activity. Hopefully I'm not just being a grinch!!!
Christmas just wouldn't be the same without the Grinch
I'm curious what KPIs people are measuring on their holiday campaigns to gauge success. Ecommerce sales, etc... for b2c are obvious. But a lot of our holiday content is primarily looking at engagement metrics.
We send holiday gifts to our customers, but the purpose is purely showing our gratitude. Because of the timing of our sales cycle, we don't run any holiday-specific campaigns to prospects. We have blogged about HR Halloween costumes and HR holiday beverages, though!
We plan on sending a simple 'Thank you' card in print and digital to our members. We're partnering with a local children's organization for the artwork.
We do a holiday iPad Mini giveaway, it's a feel good type offer and it helps us change it up from our traditional campaigns during the holiday season.