Re: Smartlist for email send to entire database

Level 4

Smartlist for email send to entire database

Is there a quick and easy smart list to send an email to your entire database? I'm used to sending to certain smartlists or lead attributes, but for the first time I want to send to everyone. Is there a quick and simple solution? Thanks!

Level 5

Re: Smartlist for email send to entire database

If you have segmentations built to split up your database between people who are marketable vs not (i.e. not unsubscribed, invalid, suspended, black listed, etc.) then send to that entire marketable segment.

Level 4

Re: Smartlist for email send to entire database

I unfortunately don't have segments set up. Any thoughts? Could I do: Email address contains @? One smartlist step and done?

Marketo Employee

Re: Smartlist for email send to entire database

Email Address is not empty would be sufficient.

Level 5

Re: Smartlist for email send to entire database

I would make sure to filter out the people I mentioned above. You could do something like email invalid=false and unsubscribed=false and marketing suspended=false and email invalid=false and black listed=false. See what that looks like and add anything else you find necessary.

A Marketable segmentation is pretty easy to set up and I'd recommend doing that for all future sends. It's an easy filter to add to all send lists. You could create separate segments for invalid/bounced, unsubscribed/suspended, etc or just have 2: marketable vs unmarketable

Level 4

Re: Smartlist for email send to entire database

Good call, thanks!

Level 6

Re: Smartlist for email send to entire database

Steph Anderson, here is our Marketable Persons global smart list that we have setup to ensure the best delivery and excluding those that shouldn't be sent the email. One thing that you will have to make sure to check is your total qualified people to run through a Smart Campaign (you can check this limit in your Admin Section --> Smart Campaign).


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Smartlist for email send to entire database

Just a note on your last filter: [contains] "." has both false positives and false negatives. It will treat "bryan.epstein@" as emailable (though it isn't) and will treat "bepstein@ua" as not emailable (though it is).

Level 6

Re: Smartlist for email send to entire database

That definitely makes sense, and I hadn't thought about that. Would you recommend to remove that 6th filter or do you have an idea that could work without creating false positives and negatives?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Smartlist for email send to entire database

I would remove the 6th filter.

There isn't any way to do faultless email syntax validation using the standard Email Address field and native string operators. You'd have to pass the address to/through a more intelligent layer, i.e. webhook.