Sending e-mails in batches

Level 2

Sending e-mails in batches

If we have a list of 50k people in our database and want to avoid to send an email to all 50.000 contacts at once (and avoid to be considered as a spam) is there a way in Marketo that the email get's send out in 'batches'? e.g. first batch to people where last name starts with A-C, 2nd batch D-F, etc.

Because we have also hundreds contacts in our database using ´the same domain (e.g. we hope by sending this batch emails we avoid to get into the spam filter of these big companies.

thanks. Wolfgang

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Sending e-mails in batches


There is no out-of-the-box way to email throttle in Marketo, but you can vote for these ideas here:

There are many ways to work around this though. What I do is use a choice condition of random sample in the email send step and then remove from the flow if they were sent the email. One hour later, I then use another send email flow step which captures all those who were not sent the email already.


1. Send Email: Email 8/7

     If random sample is 50 percent

     Default: do nothing

2. Remove from flow

     If was sent email: Email 8/7

     Default: do nothing

3. Send Email: Email 8/7

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Sending e-mails in batches

good one devraj!

i like that technique, will use it as well.

Level 3

Re: Sending e-mails in batches


Shall we follow steps as above ?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Sending e-mails in batches

That'll exit everybody from the Campaign, not what you want.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Sending e-mails in batches

Not applicable

Re: Sending e-mails in batches

You can also limit the number of emails that you can send at once.

Enable Person Restrictions for Smart Campaigns - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

Setting up these limits prevents from sending emails to the entire database.