Here is how the tokens look like in the address section and body section.
I also tried sending the production email from the lead database but no luck. But the result shows "Delivered".
And it's not the issue with a particular email, but with all. Samples from the cloned or a newly created email with a starter template isn't working either.
I'm trying to send the sample email to myself to check the flow, my lead information is up to date in the database. Didn't work when tried sending to a colleague either
Alright so they do look like velocity script {{.my}} tokens. In my experience with similar issues, I've had two outcomes I've dealt with:
Other possibilities are that the issue could be with your internal mail server blocking the emails or marking them as SPAM, which I'd recommend Sandford's recommendation of having your IT team check the SMTP logs. The last reason I can think of is some kind of backend Marketo issue, which you'd have to submit a ticket for.
If you could share the code of the token we could rule out #2, but I understand if that's not something you'd like to do.
Good luck...
There's no communication limit at play here.
Bottom line, go back to your IT team and ask them to check their SMTP logs.
Any chance your recipient(s) have hit the system communication limit?
This doesn't sound like the same issue, but we did have an error a while back with a few specific emails that we couldn't receive samples of. In that case, the email had corrupted somehow and the solution was to clone the email and try sending a sample again. In this case, the replacement email came through absolutely fine.
Hi Viki,
I've had this problem many times before! I've also spoken to support about it before and they couldn't come up with a concrete reason as to why. If it's not an IT server issue or token issue, something in the email is likely corrupted. Usually when this has happened to me, I've had to go through and create the email again from scratch. Not a great solution, but that's what's helped me in the past!
Hi Guys,
It turns out to be that Microsoft was blocking all Marketo emails entering our mail servers as it was thought to be spoof mails. This happened when they updated the blacklist on March 29th.
Our IT team opened a case with MS and white-listed the all the Marketo domains.
Thanks for your support