Re: RTP - Anonymous Data

Not applicable

RTP - Anonymous Data

Now that users are prevented from using/accessing anonymous data through standard marketing automation, is it possible with RTP so get access to data? If you have RTP is there anyway to get access through API via script or give apps in insight store access to it. Anonymous data is so valuable, it makes no sense how you can shut users off from it and only allow use of it within their system. Anyone know a way to get access to it?

Level 9

Re: RTP - Anonymous Data

I'm not sure what anonymous data you're looking for exactly, but you can try: RTP Get Visitor Data API » Marketo Developers 

Look on the left hand nav to view the full list of all the available APIs. 

Not applicable

Re: RTP - Anonymous Data


Thank for your message.  Here's anon activity that would be important to know and use

visitor distinct id
visitor time
visitor link click
visitor entrance page url
visitor referrer
visitor initial referring domain

visitor first site contact date & time

visitor ip info

visitor first wp page
visitor screenheight
visitor utm source
visitor utm medium
visitor utm campaign
visitor city
visitor current url
visitor browser version
visitor search engine
visitor region
visitor device
visitor country
visitor Page Name
visitor os
visitor utm term
visitor initial referrer
visitor Page URL
visitor referring domain
visitor screen width
visitor browser
Not applicable

Re: RTP - Anonymous Data

You have access to all anonymous data via RTP.  It is even qualified by location, company, industry etc...  You can also visualize this data in Google analytics or Site Catalyst

Not applicable

Re: RTP - Anonymous Data

Jamie, how about visualizing in Looker or Tableau?

Level 3

Re: RTP - Anonymous Data

I am also trying to get the anonymous activity data via API. Looks like someone mentioned in this thread that it can be accessed via RTP. I am not sure what RTP stands for or how to get this data? Can someone post the steps and/or url to get this data (ideally via API) , not just within Marketo's platform?

Swapna Gupta
Level 6 - Community Advisor

Re: RTP - Anonymous Data

Hi Swapna_G,

RTP is Real Time Personalization, this is now renamed in Marketo as Web Personalization.

Here are some useful links for more details


Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: RTP - Anonymous Data

@Swapna_G, RTP stands for Real Time Personalization; it's now called Web Personalization. 


You can get that data both via RTP JS and Marketo's Web Personalization >> Analytics section.


For getting data via the JS API, you'd need to use the Get Visitor Data. You should have the Web Personalization module included in your subscription and have the RTP tag deployed on your site for this.

function callbackFunction() {
    console.log('RTP Test');
rtp('get', 'visitor', callbackFunction);