Re: Are you experiencing the GTW Disconnect Issue?

Level 3 - Champion Alumni

Are you experiencing the GTW Disconnect Issue?

There are many of us who are experiencing the issue where the sync between GoTo Webinar and Marketo fails on a regular basis. I'd like to use this post to keep people updated on the progress of hopefully fixing this bug since we can't all be added to the internal Marketo Jira ticket. If Marketo Product could update us on progress in the comments we'd appreciate it. Please comment if you are experiencing this problem.

In the meantime do the following:

  1. Set up an alert for webinar statuses that are "Registration Error". This is the only way you will know when the sync breaks. I send an alert to myself and one of the marketing managers when the sync breaks.
  2. When you get an alert go to Admin > LaunchPoint. You will see a 400 error under the Status column for your GoToWebinar integration.
  3. Double click to refresh your connection.
  4. Go to each current webinar program you have and choose Event Actions > Refresh from Webinar Provider to update all program member statuses to match what's in GTW.

    Screen Shot 2019-01-24 at 11.49.16 AM.png
Kelly Jo Horton
Senior Client Partner

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Are you experiencing the GTW Disconnect Issue?

Yes I am having the same problem! It disconnected two days in a row. Marketo support told me to contact GTW and GTW support told me to contact Marketo. I do have the error alerts going to an email alias, but I also check Launchpoint every day just to be sure.

Amy Goldfine
Marketo Champion & Adobe Community Advisor
Level 3 - Champion Alumni

Re: Are you experiencing the GTW Disconnect Issue?

I am going to check the connection every day now too, because I only get the alerts when someone schedules a webinar and people start signing up. At that point it's too late. It seems like the token is expiring every 24 hours now or something.

Kelly Jo Horton
Senior Client Partner

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Are you experiencing the GTW Disconnect Issue?

Happened again. Such a pain!

Amy Goldfine
Marketo Champion & Adobe Community Advisor
Level 1

Re: Are you experiencing the GTW Disconnect Issue?

I ran into this problem as well, I now have a reminder set to check Launchpoint daily while I have an active webinar program.

Level 2

Re: Are you experiencing the GTW Disconnect Issue?

We run a high number of webinars every week. I came in this morning to a mountain of registration errors. I've been going through today and updating everyone's program status is each webinar, it's taken me most of the day and the API error has happened 5 times today, I've had to re-authenticate 5 times today while doing this.

Level 7

Re: Are you experiencing the GTW Disconnect Issue?

Yes, raised a support ticket with them for this one. Not sure why this is still happening.

Level 3

Re: Are you experiencing the GTW Disconnect Issue?

We had this same issue with the last webinar we ran, but not with our current one.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Are you experiencing the GTW Disconnect Issue?

I just heard back from Marketo Support: "I've raised this with our engineers and they are working with GTW to identify what is causing this issue." So that is good that they are taking this seriously.

Fellow Marketing Nation members with this issue, please post in here if you have not already, so that Marketo and GoTo are aware of the scale of the issue!

Actually, if you are using GoToWebinar (or any webinar provider!) and don't have an Alert set up for registration errors, this is a good time to do so! Also until this gets fixed, it might be a good idea to check Launchpoint daily for a disconnect to try to prevent those reg errors from happening.

Step 1: Create a basic alert email. This is what ours looks like. Screen Shot 2019-01-30 at 8.52.50 AM.png

Step 2: Create a smart campaign

Smart Campaign Trigger: Program Status Changes, Program is Any, New Status = Registration Error

Flow Steps: Send Alert to [your email or an internal alias]

Amy Goldfine
Marketo Champion & Adobe Community Advisor
Level 2

Re: Are you experiencing the GTW Disconnect Issue?

Another weekend, another mountain of registration errors and missed international webinars early on a Monday morning. Guys, please get this figured out.