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Issue Why don't some emails appear as an 'Email Filter' option in an Email/Email Link Performance Report? Filter Assets in an Email Report documentation Solution The reason why some emails do not appear as an 'Email Filter' option in an Email/Email Link Performance report is because the emails were used in an A/B test. Similar to the product behaviour illustrated below, when adding an A/B test, the selected email will not be directly selectable or appear as an Email Filter option in an Email/Email Link Performance report. "When adding an A/B test, the selected email will no longer be available for use in any other program." Add An A/B Test In order to report on the A/B test emails that do not appear in the Email Filter option, the parent program can be selected.    
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Issue Description You have an active campaign with a wait step in the flow but you noticed leads aren't coming out of that wait step, or they seem to be repeating the wait step. Issue Resolution The most common reason for this is adding a flow step above the wait step. If you add a flow step above a wait step the position of the wait step is changed. Example your flow steps were a total of 4 with the wait step being the 3rd flow step but you add a flow step above the wait step making it the 4th step in a total of 5 flow steps. This means when the leads come out of the wait step they end up going right back into the wait step. The best solution is to not add/modify flows with wait steps on active campaigns, but for more information and options, see this article: Editing Campaign Flow with Members in Wait Steps . Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Issue Description You want to add a filter to your RCE report to only include records that do not have a value for a certain field. Solution Issue Resolution You can use the field value "Not Available" in the filter module for that field to capture anyone with a blank value for that field Who This Solution Applies To Customers using RCE
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Issue When you set up an A/B test in an Email Batch Program (EBP), you have the option of manually sending the winner, or having the Marketo system send the winner automatically. If you have forgotten, or cannot tell when looking at a past approved EBP, there is a trick you can use.     Solution When looking at the Control Panel in the Email Program, there is an option to "View A/B Test" in the square panel for selecting the email assets. When you click on this "View Test," at the bottom there will be something that says either "Send Report" or "Send Notification". "Send Report" is for a Manual A/B test, and "Send Notification" is for an Automatic A/B test.
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Issue Marketo records are failing to delete. Solution For Marketo records that are synced with Salesforce, if the Delete from CRM is True in the delete process, and the deletion fails in SFDC, then the Marketo record will fail to delete because the entire requested action cannot be completed.  (action = delete in Marketo and delete in SFDC) Looking in the Marketo Lead Activity Log will give you a more specific reason as to why the record is failing to delete.    
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Issue Issue Description You receive notification that Campaign Failed in trying to update Segmentation for leads.     Solution To troubleshoot this issue review the Segmentations for the following:  Click on the Segmentation to pop up in a dialog box with the failed Segment(s) If a Segment failed to approve, review the Smart List filters for missing values or errors in the smart list logic of the Segment. When errors have been fixed, approve the Segment, review again if the notification occurs again.
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Issue Description A lead was not sent an email by a Smart Campaign   Issue Resolution * Check if the lead has reached the daily or weekly communication limit.   * Check if the lead has a duplicate lead with the same email address that was sent an email already.   * Check if the campaign is set to qualify leads only once. If the lead has ran through the campaign previously when it had different flow steps, then the lead cannot qualify for the campaign again even though the flow steps have changed.   * If all leads in the campaign were not processed, check if there is a campaign restriction. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Included in this article   Overview Editing Labels Deleting Labels Overview RTP will allow you to add labels to your Segments and Campaigns. Here are the directions on how to do so: Label Your Segment - Marketo Docs - Product Docs Label Your Campaigns - Marketo Docs - Product Docs Sometimes Labels need to be changed or removed.     Editing Labels Currently it is not possible to edit labels   Deleting Labels You can delete labels using following process: 1. Filter the the page by the label you want to remove. 2. For each segment or campaign displayed, click the select box and then click Set Label 3. In the Set Label list, uncheck the label you want to delete.  When the label is removed from all segments/campaigns, it will be removed automatically  
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Issue You encounter Validation Errors in the Smart List. Solution If you hover your cursor over the red squiggle in the Smart List, Marketo should pop-up a reason why the error is occurring. A very common reason for Validation Errors when using an "is" logic for a constraint is that the value being used does not exist in the database. In situations where you are uncertain if the exact value exists in the database, try using "contains" for the constraint logic.    
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Issue Issue Description Program imports may be taking a long time to process and then failing after ~ 30 minutes to an hour.    Solution Issue Resolution Check the program being imported for custom object references. Custom objects are not supported in program import. In order to import, you will need to remove any custom object references from the program.  Who This Solution Applies To Customers using both program import and custom objects
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Marketo has a lot of power to bring your business to its true potential – if you know how to harness it. Take advantage of our programs that teach you how to go even further with your Marketo instance. See what we recommend below.   Core Concepts II The follow up course to our popular Core Concepts I, Core Concepts II takes it up a notch. This course covers how to nurture your audience using a multi-stream engagement program, save time by using snippets in your content, scale your programs with My Tokens, and more.   Free Training Videos Our free training videos cover a wide variety of topics. Venture beyond our Fundamentals videos to find new ways to get the most out of your Marketo experience.   Learning Passport Did you know Core Concepts I & II aren’t our only instructor-led trainings? Check out some of our other classes on things like social media marketing, event and webinar programs, and even a Marketo Certified Expert prep course.
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Issue Issue Description Users are unable to reference a static list that is in a shared folder.     Solution Issue Resolution Depending on how you're attempting to reference a static list located in a shared folder, you may be unable to do so. If you are using a 'Member of List' filter you will be able to see the static list. However if you're using the 'Was Added to List' filter or the 'Is Added to List/Is Removed from List' triggers you will not be able to see the same list. The reason for this is because the 'Member of List' filter is only looking at membership of the asset whereas 'Was Added to List' and the 'Is Added to List/Is Removed from List' triggers actually need to look at the activities of records. This would cause problems if the workspace where we are referencing the static list does not have access to the same partitions as the workspace that the static list lives in. So looking at only membership and not these activities makes for a much more consistent experience.  
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Issue Issue Description Account records were merged in Salesforce and there is concern if this merge will sync to Marketo. Solution Issue Resolution If you would like this change to be reflected on the affected Contact records that are synced to Marketo, then you will need to update the Contact records so that their System Modstamp field is updated (this can be done by updating a field on the Contact record). This will then cause the updated Account information to sync to Marketo. Please remember that updates to formula fields will not cause an update to the System Modstamp.
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Issue Description Can Email Insights Quickcharts be shared across users within Email Insights? Issue Resolution At this time Email Insights saved Quickcharts are user-specific and cannot be shared or viewed by other users. You can share the quick chart with anyone by downloading the chart as a PowerPoint or Excel file. Who This Solution Applies To Email Insights Users
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Issue Opening MSI Best Bets is showing very old Last Interesting Moments. Solution MSI Best Bets is designed to show the "hottest" leads, so this means that even though these activities of the last interesting moment happened so long ago, their combination stars and flames makes them a hot lead to focus on. We recommend that you search for these records within the database and inspect the Lead Activity Log. You just might find a sync error that has been occurring for some time. If a record cannot sync, it cannot update so therefore the Stars and Flames will be stuck at a high engagement. If you resolve the sync error, the next time the sync occurs the MSI Stars and Flames will be readdressed, and more updated records will be shown.      
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Included in this Article:   Overview The Problem The Solution Rich Media Content Recommendation Engine Info     Overview The Content Recommendation Engine (CRE) is a powerful tool that will allow you to promote online content to your visitors based on their behaviors and the performance of the content itself. When the RTP tag is used on multiple domains, it will pull in all available content regardless of which domain it's on. For some marketers, this can be a problem.     The Problem With the standard Content Recommendation Engine, this is an expected behavior. You can't limit the the recommendations from one domain to stop showing up on other domains. The content being recommended will show across all domains where the RTP tag is in use.     The Solution There are two types of Content Recommendation Engine. The Rich Media Content Recommendation Engine will let you get around this problem.   The standard Content Recommendation Engine gives the bar along the bottom of the web page with the content recommendations in it. This recommendation engine is expected to have content extending across all domains where your RTP tag is in use.   The Rich Media Content Recommendation Engine will allow you to target which content you want to have in which places by categorizing the content and specifying which categories each web page should pull from.     Rich Media Content Recommendation Engine Info For directions on how to utilize the Rich Media Content Recommendation Engine, please see: Enabling the Rich Media Recommendation Engine - Marketo Docs - Product Docs
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Issue Description The smart campaign has a last modified date of x, however, it does not have any details of any change on date x in the audit trail.   Issue Resolution The smart campaign's last modified date was updated by a campaign change that is currently not recorded in Audit trail (e.g. campaign was aborted).   To confirm, reach out to support by creating a case Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue You are pulling the folder ID from the UI, but it is not working in your API calls.   Solution Retrieve the Folder ID from an API query call (GET Folder byName), and use the ID given from that call to make additional calls.    
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No. Marketo only creates new Leads in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Updates to existing contacts are synced to Microsoft Dynamics CRM but we don’t create new contacts directly from Marketo. Account updates are one way - from Microsoft Dynamics CRM to Marketo.
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