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Issue Issue Description My Tokens not appearing in an email as an option to insert.   Solution Issue Resolution It is highly likely that the email is not in the program or campaign folder containing the My Tokens. Examples:  The email could be located in Design Studio The email is within a program but the token is not defined in the program it is in, or the campaign folder it is in In all cases, the email must be within the program or campaign folder that contains the My Tokens.
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Issue: We use Google Mail with Microsoft Outlook and the Marketo Sales Insight Outlook-Add In is not working.   Solution: Open Microsoft Outlook Click on Tools > Options > Email Options > Advanced Email Options. Change the "AutoSave Items In" drop-down from "Drafts" to any other setting. For example, you can use "Sent Folder".   Note 1) This is a solution for an issue found with the Google App that helps connect Gmail and Outlook. 2) Note that although some customers have had success with the above solution, we do not currently support Goggle Mail.  Currently, we officially support Exchange servers only. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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The asset discovery is an event listener that sits on every page and waits for visitors to click links that are considered content assets. Any behavior on web pages is being recorded in the 'session' and this event listener is continuously checking the session to see if anything happened. Once he identifies an event, he checks if this is a click on content asset. By default, assets are defined as any external pages or files (PDF, PPT, PPTX, MP4, OGG, WEBM, YouTube..) but if you configure URL patterns so the engine will look for them as well.   See: Enabling Asset Discovery - Marketo Docs - Marketo User Manual Create a New Asset - Marketo Docs - Marketo User Manual   A few example of how to configure the exclude/include rules for Asset URL Patterns:   Page to include/exclude   Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Description G tags such as <g class="gr_ gr_19 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_disable_anim_appear Style multiReplace" id="19" data-gr-id="19"> </g> are added to the HTML edited in the TinyMCE Editor   Issue Resolution This code is caused by the 3rd party browser extension Grammarly when an edit to an text component is made. This is not something in Marketo's control due to how Grammarly is modifying the text.     Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Error when linking/re-authorizing Marketo Launchpoint service with Google AdWords: "Oops.. Something went wrong, please contact Marketo Support" Solution Before attempting to create the Launchpoint service for Google Adwords again, the Marketo App in the Google account must first be uninstalled to avoid receiving the error again. This can be done by going into their Gmail account settings: Once the Marketo App is removed from the Google account, please try to recreate the Launchpoint service for Google Adwords in Marketo.        
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Issue Description How do Revenue Cycle Explorer filters operate? Issue Resolution RCE Filters operate in the following ways: Select from a List (Includes, Excludes) -- This filter type within RCE will let you include or exclude preset values Match a specific string (Contains, Does not Contain) -- This filter type will let you enter a free form value such as Contains "We" to find statuses which may have Web in them. The not-contains would filter anyone who did not have "We" in the status. On either filter you can select Multiple Values. Within the Match a Specific String function click on [+] and add another value option and this will then add additional string areas to use. A example would be Status contains: Reg Regis Registered Registered - Web etc.. As you can see you can match to one of many values! Who This Solution Applies To Customers with Revenue Explorer or Email Explorer
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When a lead fills out a Marketo form, some validation messages are automatically built in. "This field is required." "Please enter a valid email address." "Please  enter a valid phone number." "Please select a value for this field" "Please wait" (appears after the lead submits the form). You may wish to customize these messages either because you are creating a form in a different language or simply because you wish to change the wording. 1. Open up your form for editing. 2. Select the language you wish to use for error messages on your form. If you don't see your language you can Customize the Text of Form Validation Messages. That's it. Leads will now see error messages in the language of your choice.
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This comes from Alex Pelletier.  Thank you, Alex! Here is a typical scenario: Marketing is sending email campaigns and some emails are bouncing back. Marketing would like to give visibility to sales on which of their leads bounced. Why should sales care about invalid email addresses? Most of the time, email addresses are bouncing because the person left the company. So knowing that suddenly one of your lead has left the company is a good opportunity to reengage with this account. Sales could call to find out who replace the person that left and and create a new lead. On the other hand, for your clients, if suddenly your internal champion leaves the company, you want to make sure you reach out to the account to help them continue to use your product. The last thing you want is to lose an account because someone left the company and you were not aware. Now you can do it easily using Marketo and! Watch this 4 minutes tutorial video to learn how to setup properly both Marketo and
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Supported Browsers Marketo Financial Management supports the following browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer 9, 10 and 11 Mozilla Firefox (most recent and previous stable version) Google Chrome (most recent and previous stable version) Apple Safari (most recent and previous stable version) on Mac OS X Though you may have success with other browsers, only the browsers listed above are fully tested and certified to work with Marketo Financial Management. If you choose not to work with one of the supported browsers your experience may not be optimal, or you may not be able to use certain functionality within the application. Browser Settings Marketo requires that JavaScript and cookies be enabled. For the Analytics tab, third party cookies must be enabled in the browser in order to embed dashboards and reports from our Analytics partner solution. Marketo also requires Adobe Flash plug-in to be enabled and recommends using the latest available plug-in.
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Issue Is it possible to add snippet to a template (email or landing page)?   Solution Snippets can't be added to directly to the templates. You would need to add them into the specific landing pages or emails created from the templates.
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No. You can only have one RTP Javascript tag per web page. Having more than one tag will not work and may cause issues.
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Issue Issue Description When a triggered webhook call is unsuccessful there is no automated retry logic.    Solution Issue Resolution To handle different cases of responses, you would need to have an additional Smart Campaign with a "Webhook is Called" trigger with constraints to handle particular responses, including unsuccessful ones. Who This Solution Applies To Webhook Users
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Issue Issue Description Why is there is an exclamation mark red icon next to a scheduled batch campaign or Trigger Campaign?     Solution Issue Resolution Any time the icon in the tree view is flashing it is indicative of an error condition in the campaign.  Check the validity of the Smart List and any nested Smart Lists.
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Issue You can't delete a lead/person due to a permission error. Solution If your User Permissions do not include "Delete Lead/Person," you will be unable to delete lead records and will encounter a Permission Error (insufficient privileges/permissions). To resolve this, an administrator will need to add the following permissions for you: "Delete Lead/Person" "Run Single Flow Action"  
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Issue Issue Description API Only user is not appearing when creating a service in [Admin > LaunchPoint]     Solution Issue Resolution It is highly likely that the reason why the API user was not appearing because it did not have "API Only" ticked. This can be checked in [Admin > Users & Roles > User > Edit User]. However, this cannot be modified once the API user is created, so in order for the API user to appear in LaunchPoint, "API Only" must be ticked when the API user is created.    Reference: Create an API Only User Role   Who This Solution Applies To Admin users
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Issue Clicking a tracked link in an email either leads to a 404 page or the fallback page. Environment Tracked links Tokens Specific Characters: "#", "$", unbalanced brackets "{" or "}" Solution Do not use the following characters "#", "$", unbalanced brackets "{" or "}" in a link that is tracked when using a token as well. For example:{{lead.ebook}}# This will not work and will either direct to a 404 page or redirect to fallback page. When hovering over the link you will see that it is not a normal tokenized link, it will contain something along the lines of: $mktEncrypt.encrypt($mkturl2)/<random characters> Root Cause When using tokens in the url of a tracked link, the email is processed and the tokens are substituted and populated with the correct information. The engine that assembles this information have some characters reserved for use such as #.
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Issue The email was sent from an engagement program or email program where Recipient Time Zone was enabled, however, emails sent to several leads were not sent based on their time zone. Solution If the time zone calculation for the affected leads falls under the conditions mentioned in, then check in [Admin > Field Management] if the Person Time Zone field is hidden. If this field is hidden, then this would be the reason as this field is where the Person's Time Zone is stored for when it is calculated and is used to determine the Recipient Time Zone for sending emails.
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Issue The SFDC sync error "Unable to process due to no XML response from Salesforce" or "No XML Document Error" appears. Root Cause This error means Marketo received an invalid XML response returned by SFDC. Most often, this is a transient error from SFDC and resolves on its own in the next sync cycles.  If the error persists or is continually blocking your sync, please reach out to Marketo Support.
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Issue Delay in SFDC Sync causes email to be sent with unpopulated tokens Wait steps in campaign designed to prevent race conditions are sometimes not long enough for the SFDC Sync to complete Wait steps cause delay in customer receiving their email after filling out for - bad user experience Environment Smart Campaign triggers off form fill and flow step syncs Person record to Salesforce  Info from SFDC sync is used to populate tokens in email Campaign uses Wait steps to hold email send until sync is finished Solution Split the Smart Campaign into two campaigns The first campaign runs the sync activities, but does not send email The second campaign triggers off of the Data Value Changes resulting from the sync and sends the email with the email tokens populated
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Issue LinkedIn leads generated through LinkedIn Lead Gen form does not populate Inferred State/City/Country values. Solution Use field mapping between Marketo and LinkedIn to make sure inferred State/City/Country fields are mapped to respective LinkedIn fields so that they are captured in Marketo. Root Cause The inferred State/City/Country is populated via the person tokens and that information is normally captured when a lead fills out a Marketo form. If instead, the form used is a LinkedIn form, then that information is not passed over to the Marketo lead fields. Environment Marketing Activities LinkedIn Lead Gen
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