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Issue Description You come across a few leads who failed to sync to SFDC and would like to have the list of leads who faced the same issue. Issue Resolution Unfortunately Marketo doesn't have a specific type of filter to leads who failed to sync to SFDC. However if they are new leads who haven’t synced to SFDC, then you can filter them by using the filters "Person was created" and "SFDC Type" with condition "is empty".     If you want to find the list of leads (previously synced to SFDC) who failed to sync among a particular group of leads, you can filter by following the below steps.   1. Create a new Boolean type field in SFDC namely "Sync Error?" and with the default value as "true". 2. Wait for the filed to sync into Marketo. 3. Create a smart campaign to select those group of records and the flow steps to change the value of the Boolean field "Sync Error?" to ”False" and then "Sync person to SFDC". 4. Once the campaign has finished running, you will be to pull a report on SFDC on the list of leads who have the value "True" for the field "Sync Error?". It means that the value was not updated to SFDC as the record failed to sync. With this list you will be able to select the records and resolve the sync issue.   You can also create a smart list of leads who were never able to sync with the following filters: Lead was synced to SFDC : Assign to : is not empty SFDC Type: is Empty   I would also suggest that you refer the below list of ideas to improve the visibility of sync errors.   Who This Solution Applies To Customers integrated with Salesforce Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue You or your customer have a global block on emails sent from servers with the domain "" You would like to keep the global block but allow email from your own Marketo instance to pass through.   Solution The return-path (or envelope_from) in the header of most Marketo emails includes the domain "" Some email servers may have a global block on this domain which prevents delivery of your Marketo emails. There are two options for bypassing this global block. Contact your account manager to see about added the Branded Envelope_From feature to your instance. This will replace the "" domain with a domain of your choice. Have the email admin add a Regex version of your return-path/envelope_from to the Allow List.  Which Regex you use will depend on which datacenter houses your instance. To determine the datacenter, look at the URL for your Marketo instance and see which letters come after the "https://app-". "SJ" is for San Jose, "AB" is Ashburn, "E" is London, "SN" is Sydney The Regex you will use is as follows: San Jose datacenter - "munchkin_id.(\d+.)*\" London datacenter - "munchkin_id.(\d+.)*\" Ashburn datacenter - "munchkin_id.(\d+.)*\" Sydney datacenter - "munchkin_id.(\d+.)*\" Netherlands datacenter - "munchkin_id.(\d+.)*\"    Replace "munchkin_id" with the Munchkin ID for your Marketo instance. This operates as the unique identifier to allow only email from your Marketo through the block. Other email from the "" domain will still be blocked.    
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When a Lead/Contact  is deleted from Salesforce it is not automatically deleted from Marketo.  If you want to delete these left over Leads/Contacts do the following: 1.  Create a campaign using the SFDC Is Deleted filter set to True for the Smart List. 2.  For the Flow step choose the Delete Lead action and set the Delete Lead from SFDC to True.  This will ensure that the Lead/Contact will be deleted from both Salesforce and Marketo.
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Issue What is the shortest wait step time duration value that can be used in wait step? Solution Wait times can be set to days, hours, minutes, or seconds. Just type in "30 seconds" or "1 minute" etc.
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In your email link performance reports, you may see a "malformed link."     This occurs when invalid or empty URLs are present in an email asset.   These links are transformed into a branded tracking link and if clicked will appear on this report.    In the email editor, check for empty links or tokens that do not populate a full link. 
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Overview A triggered campaign launches automatically when a specific action occurs. For example, you can use a triggered campaign to automatically send an email to a lead after she completes a form. Triggered campaigns have at least one trigger in their Smart List. When the lead activates a trigger and passes through the other filters in the Smart List (if you have any), the lead will immediately proceed through the campaign's Flow. In a Smart Campaign, the Smart List palette contains a separate folder with Triggers. These are the events you can use to activate your triggered campaigns. Be careful when using multiple triggers.  If you use two or more in a campaign, any single trigger can activate the campaign. Email Triggers Trigger Name Description Clicks Link in Email If someone clicks on a link in an email. This can be a specific link(s) or any link. Email Bounces If an email bounces from an address. Email Bounces Soft If an email bounces due to an auto‐reply, full mailbox, etc. Email is Delivered If an email is delivered to someone. Opens Email If someone opens an email. Unsubscribes from Email If someone opts out of email. Salesforce Specific Triggers Trigger Name Description Activity is Logged If an activity is logged in salesforce.This can include a logged call or task created. Activity is Updated If an activity that is already created is updated. Added to Opportunity If a contact is added to an opportunity. Added to SFDC Campaign If a lead/contact is added to a Salesforce campaign. Clicks Link in Sales Email If someone clicks a link in a sales email (an email sent through Sales Insight). This can be a specific link(s) or any link. Is Sent Sales Email If someone is sent a sales email (an email sent through Sales Insight). Lead is Converted If a lead is converted into a contact in Salesforce. Lead is Deleted from SFDC If a lead is deleted from Salesforce. Lead is Synced to SFDC If a lead is synced to Salesforce from Marketo. Opens Sales Email If someone opens a sales email (an email sent through Sales Insight). Opportunity is Updated If an opportunity is updated. Owner Changes If the owner of a record in Salesforce changes.This can be to a specific user or to any user. Removed from Opportunity If a contact is removed from an opportunity. Removed from SFDC Campaign If a lead/contact is removed from a Salesforce campaign. Sales Email Bounces If an email bounces from an address. Sales Email is Received If an email sent via Sales Insight was delivered. Status is Changed in SFDC Campaign If a lead/contact status changes within a Salesforce campaign. General Triggers Trigger Name Description Added to List If a lead/contact is added to a Marketo static list. Campaign is Requested If a contact/lead is sent into a Marketo campaign. Clicks Link If someone clicks on a link. This can be a specific link(s)or any link that is tracked. Data Value Changes If any data value on a record, includes all fields available for edit/update in Marketo and Salesforce is changed. Fills Out Form If someone fills out a form. Has Interesting Moment If someone has an interesting moment. Lead is Created If a Marketo lead is created. Removed from List If a lead/contact is removed from a Marketo static list. Revenue Stage is Changed If a revenue stage within a revenue cycle model is changed. Score is Changed If a lead score is changed. Send Alert If someone does something, send an email alert. Visits Web Page If someone clicks and visits a web page.This can be a specific page(s) or any web page.
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Despite the fact that you may have all sorts of anonymous web visits, in Marketo Sales Insight, you may run into the following: Click the Edit button shown below: Next select the needed region(s) or select ALL to see the anonymous activity.
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Issue: I am looking for the ID to one of my campaigns for a SOAP API project I am working on. Solution: The ID can be found in the URL of the campaign. 1.1 Log into Marketo, under Marketing Activities, find and select the campaign in question. This is a article attached image 1.2 The URL to the campaign will look something like: This is a article attached image   The Campaign ID is between "SC" and "A", in the above example it's "1150". This is a article attached image  
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Double opt-in is the gold standard of email permission. Also known as confirmed opt-in or COI, this practice is where a person fills out an opt-in form and is then sent an email and must click a confirmation message before they are added to the mailing list. Here are some great reasons to use double opt-in: Protects against typos and bots Protects against spamtraps Reduces bounce rates, improves deliverability Required in some regions Increases engagement rates   If you'd like to set up double opt-in with Marketo you can do this with the use of the Marketing Suspended function. Marketing Suspended is a status that is functionally equivalent to Unsubscribe - Marketo will not send these leads marketing emails, but will send them operational emails. You'll need an opt-in form and a pair of trigger campaigns. First, set up a trigger campaign such that, when the form is filled out, the flow has a Change Data Value to mark the lead as Marketing Suspended, and then a Send Email step to send an operational email that you will use to confirm their request to join your mailing list. Your confirmation email should be short and to the point, and make sure to set it as an operational email. We recommend that it is clearly branded, use a simple subject line such as "Confirm Your Request to Join Our Mailing List" or similar, and include a link within to a simple confirmation landing page. Set a second trigger campaign such that whenever someone clicks the confirmation link to the confirmation landing page, the flow will change data value Marketing Suspended new value is false. A follow up flow should be set up that if the recipient doesn't activate the link in the confirmation email the address is either deleted or set to Blacklist within the database after a reasonable timeframe, usually 2 weeks.  The Blacklist status will ensure that no email is set to that lead until they have completed the subscription process. This prevents future operational emails from being sent to this email address unintentionally. That's it!  Now, when someone fills out your opt-in form, they will be set to Marketing Suspended until they click the confirmation link in your operational confirmation email. You'll be well on your way to increasing the quality of leads on your mailing list by implementing this simple process.
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Here is a list of all the ways leads can get into Marketo. Marketo Forms On Marketo Landing Pages When leads fill out forms on your landing pages, they are automatically added to your Marketo lead database. Create a Basic Form Add a Form to a Landing Page Forms Deep Drive Marketo Forms On Non-Marketo Landing Pages You can "copy" the form HTML from Marketo, make slight changes and add it to your own website. Leads filling out these forms are also added to the Marketo lead database. Note, progressive profiling and form pre-fill are not available in this situation.  Put a Marketo Form on a Non-Marketo Page Marketo Forms On Non-Marketo Landing Pages Using Iframes This method allows you to use a Marketo form on your own website without losing form pre-fill and progressive profiling. Put a Marketo Form on a Non-Marketo Page Using an Iframe APIs   Using the SOAP API or JavaScript (Munchkin) API allows you to add leads directly into your database.  Marketo Enterprise SOAP API Munchkin JavaScript API Calls List Import   Import a list of leads into the Marketo lead database.  Import a List of Leads CRM The CRM Sync will pull down and keep in sync any lead originating in the CRM system. Marketo Supported CRM Integrations Manually in the Lead Database A lead can also be created in Marketo manually. Create a Lead in Marketo Manually
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Marketo has the ability to see and pull data from Salesforce Formula fields, there is however a catch which will be explained in this article.   Everytime the Marketo Sync connects to Salesforce it will scan records and look at the "SytemModStamp" (salesforce system field) for each one of them. It will compare this value with the stored value, which was pulled at the last scheduled sync. If the values match, Marketo will move on to the next record. If the values are different (new value later date than previous value), then Marketo will do a compare and contrast of all fields on that record in both systems and update the information as needed.   When a normal non-formula field is updated and changed on a Lead/Contact record in SFDC, the SytemModStamp value is updated. This is how on next sync Marketo knows to do a compare/contrast check and pull updates. Formula fields do not behave the same way. A formula field is calculated based on data in fields called upon in the formula; this means that the formula field calculation itself will not update the SytemModStamp in Salesforce.   Chances are you already have existing records in SFDC and Marketo. If you were to create a formula field today in your instance of SFDC and have it sync down into Marketo, the data calculated for the formula field in SFDC will not come into Marketo right away. The reason for this is, the formula field has created data based on already existing data, this does not result in a SytemModStamp change.   Typically formula fields will be a calculation of data from fields which are somehow related to the lead/contact record. This means that moving forward, any change in the normal field, will result in a SytemModStamp change as well as a recalculation of the formula field. In this case, Marketo will see the updated SytemModStamp due to the normal field change. Marketo will do the compare/contrast excercise and find that the formula field also needs updating.   If you create a formula field in SFDC and would like to have all the historical data for the formula field to come into Marketo, you can force an update on the records in SFDC to update the SytemModStamp. This way, on next sync, Marketo will see the formula data and pull it in. Alternatively, you can simply allow for natural SytemModStamp updates in SFDC to occur which should result in a slow trickle of historical data from SFDC into Marketo for the newly created formula field.   You can only use data from a formula field in Marketo to segment data and filter. If you try to do a change data value, Marketo will accept the change, tries to sync it to Salesforce and fails to update there. Eventually the Salesforce calculated value will come back into Marketo. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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We have enhanced the behavior of the unsubscribe functionality to make it “durable”.  We have added a master email status, which is separate from the unsubscribe flag visible on the lead detail record.   If the unsubscribe flag is set from false to true, the master email status is updated, and the change is propagated to other leads with the same email address. Update the Unsubscribe flag from True to False (e.g. Re-subscribe a lead) When a lead is imported, the unsubscribe flag WILL NOT be overwritten by the import. Here are the ways a lead can be re-subscribed: 1.   In SFDC, uncheck the Email Opt Out field.  This WILL sync to Marketo. 2.   Manually update the lead detail record by un-checking the unsubscribe flag 3.   Run a Change Data Value Flow Action on one or many leads a.  Select the attribute “unsubscribe” and set the value to False     4.   Update an existing lead via API 5.   Form Field – set a field on a form to set the unsubscribe flag to “false” and this will unsubscribe the lead a. Best practice would be to have text on the form that says that by filling out this form, they are agreeing to receive email communication Creating a New Lead When a new lead is created, we check it against the master email status table.  If the lead was previously unsubscribed, we will update the record to be unsubscribed.   Changing an email address If you change the email address of a lead to an unsubscribed email address, the lead will be unsubscribed.  This change can occur in either Marketo or SFDC. If you change an unsubscribed email address to one that is subscribed, the lead will be subscribed. Is this article helpful ? YesNo  
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Marketo campaign queues work like a mall parking lot.  We accommodate average and even above average loads.  But if it's Christmas, you may have to wait a while for a spot.   The campaign execution queue When a flow is launched, Marketo assigns it a priority then queues it for execution.  This priority is based on how the campaign was launched (batch, trigger, resume from Wait) and what's in the flow: Priority level Priority criteria High Send email (triggered) Send alert Medium Request Campaign Interesting Moment Create Task Convert / Delete Lead Add to / Remove from List Change Sales Owner / Progression Status / Revenue Stage / Field in Program Change Member of / Add to / Remove from Sync to SFDC Change Status in SFDC Campaign Low Change data value Change score Wait steps with a wait time > 5 minutes Web hooks Marketo then executes campaigns based on priorities.  High priority campaigns run first in the order they were added to the queue.  Once those are finished, the next highest priority campaigns are executed in time order and so on down until all have completed. If the queue contains only low priority campaigns and a new high priority campaign comes in, the high priority campaign will jump to the head of the line and run next. Batch campaigns and trigger campaigns are run and processed in separate queues.   "Why is my campaign running slow?" Several factors determine how fast and when your campaign will run.  In general, campaign execution time depends on: The campaign's priority The complexity of the smart list filters being used - See Best Practices for Smart Lists The number of records that qualify for the campaign The number of flow steps used in the campaign The complexity of Choices in the flow steps   Even though Marketo can execute many campaigns simultaneously, there are only so many resources available to process smart campaigns. Also, certain campaign flow steps take longer to process, than others.  The flow steps below take longer than most, and you may notice that difference when executing your campaigns: Send Email Delete Lead Sync Lead to Sales Add Lead to SFDC Campaign Call Webhook   Speeding up your campaigns Here are some tips to speed up how and when your campaigns are executed: Do essential flow steps first If this is an auto-response or notification campaign, put the Send Email or Send Alert flow step first.  Absolutely do this if you're using two slow steps in a row (Send Email followed by Sync Lead to Sales) so that the email goes out with the highest priority. Don't start with a "Wait" step If you need to delay the launch of your batch campaign, use the batch campaign scheduler.  Re-think any triggered campaigns that start with a "Wait" step because it will be prioritized lower; you probably don't need to include it anyway. If you have a wait step of longer then 5 minutes this will cause all flows below it have a low priority.
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If you tried to Verify the Setup and Configuration of Marketo Sales Insight via the Sales Insight tab in the Admin section of Marketo Lead Management, and the MSI Status wasConfiguration Problem, a configuration error in your Marketo Sales Insight setup was detected, meaning that one or more of the required fields/objects for synchronization were not properly configured in Salesforce. Click the Configuration Problem link to launch the Salesforce Configuration Problem dialog box, which displays the detected errors. Sample Error Dialog Box: The system verifies the configuration of the following eight check points in Salesforce: Lead Score Field (Lead) Lead Score Field (Contact) Relative Score Field (Lead) Relative Score Field (Contact) Relative Urgency Field (Lead) Relative Urgency Field (Contact) Priority Score Field (Lead) Priority Score Field (Contact) The error message displays the fields/objects that are causing errors during sync between Marketo and Salesforce. The goal of this article is to repair these configuration problems and ensure that the proper permissions are set to read and write to these fields/objects during sync. Refer to one of the sections below to repair these errors in Salesforce Professional Edition or in Salesforce Enterprise or Unlimited Edition. How to Repair Configuration Problems in Salesforce Professional Edition To repair configuration problems in Salesforce Professional Edition: Log in to the Salesforce as an Admin. Within Salesforce, add the fields noted in the error message to the required Lead and/or Contact layouts to repair the error. Open the Fields section at the top of the Layout page, then drag in the fields/ Once the fields are in place, click Save at the top of the layout page. Note The MSI Status on the Sales Insight tab will update to verify the config is valid after the next bi-directional sync. Marketo recommends that you check the Sales Insight tab to confirm the repair and that the MSI Status changed to Configured. How to Repair Configuration Problems in Salesforce Enterprise or Unlimited Edition To repair configuration problems in Salesforce Enterprise or Unlimited Edition: Ensure that the Salesforce user account that is used for Marketo sync has the proper permissions to read and write to the fields noted in the error message. Note The MSI Status on the Sales Insight tab will update to verify the config is valid after the next bi-directional sync. Marketo recommends that you check the Sales Insight tab to confirm the repair and that the MSI Status changed to Configured.
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The Google Apps antispam system uses a unique means of allowlisting. Customers on shared IPs should allowlist Marketo's entire sending ranges, because we sometimes need to move customers between IPs for technical reasons. The way to allowlist a range in Google Apps is to configure a manual IP block with a pass through.   G Suite enables you to specify an IP address or range of addresses within a domain, and allow messages from those addresses only. This feature is sometimes referred to as IP lock. In G Suite, you set up this feature in the Content compliance setting. IP lock is a method that readily enables an administrator to simultaneously whitelist all incoming traffic from a particular domain while equally preventing spoofing by manually defining the allowed IP ranges. The following instructions are particularly useful with domains that do not have an SPF record and/or use third party applications to legitimately spoof their address. Setting up IP lock with the Content compliance setting includes three separate procedures: Adding the domain, defining the allowed IP range, and setting the correct disposition and NDR.   See this page of Google documentation for more information: Enforce 'IP lock' in G Suite - G Suite Administrator Help Instead of using a CIDR range, this interface asks for the first and last IPs in the given range. Here are ours: - - - - - - - - - - - -   Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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With the evolving best practices and awareness around data privacy, Marketo will be upgrading how we handle form pre-fill. What change is being made? Starting April 24, 2019, Marketo will only pre-fill form fields if the URL used to navigate to the Marketo landing page contains a valid mkt_tok URL parameter value (which occurs when users click tracked links in Marketo emails). What that means is, any time a person is viewing a Marketo landing page with a form, the URL being used must contain the mkt_tok token in the query string, otherwise the form on that landing page will not be pre-filled. If the URL in the browser window does have a valid mkt_tok tracking token, then the form within the page will pre-fill as expected with data corresponding to the person record associated with that mkt_tok. Also note that if you are embedding Marketo Landing Pages within other web pages using an <iframe>, the mkt_tok would need to be passed from the parent page to the <iframe> URL if you intend for form prefill to work within the <iframe> ​How did it work before? Previously, Marketo landing pages would rely on Munchkin tracking cookies to identify known person records, and forms would pre-fill based on that cookie. Form pre-fill did not require being linked to a Marketo landing page from a tracked email link. Why is this changing? This upgrade is being made to provide a more consistent and more secure experience with Marketo’s forms. We have identified that, in the past, people have experienced scenarios where data pre-filled into a form didn’t always correspond with the actual person viewing the page. For example, people using a shared computer or those who may have been cookied incorrectly by clicking through a forwarded email, could end up viewing incorrect data associated with a different person. To provide a more consistent customer experience, and as a security enhancement, Marketo is upgrading the conditions under which the form pre-fill will display known customer information. In short, pre-fill will only work when users clickthrough links in Marketo emails, demonstrating that they have ownership of the email address associated with the known person record. Below is a list of different scenarios and how form pre-fill will work moving forward. Please note, these changes to form pre-fill will not affect any other functionality of Marketo Forms, including the progressive profiling feature. Scenario Will the form pre-fill? Notes Clicking a tracked link in a Marketo email to a Marketo landing page with a form which has pre-fill enabled Yes The email link must have mkt_tok enabled. Links that are not tracked or that have mkt_tok disabled will not work. Navigating directly to a Marketo landing page with a form which has pre-fill enabled No A direct link to the landing page will not have the mkt_tok present in the HTTP request. Refreshing a Marketo landing page with a form which has pre-fill enabled No The mkt_tok is stripped from the URL after Marketo Landing Pages load so refreshing the page will not include the mkt_tok in the URL. As a result, pre-fill will not work. Clicking a link in a sample email to a Marketo landing page with a form which has pre-fill enabled No The sample email will not have a valid mkt_tok attached to the link and so will not pre-fill the form. If you wish to test form pre-fill you will need to use a real email from a Marketo campaign. Navigating to a non-Marketo page that includes an embedded Marketo form which has pre-fill enabled No This behavior does not change with the upgrade. Pre-fill has never been supported for Marketo forms that are embedded on non-Marketo pages. Navigating to a non-Marketo page that includes an <iframe> pointing to a Marketo Landing Page that includes a form with pre-fill enabled With custom implementation The form within the Marketo Landing Page that is being loaded in the <iframe> will pre-fill if the mkt_tok value from the original HTTP request is passed along to the <iframe> URL Visiting a Marketo page with a mkt_tok that is not associated with the same person record as an existing Marketo Munchkin cookie currently stored on the browser No This will prevent the wrong person’s information from being displayed in cases where a computer is shared, or an email with a mkt_tok tracked link is forwarded to another person that may already be cookied as a known person in your database. Copying a Marketo tracked link from an email and sharing/pasting it externally (email, blog, chat, social media post, etc.) that enables another individual to click the tracked link Yes The tracked link in a Marketo email will redirect to a URL with the mkt_tok included, so anyone clicking this link will reach a page and see pre-fill data associated with the known person record from the “to” line of the email.
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Included in this article   Overview Data you’ll get from Email Bounces Bounce Categories Hard Bounces Soft Bounces Bounce Details Building the Directory 1. Create 6 custom fields 2. Create a Program to house everything 3. Create a Static List 4. Create two Smart Campaigns Smart Campaign One - Logging Email Bounces with Bounce Details Smart Campaign Two - Remove Leads From the List After Successful Deliveries 5. Create Custom List View Showing Bounce Details   Overview Bounce activities carry details for why the email was bounced, but it’s housed within the activity log entry, not in a field on the lead record, so it’s difficult to export that data. This article will show you how to extract that information to create a directory of leads bouncing emails and how to make the list automatically update. This will also create counters for bounces and successful re-deliveries after bounces happen.   Data you’ll get from Email Bounces Bounce Categories Email bounces come in different types depending on why the email was bounced; Hard Bounces or Soft Bounces.   Hard Bounces Hard Bounces come in two types, Category 1 and Category 2. Category 1 bounces are emails that have been marked as spam by the recipient mail server. Many email servers monitor blacklists or spam traps, so after de-listing with them, leads that have had a Category 1 bounce previously may be able to receive emails again. Category 2 bounces occur due to an email address that is invalid or doesn’t exist.   Soft Bounces Soft Bounces come in three different types, Categories 3, 4 or 9. Category 3 bounces are usually temporary, caused by full mailboxes, timeouts, or throttling. Any email with this designation has been retried for up to 24 hours (36 for AOL). Category 4 bounces are caused by technical problems, Transient Failures, Admin Failures, DNS Failures. Any email with this designation has been retried for up to 24 hours (36 for AOL). Category 9 bounces are unknown, undetermined or gibberish details. Any email with this designation has been retried for up to 24 hours (36 for AOL).   Bounce Details When an email is bounced, the recipient mail server includes details of why it was bounced. These are created by the admin of the recipient mail server and vary greatly, but most will give some explanation that can give valuable information. Email Bounce Codes   Building the Directory   1. Create 6 custom fields You’ll need 6 custom fields, two DateTime fields, two Score fields, and two String fields Name the DateTime fields “Bounce Date” and “Email Delivered After Bounce”. Name the Score fields “Email Bounces” and “Deliveries After Bounces” Name the String fields “Email Bounce Details” and “Email Bounce Category” Directions for creating Custom Fields can be found here: Create a Custom Field in Marketo   2. Create a Program to house everything Use a default program type and name it "Directory of Leads Bouncing Emails". Info on creating programs can be found here: Create a Program   3. Create a Static List This static list will be your actual directory that contains all of the leads that are currently bouncing emails. Name it "Active Bounce List". Info on creating a static list can be found here: Create a Static List   4. Create two Smart Campaigns These two Smart Campaigns are what will be used to add and remove leads from your active bounce list. Info on creating Smart Campaigns can be found here: Create a New Smart Campaign     Smart Campaign One - Logging Email Bounces with Bounce Details Your first Smart Campaign will be used to listen for any email bounces that occur. The campaign will populate the “Bounce Date”, “Email Bounce Category” and “Email Bounce Details” fields. It will then add one point to the “Email Bounces” score field which can be used to count how many bounces have occurred per lead. Lastly, the campaign will add the lead to the static list which will be an active directory of leads who are bouncing emails.   Campaign Smart List Use the two triggers of “Email Bounces” and “Email Bounces Soft” in the Smart List. Set both triggers to “is any” so that they will fire whenever any email bounces for any reason.   Campaign Flow The Flow of the campaign will have 5 flow steps. The flow will use a System Token and some Trigger Tokens, which can be used to pull details out of the action that activated the trigger. In this case, the Trigger Tokens will be pulling out the details on why the emails were bounced. That info is in the bounce message and is logged in the lead's activity log. Normally you'd have to comb through the activity log one at a time to find these details for each individual lead. This method, however, will pull the details out automatically for all leads.   Flow Step 1: Change Data Value Attribute: “Bounce Date” New Value: {{system.dateTime}}   Flow Step 2: Change Data Value. Attribute: “Email Bounce Category” New Value: {{trigger.category}}   Flow Step 3: Change Data Value Attribute: “Email Bounce Details” New Value: {{trigger.details}}   Flow Step 4: Change Score Score Name: “Email Bounces” Change: +1   Flow Step 5: Add to List List Name: “Active Bounce List”   Smart Campaign Two - Remove Leads From the List After Successful Deliveries   Campaign Smart List The Smart List of the campaign will need a trigger for “Email is Delivered” set to “is any” and also a filter of “Member of List” looking just for leads that belong to your Static List. This way, the campaign will only apply to leads who have had an email bounce but have then had an email successfully delivered afterwards.     Campaign Flow The Flow of the campaign will have 3 flow steps to do the following; log when the email was delivered, add a point to the "Deliveries After Bounce" Score Field, and remove the lead from the "Active Bounce List".   Flow Step 1: Change Data Value Attribute: “Email Delivered After Bounce” New Value: {{system.dateTime}}   Flow Step 2: Change Score Score Name: “Deliveries After Bounces” Change: +1   Flow Step 3: Remove from List List Name: Operational.Active Bounce List   5. Create Custom List View Showing Bounce Details The custom fields you’ve created for email bounce information won’t show automatically in the view of your list. You can create a new view of the list to show just this information so that when it is exported it will give you only the email bounce information you need. Once the list has the necessary details, it can be exported with those columns included so that you can work with it. You can identify emerging trends and issues with your deliverability by looking for common themes among the bounce details. Directions for creating Custom Views can be found here  
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Issue You receive the "Subject is empty" error when attempting to approve an email which contains an emoji character in the subject line, and elsewhere in the email, emojis may fail to render. Solution Marketo can render any Unicode character up to 5.2 and any ASCII character, but this does not encompass emojis. The Marketo email editor will strip out any unsupported symbols. This is because we cannot guarantee the consistency of their appearance across platforms, as not all clients can render all emoji. Marketo only supports the text symbols that are generally then converted into emoji's by the recipient client or operating system. The basic symbols in a list such as should work, as they are ASCII characters and not reliant on extra encoding. These are a set of accepted text symbols that will universally work on all clients and many will convert them to emoji. Just highlight the symbol from, copy and paste it into your email. Alternately, you can work around this by q-encoding the emoji in UTF-8 format, which will render a string of code to add to your subject line. This code tells the email client to render the desired emoji. All you need to do is copy your desired emoji and run it through a Unicode to UTF-8 translation tool, such as As an example, say you want to send a Happy Birthday email to a lead. You could copy the  (birthday cake) emoji and run it through a translator to yield the code "=?utf-8?Q?=F0=9F=8E=82?=" Entering this code in your subject line without the quotation marks will render the emoji on the client's end, and render it in the design most compatible with their device/browser. With any email design, it's always important to test before a live send to confirm it appears the way that you expect it to.
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Issue You want to re-map a synced SFDC field to a different field in Marketo. Solution Yes, it is possible to re-map Salesforce - Marketo fields after initial sync. For this you need to Contact Marketo support with a request for your current field mapping and your desired field mapping. You will need to provide the Marketo Field(s) and the Salesforce API Name(s), then format your request similar to the example below.   Important Note Before initiating the re-mapping, please export the records and their field values from Marketo and import the values into their Salesforce or create a smart campaign to write the data from one field into the other. This is important so that there is no data loss after the remapping work has been performed. Marketo will not automatically push these values to SFDC, after the mapping is complete.   Example Request Current Mapping: Field Label: [Marketo Field Name 1] CRM Field Map: fieldName__c (SFDC Lead)   Field Label: [Marketo Field Name 2] CRM Field Map: fieldName__c (SFDC Contact) Desired Mapping: Field Label: [Marketo Field Name 1] CRM Field Map: fieldName__c (SFDC Lead) fieldName__c (SFDC Contact)   Field Label: [Marketo Field Name 2] CRM Field Map:   Limitations - Fields need to be of the same type (String/String, Date/Date, etc) - Fields can only have one of each object type (eg: A Marketo Field could be mapped to a SFDC_1 (Lead) field and a SFDC_1(Contact) field, but can not be mapped to both SFDC_1 (Lead) and SFDC_2 (Lead). - Fields can be mapped to a maximum of 2 SFDC fields - SFDC fields can only be mapped to one field in Marketo   Please note that there may be additional limitations in certain circumstances. The Marketo Support agent that handles your request will provide any further details should such a situation arise.  
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