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Traditional Bounce Codes When you add the Email Invalid Cause to display as a Column to any of your Deliverability Smartlists, you will see a code value, and potentially a suffix as well, to help you understand the reason for the Bounce.   Codes in the 400 range are generally Soft Bounces Codes in the 500 range are generally Hard Bounces Mail server administrators can create custom messages that accompany bounce codes Code Explanation 250 Mail accepted by receiving network 421 <domain> Service not available, closing transmission channel 450 Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable (e.g., mailbox busy) 451 Requested action aborted: error in processing 452 Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage 500 The server could not recognize the command due to a syntax error. 501 A syntax error was encountered in command arguments. 502 This command is not implemented. 503 The server has encountered a bad sequence of commands. 504 A command parameter is not implemented. 550 User’s mailbox was unavailable (such as not found) 551 The recipient is not local to the server. 552 The action was aborted due to exceeded storage allocation. 553 The command was aborted because the mailbox name is invalid. 554 The transaction failed for some unstated reason.     Enhanced Bounce Codes If a suffix appears after one of the codes above, it is an enhanced Bounce code Mail server administrators can crate custom messages that accompany bounce codes   Code Explanation 5.0.0 Address does not exist 5.1.0 Other address status 5.1.1 Bad destination mailbox address 5.1.2 Bad destination system address 5.1.3 Bad destination mailbox address syntax 5.1.4 Destination mailbox address ambiguous 5.1.5 Destination mailbox address valid 5.1.6 Mailbox has moved 5.1.7 Bad sender’s mailbox address syntax 5.1.8 Bad sender’s system address 5.2.0 Other or undefined mailbox status 5.2.1 Mailbox disabled, not accepting messages 5.2.2 Mailbox full 5.2.3 Message length exceeds administrative limit. 5.2.4 Mailing list expansion problem 5.3.0 Other or undefined mail system status 5.3.1 Mail system full 5.3.2 System not accepting network messages 5.3.3 System not capable of selected features 5.3.4 Message too big for system 5.4.0 Other or undefined network or routing status 5.4.1 No answer from host 5.4.2 Bad connection 5.4.3 Routing server failure 5.4.4 Unable to route 5.4.5 Network congestion 5.4.6 Routing loop detected 5.4.7 Delivery time expired 5.5.0 Other or undefined protocol status 5.5.1 Invalid command 5.5.2 Syntax error 5.5.3 Too many recipients 5.5.4 Invalid command arguments 5.5.5 Wrong protocol version 5.6.0 Other or undefined media error 5.6.1 Media not supported 5.6.2 Conversion required and prohibited 5.6.3 Conversion required but not supported 5.6.4 Conversion with loss performed 5.6.5 Conversion failed 5.7.0 Other or undefined security status 5.7.1 Delivery not authorized, message refused 5.7.2 Mailing list expansion prohibited 5.7.3 Security conversion required but not possible 5.7.4 Security features not supported 5.7.5 Cryptographic failure 5.7.6 Cryptographic algorithm not supported 5.7.7 Message integrity failure   Not all mail servers adhere to these standards.
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Issue Issue Description "${button-link}" appears on the Email Link Performance report in place of the URL the buttons point to.     Solution Issue Resolution To stop this "${button-link}" from appearing on the reports, edit the text version of the emails to replace the "${button-link}" with the URL the button points to. This occurs because the text version of the email didn't get edited to provide a valid button link. The "${button-link}" value is part of HTML templates and if the setting 'Copy HTML to Text version of email' is checked then those values get copied across. From there, if the text version doesn't get edited or reviewed after that copy over happens, tracked links for "http://${button-link}?mkt_tok=..." will be sent out for those leads that get the text version of the email in place of the URL the button points to. The next question after hearing this solution is often, "If this is just for the text version, who is reading the text version of emails?", and the answer is that it's probably automated link scanners or security software visiting the link and triggering the click to show on reports. 
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Issue Issue Description Unable to limit user access specific to certain programs or assets     Solution Customization of user roles for assets (such as landing pages, emails, etc.) or programs is currently unavailable. However, you can control user access by limiting their permissions to specific workspaces, provided that Workspaces are enabled for your Marketo instance. Configure Protocols for Marketo    
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Issue Description The Email Dashboard is not displaying accurate data after sending an email via the Email Program. Issue Resolution Email dashboards can take up to 72 hours to fully propagate, if the data is still not accurate or updating after 72 hours please reach out to support for further troubleshooting.
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Issue Description Using a token in the Smart List of a Campaign yields unexpected results, an error, or the campaign to not trigger.  Issue Resolution Tokens cannot be used in the Smart List section of Smart Campaigns. Tokens can be used in the Smart Campaign Flow, in the following steps: Interesting Moments Change Data Value Salesforce Campaign Steps (add, remove, change status) Create Task
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Issue Issue Description How to determine which of your Marketo Workspaces is the original default workspace.   Solution Issue Resolution Determining your Default Workspace can easily be done, by following the detailed steps below:   [Login] to your Marketo Instance. Click [Admin]. Locate and Click [Workspaces & Partitions]. [Right-Click] on the Field Navigation Bar (It is Blue). From the [Drop-Down List], you'll see three options. Select [Columns]. While reviewing the Column Field options, make sure [ID] is selected. The [ID] with the value of "1" is your Default Workspace. [Note 1]: As a confirmation, the Default Workspace is unable to be deleted. [Note 2]: The ID Number of your Workspaces are provided in the order in which they were created. [Note 3]: The lowest ID number, is your oldest Workspace.  [Note 4]: The highest ID number, is your newest Workspace. Who This Solution Applies To Customers using Partitions and Workspaces
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Issue Email get delivered initially but after a while, the email bounces stating 550 error. Solution This is a behavior of a particular type of Bounce called an Out of Band bounce ( OOB). The Send, Delivered and then Bounced sequence tells us that the email was initially accepted, but then due to a variety of reasons (or categories) it was rejected. This type of bounce is not uncommon, but are relatively rare. If you look at the lead record , you'll see that there will be an "Email Delivered" activity right before this bounce message which is what makes it "Out Of Band" . There isn't really any way Marketo can control it--it's entirely up to the recipient mail server. Many times this happens when a recipient mail server takes in emails in through a main server, then dumps them over to a secondary server. The first one that takes in the email gives back the "Email Delivered" message. Then the secondary server evaluates each email based on the spam filters and against known email addresses in their system. If the secondary server gets invalid email addresses or filtered out as spam, they'll then be bounced, causing the bounced message after the delivered message. 
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Issue In the attempt to create or invite a new user with email address "", the message appears "The user id is in use. Choose another email." even though the user was already deleted from the other instance it was being used in. Solution This message can appear as at the time the user "" was being created or invited to another instance, after deleting "" from another instance, the user was not completely deleted from the other instance. At times it can take about 5-15 minutes for a user to be completely deleted from the system, so allow some time before re-creating the user.
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Want to gauge how many leads clicked through a link you have in your social media or other outlets? This can be done using URL Parameters at the end of the URLs you use. Basically, you just add a little bit of code to the end of the hyperlinked URL. When leads click through and arrive at your Landing Page, that code can be captured into a hidden Form field. Here’s how to do it.   Quick Overview of URL Parameters In the structure of a URL, there are two main parts. The first part is used for navigation, and the second part is used to pass data along. The two parts are separated by a question mark. For example, let’s look at this URL:   The first part of the URL, “” is the main part of the URL used for navigation. The whole rest of the URL from the question mark on, “?URLParameter=ThisIsAParameter” is referred to as a querystring. It isn’t needed for navigation to the page specified, but can be used to pass the extra data you want to include.   This is a article attached image   The querystring contains the URL Parameters, which are used to push data into the hidden Form fields. In the querystring “?URLParameter=ThisIsAParameter” used here, “URLParameter” corresponds to the name of the parameter you use when designating the value for the hidden Form field, and “ThisIsAParameter” will be the value that is actually entered into that field. You can add additional values into additional other fields by adding those into the format of the URL separated by an ampersand like this:   In this example, you’ve got the same initial value being pushed into the first hidden field, but now two more hidden fields will store the next two values as well. The name of the parameter for the second hidden field would be “URLParameter2” and the value put into it would be “ThisIsValue2”. The third hidden field parameter name would be “URLParameter3” and the value put into this field would be “ThisIsValue3”. This is a article attached image Applying This to Social Media Use So, how does this let you track leads coming from each of your social media sources? Well, in setting up your different promotional channels, when adding the hyperlink, you can customize the URL parameter for each channel so that the values passed will input the information specific to where they came from. The parameter values will change from one social media outlet to the next, but the structure and format will stay the same.   Let’s use the social media sources of Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook as examples. Since you’re looking to identify the source of these leads, you’d likely want to name your parameter as “Source” so that it’s easily identifiable. Using the same base URL, let’s see how you’d structure the URLs. For hyperlinks placed on Twitter: For hyperlinks placed on LinkedIn: For hyperlinks placed on Facebook:   When leads fill out the form on your landing page, the Source field will then tell you exactly where they came from! The best part, this is completely customizable and scalable. You can add more parameters and hidden fields to capture additional information like what campaign it is for.   Documentation How to make form fields hidden: How to define hidden form field value: (Look for the section on URL Parameters in particular) Using the URL builder to generate the URLs you’ll be using:    
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Issue Description Does the email address assigned to the API user need to be an email address maintained by an actual person? Issue Resolution The email address assigned to an API user does not need to be an existing email address or an actual person. It is used as an identifier for the API user. Generally, customers name the API user according to the integration the API user is being used for (e.g. This is useful for tracking where API calls are coming from when there are multiple integrations configured with Marketo via the API
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Issue Opening MSI Best Bets is showing very old Last Interesting Moments. Solution MSI Best Bets is designed to show the "hottest" leads, so this means that even though these activities of the last interesting moment happened so long ago, their combination stars and flames makes them a hot lead to focus on. We recommend that you search for these records within the database and inspect the Lead Activity Log. You just might find a sync error that has been occurring for some time. If a record cannot sync, it cannot update so therefore the Stars and Flames will be stuck at a high engagement. If you resolve the sync error, the next time the sync occurs the MSI Stars and Flames will be readdressed, and more updated records will be shown.      
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Issue You have an Email Program or Smart Campaign with an expected audience size, but when it is run, only a small number of leads are sent the email.  For example, in an Email Program with 250 people in the audience, only 15 people were sent the email.   Solution There are several things we need to check to determine why this happened. The easiest way to start is to create a separate Smart List with the exact filters as the program or campaign. Check the number of leads in this recreated Smart List. Does it have the same number of leads as the original Email Program or Smart Campaign audience? Email Program audiences do not automatically refresh and update when the Smart List is changed, so if you did not refresh the Audience before sending the email, it may be displaying an out-of-date number. This is a particular risk if your program or campaign Smart List references another Smart List. If that secondary Smart List is changed, it will affect your program or campaign audience without you being aware of it. This is one reason why we recommend avoiding nested Smart Lists. Use your testing Smart List to determine how many leads you have that may have been excluded from the send: Leads that are unsubscribed, marketing suspended, blacklisted, or flagged as invalid Leads that with no email address (sometimes due to a mistake in a list upload) Leads that have a duplicate email address in the program or campaign audience. If there are duplicate leads in the Smart List for an email send, Marketo will send to the first one and skip the rest Look in the View Results/Campaign Results for your program/campaign to see if any leads were skipped due to Communication Limits. Add up the number of leads that may have been skipped for these various reasons and see if that accounts for the missing audience members. If it doesn't, Check the Audit Trail to see if the Smart List has been changed between now and the time the emails were sent.  If you still can't figure out why your email went out to fewer people than expected, open a support case and include the results of the above troubleshooting, and Marketo Support will investigate further.
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Overview These instructions will show you how to add a filter to Segments that will prevent a visitor from seeing the same campaign twice. When done this way, each visitor will only see the associated Campaign once and won't see it again.     1. Locate and select the User Context API filter (in the API category).     2. Select "Campaigns - Viewed" from the "Select field to add" drop down.   3. Select "is not" and insert the Campaign ID.     Where to find the Campaign ID The Campaign ID is the identifier used by RTP to specify which Campaign you are referencing. It can be found in the URL for the campaign once you've navigated to it. Look for the number in the end of the URL, just after "reactionId=".             4. Click the plus sign to add a second field to the filter. Choose "Campaigns - Viewed" as the second field, same as the first.   5. Select OR from the AND/OR field. 6. Select "is empty" for the second Campaigns Viewed filter option. S     Finally please make sure that the campaign is not marked as "Sticky", as this will make it appear every time.   You're all set! This segment will now only match visitors who have not seen the campaign yet.
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NOTE: As of late-2019, a Secured Domains 'base' offering is now automatically included in all new customer subscriptions, and existing customers upon next renewal. This secures your first landing page domain and first tracking link domain. To make any domain changes, or purchase coverage for additional domains, please contact your Marketo Engage Customer Success Manager (CSM) for more information.   Marketo’s Secured Domains for Landing Pages secures any and all landing page domains defined in your instance to be served via HTTPS. Serving your pages securely assures that you’re providing critical security and data integrity for both your pages and your visitors’ personal information.   Below you’ll find the 5-step process to secure your Marketo landing pages with Marketo’s Secure Domains for Landing Pages. Please note, there is an automated support case that gets created on your behalf when the purchase of Secured Domains for Landing Pages is completed.     Step 1. Verify your Landing Page Domain, CNAMEs and any Domain Aliases are setup Before you can secure your landing page domains and any domain aliases (subdomains), you must first set these up in Marketo. If you are a new Marketo customer working through your implementation, please work with your implementation consultant on the landing page domain(s) setup and timing to cut over to HTTPS. If you’re securing your landing page domains for a previously implemented instance, please verify that your domains and domain aliases (subdomains) are set up in your instance. Below are some links to help: Edit Landing Page Settings – to set you Landing Page Domain Customize Your Landing Page URLs with a CNAME – to understand and set up CNAMEs (subdomains) Add Additional Landing Page CNAMEs – to set up multiple CNAMEs in your instance (subdomains) Be sure your redirect rules and domain aliases are updated to use https:// instead of http://    Step 2. Edit and update the HTML code of your existing landing page templates to HTTPS Next, you'll need to review and update your Marketo landing pages to ready them to be served securely. Please complete the following two actions in order before moving on to Step 3: If you purchased Marketo before January 2016, please un-approve and immediately re-approve all landing pages last updated before January 2016. This can be done in bulk in the Landing Pages section of Design Studio by selecting a group of pages for un-approve/re-approve via the “Landing Page Actions” menu. We recommend completing this step in batches of a maximum of 10-20 pages at a time. Instructions for doing so can be found here: Approve Multiple Landing Pages at Once - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation. You can see the "Last Updated" timestamp in the Landing Pages section of Design Studio. Open the HTML code for each landing page template. Change all URLs listed in the HTML currently formatted as "http://" to instead read "https://" TIP: Ctrl+F "http" to automatically highlight all URLs that must be updated: Simply add "s" after each http reference until ALL have been updated to https Missing even one URL's http reference will cause the "Mixed Content" browser warning:  vs.  SAVE THE PAGE AS A DRAFT Do not approve the draft. You will approve the drafts after Support activates SSL in Step 4. NOTE: Once you secure your Marketo landing pages to be served over HTTPS, you should not link to HTTP (unsecured) assets or pages from your secured landing pages.   For more detailed guidance, please see our recorded instructions below         Step 3. Respond to the TSE via the existing support case The TSE will then begin the process on our end to generate certificates to cover all the domains and subdomains configured in your instance. Once notified, please allow 3 business days for Marketo to create your secure server endpoint. Marketo's Support team will contact you when this is complete. We appreciate your patience during this 3-day setup process.   Step 4. Marketo Support Will Activate Your Secured Domains for Landing Pages Once we've generated and issued the necessary SSL certificates for your domains, we'll notify you that it is done and activate SSL for your Landing Pages. NOTE: There will be a brief "cut-over" period between when HTTPS is enabled by the TSE and when you are able to complete Step 5 below. During this time, landing pages may show up to customers with a mixed-content warning; however, all links and emails will continue to work properly without disruption, and your customers are not at any risk. Be ready to complete Step 5 quickly once instructed to minimize this period. Step 5. Re-approve your landing pages and verify success Once your Support Engineer has activated the switch to HTTPS for your instance, you must immediately take the following actions: Approve all draft pages that you edited from Step 2 above. This can be done in bulk in the Landing Pages section of Design Studio by selecting a group of pages to approve via the “Landing Page Actions” menu. If you include a Marketo landing page on a secure website using an iframe, you will need update the HTML to load the secure version of the landing page, otherwise the end user will get a security warning. Verify your pages are loading and rendering as expected. Contact Marketo Support with any issues you may encounter.     Questions & More Information For more detailed information, please see the Secured Domains Technical FAQ.     Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Description You want to know the difference between a field with the type of string and text area. Issue Resolution Both a string and text field will hold information that you can freely write in. The major difference between the two fields is how many characters you can put in these fields. A string field has a limit of 255 characters, whereas a text field has a character limit of 30,000 characters.   A string field is a good choice if you wanting to store data like address, names, or simple custom data. A text area field is a good choice when you want to store information from something like a comment box on a form or if you are importing a large block of text. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Best practices for trigger campaigns. Environment This applies to all Marketo users who are utilizing trigger campaigns in their marketing activities. Solution Marketo's trigger campaigns are designed to monitor every relevant activity, even if it doesn't immediately meet certain constraints or filters. For example, if there are 10 active Clicked Email Campaigns and 100 leads engage with an email, each lead will be evaluated 10 times to check if they qualify for a trigger. In this example that would lead to 1000 evaluations total. This happens even if they don't meet the criteria due to certain filters or constraints. To make your trigger evaluation process quicker and more efficient, follow these best practices: 1. Deactivate any trigger campaigns that are no longer needed. This reduces the number of active monitors that could potentially activate trigger event evaluations.    Note: Marketo automatically deactivates smart campaigns that have been dormant (no lead triggers them) for 6 months or more on a quarterly basis. However, you can manually deactivate campaigns whenever necessary. 2. Convert Trigger campaigns to Batch campaigns if immediate responses are not required. This is particularly useful for activities or campaigns that can run overnight. Batch campaigns operate on a separate component of Marketo's processors, meaning they won't impact the speed of Trigger qualifier processes.  
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Issue Occasionally, you will find it useful to provide someone a direct link to an RCE report. If you merely 'Open' the report, it will open in the same tab, and the address bar URL will not change. There is a different way to obtain the direct URL to the RCE report.     Solution When opening an RCE report, if you 'Open in a new window', this will pop-out the report in a new window with the direct URL to the RCE report.     Once the report opens in the new window, you may Copy and Paste the URL.    
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Issue You are using a formula/look-up/reference field in Salesforce, the field is synced to Marketo, but you are not seeing updates sync from Salesforce to Marketo. Solution When a SFDC formula/look-up/reference field is updated, the SysModStamp does not update. The SysModStamp is how the sync knows which record (Marketo vs SFDC) is more up to date. You can think of the formula/look-up/reference field like a window to a different value. If the value inside the window changes, that does not queue the record up to be synced. But if the record is queued up to be synced due to another update made to the record, like changing first name, then the current value inside the window will sync down to Marketo.   To avoid this delay in updating, you may wish to replace the formula or lookup field with a string field that has the appropriate value written to it by a workflow. Updates to SFDC string fields will always update the SysModStamp and queue the sync to Marketo.    
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Setting an email to "operational" does the following No unsubscribe link automatically added Email will be sent to leads set to Unsubscribed Email will be sent to leads set to Marketing Suspended   Note - when sending an operational message, Unsubscribed and Marketing Suspended leads will still be included in the "blocked from email" count on the schedule tab of the campaign.   When is it OK to use the operational setting?   Sending marketing email to unsubscribed addresses is illegal. For this reason, you should be extremely careful to only use this setting in extremely limited circumstances. Using this setting incorrectly violates Marketo's Terms of Service, and most antispam laws. There may be legal consequences for using this setting incorrectly. Good uses of the operational setting fall into two categories: Transactional messages Relationship messages   What's a transactional message? A transactional message is part of a transaction that a lead has initiated and you are responding to. Here's some examples of transactional messages: Receipts for purchases Registration confirmations Download links in response to form fill-outs Requested assets (whitepapers, spec sheets, etc.)   What's a relationship message? A relationship message describes something that affects your business relationship with the lead. Here's some examples of relationship messages: Downtime notifications Changes to terms of service Recall notices End of service notifications   Operational messages should not contain any marketing content at all. In other words, do not use the operational setting to send a message that contains a receipt and a promotion, only a receipt.
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Marketo calls to the Salesforce API During a single sync session, Marketo makes 25 API calls to check if your Salesforce objects need updating.  Because your Salesforce sync happens in 5 minute intervals (default setting), each day Marketo makes 7200 API calls to your account to see if any updates are needed. If there are updates, more API calls are used to sync the information.  Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Opportunities, Campaigns, and Activities are synced in batches of 200 per API call. If you use a Sync Lead to SFDC or Add to Campaign flow step in trigger campaigns, each one uses at least one API call per lead; the API call happens when the lead hits that flow step (instead of waiting for the next sync). Batch campaigns can send up to 200 leads to Salesforce with 1 API call for these flow steps. Any activities you've synced from Marketo to Salesforce (like "Filled Out Form" or "Opened Email") use an extra API call per event. You can use these to estimate the number of API calls Marketo makes per day.  For example, if you have 1,000 Lead and Contact updates a day and 100 Account, Opportunity, and Campaign updates, you'll use: 7200 (check for updates) + (1000 Lead updates / 200 per API call) + (1000 Contact updates / 200 per API call) + (100 Account updates / 200 per API call) + (100 Opportunity updates / 200 per API call) + (100 Campaign updates / 200 per API call) + 7200 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 7213 API calls When you first sync your Salesforce account to Marketo, you'll use significantly more API calls until Marketo is up to date with your Salesforce instance.  After that, you can expect the API calls to be much lower unless you make large updates to your leads (in Marketo or Salesforce) API Calls and your Salesforce edition Salesforce determines your API call limit based on the edition and licenses you have. This document from Salesforce has information on how they calculate that limit. For many Salesforce users, particularly Enterprise Edition users, the number of API calls made by Marketo is usually not a problem. If you're using a more limited edition of Salesforce or don't have many Salesforce licenses, you may hit the daily limit on your API calls.  In that case, please contact Marketo Support and ask us to decrease your sync interval.  At a 30 minute sync interval, Marketo uses around 1000 API calls per day, well under the limit for nearly every Salesforce edition. To see your API limit (per 24 hour period) and your current usage (for past 24 hours) in SFDC,  navigate to: Setup -> Administration Setup -> Company Profile -> Company Information Look for the field called "API Requests, Last 24 Hours", which will display API usage for the past 24-hour period as well as your current 24-hour limit (in parenthesis). Order of Events during SFDC Sync Marketo will sync your SFDC and Marketo objects in the following order: Lead: synch schema Account: synch schema Contact: synch schema User: synch schema Task: synch schema Opportunity: synch schema Opportunity Contact Role: synch schema Campaign: synch schema Campaign Member: synch schema Campaign Member Status: synch schema Lead: pull conversions Account: pull deletes Account: pull updates User: pull updates Lead Queue: pull updates Lead Status: pull updates Account Type: pull updates Lead: pull deletes Contact: pull deletes Lead: pull updates Contact: pull updates Lead: push updates Contact: push updates Campaign: pull deletes Campaign Member: pull deletes Campaign Member Status: pull deletes Campaign: pull updates Campaign Member: pull updates Campaign Member Status: pull updates Opportunity: pull deletes Opportunity Contact Role: pull deletes Opportunity: pull updates Opportunity Contact Role: pull updates Event: pull updates Task: pull updates Email Template: push new Email Template: push updates Task: push new Task: push updates
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