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Issue Issue Description Getting 'Communication Failure' error popup repeatedly when doing normal operations within the application.   Solution Issue Resolution:   - Disable all browser extensions especially any dealing with ad blockers as they seem to be the primary cause of this issue ("Ghostery" is an example of extension known for blocking multiple Marketo operations/ tasks). - Try to repeat same operations after you have cleaned cache and cookies - (If above option does not work) Try to repeat same operations while using a incognito browser window.  
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Issue Issue Description An email has been added to multiple streams within the same nurture program, for example stream 1 and stream 2. Would a lead that received the email in stream 1 receive the same email from stream 2?     Solution Issue Resolution No, Engagement Program will still apply the rule of not sending the same email to leads more than once as long as the email ID in stream 2 is the same from stream 1.    
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Issue None of the default Interesting Moment Types (Web, Milestone, Email) fit the description you would like. Here's how to create you own interesting moment type. Solution Issue Resolution You can simply type in what you would like the type of the Interesting Moment to be instead of choosing one of the options in the drop down.    
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Issue How to identify in which campaign the "Delete Person" flow step is used. Solution You can identify it by going to "Campaign Inspector" in Marketing Activities. From there you can filter down by type of Smart Campaign and search "Delete Person" and the resulting list will be Smart Campaigns containing that flow step. If you do not see the Campaign Inspector, contact Marketo Support to have it enabled.        
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Issue You need to revert a data value change for a field on multiple leads. Solution There is no way through the UI to "undo" a data value change (unless it was a boolean field, in which case there are only two possible values.)  You can certainly use a Smart List to identify whose values have changed, but there no way to go back to the old value (unless it's stored elsewhere in another field or through another data store, along with the API). However, you can use the API to extract the data value change activity from the activity log, which would include the old and new values, extract the original values, then use the API to rewrite the old values back to the lead record.      
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Issue A lead met the trigger criteria but failed to trigger a Smart Campaign Solution When a trigger campaign Smart List contains both triggers and filters, the filters criteria must be satisfied before or at the exact moment the trigger fires.  To determine whether this is the case for a particular lead: Look at the Smart List to determine what filter criteria need to be satisfied. Open the lead's activity history and see when the activity occurred that should have triggered the campaign. Go through the lead's activity history and determine when the values were set for each of the filter criteria. If one of the values was set after the trigger fired, the lead would not have qualified in time to go through the Smart Campaign.    
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Issue A lead shows as being a member of a campaign that had a single flow step of 'Change Data Value'. However, the lead doesn't show in the Results tab of the campaign, nor is the CDV activity logged in the activity log for the lead. Solution This can happen if the field to be updated was blank/null, and the new value in the CDV flow step is derived from another field, using a token, and this other field is also blank. Because the value 'changes' from blank to blank, we don't log anything in the activity log, but the lead is a member of the campaign.
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Issue Leads that qualify for a Smart Campaign run through the flow with a Change Data Value flow step, but some leads don't have a data value changed, while other flow steps still apply. It seems that those leads have just skipped the Change Data Value step and went right on to the next flow step.             Solution If the new value for the Change Data Value is exactly the same as the current value in the lead record, Marketo will skip that flow step. There won't be an activity entry in the activity log or results tab because the action did not actually happen.  Example Say you had a field called Favorite Sport and a lead that already has the value of "Football" in that field on their record.   The flow step is Change Data Value: Attribute: Favorite Sport New Value: Football   In this example, a lead will run that through flow step, but since the value did not change Marketo will just move on to the next flow step.    
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Issue How do the links (both Marketo and Non-Marketo) populate in the dropdown of Visited Web Page trigger or filter? Solution The drop-down shows a limited number of options. These links are fetched from any of your leads' activity logs. The values in the dropdown of the "Visited Web Page" will show if there is any lead who visited a webpage and this webpage or link is stored in the activity log of the email (may be in past). If the expected webpage doesn't show up in the dropdown list, first try typing it in and letting the autocomplete offer the URL.  If you type it in and it still doesn't show as an option, then none of the leads have visited that page at least once. You can create a test lead for yourself and visit the desired webpage to get this added in the dropdown.  
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Issue A Program or Smart Campaign was deleted and you would like to have it restored. Solution Marketo Support cannot restore deleted programs or campaigns. Marketo Support can only restore deleted leads, emails, and landing pages within a certain amount of time after deletion.  Landing pages and emails that are assets of a deleted program cannot be restored. Marketo Support can provide the smart campaign configuration, including details such as filters in the smart list and flow steps. It's essential, however, that the deleted campaign is relatively recent, ideally within the last 2 weeks.
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Issue My token is not displayed correctly in view as webpage version of email. Environment If customers manually type a {{my.token}} and use uppercase M such as {{My.token}}, then the view as webpage version of email may not render that token as expected. The feature to HTML encode lead tokens (source of external data) for security reasons, applies to my tokens that incorrectly use uppercase M. HTML Encode Tokens Solution Use the token picker to pick the correct lowercase {{my.token}}.
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If the user makes changes to the my tokens, snippets, etc during the processing of the an email that is using head start, will those changes be reflected—No If someone unsubscribes during the processing of the an email that is using head start, will they receive the email—Yes Can you cancel a head start program once the processing of the an email that is using head start has begun—Yes What happens to the processing data when someone cancels a program during the processing of the an email that is using head start—It is deleted (I.e. Program membership, etc.)  
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Issue You send a sample email to test the tokens in a Calendar (.ics) file, and the tokens are not populating. Create a Calendar Event (.ics) File     Solution Tokens in an .ics file do not populate for sample emails.  Send the email to a test lead via 'Send Email' Run Action in the Database instead or via a smart campaign.
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Issue You have a custom landing page template and are able to see that landing page is not rendering perfectly on the editor but works as expected when published.   Solution As you are facing the issue on a custom template, we suggest you to follow the below steps.   Download a template form the URL- In Marketo, navigate to the Design Studio Click Landing Pages in the left-hand tree, then select Templates. In the menu bar, click Import Template. Choose the downloaded file, enter a template name, then click Import (make sure to pick a descriptive name and indicate that editing mode is Guided). Create a new Landing page with the recently downloaded template without making any changes. If the default background image works on this landing page as expected, it confirms that the issue lies with the custom coding that was added to the template. Marketo Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting custom code. The best point of contact will be your web developer who should be able to resolve the issue for you. Please be aware that the landing page editor may not load all external resources in the editor or previewer, which can cause them to look different than the published version. If the background image doesn’t render on this newly downloaded template as well, contact support and we will assist in troubleshooting your issue.    
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Issue You receive the "Subject is empty" error when attempting to approve an email which contains an emoji character in the subject line, and elsewhere in the email, emojis may fail to render. Solution Marketo can render any Unicode character up to 5.2 and any ASCII character, but this does not encompass emojis. The Marketo email editor will strip out any unsupported symbols. This is because we cannot guarantee the consistency of their appearance across platforms, as not all clients can render all emoji. Marketo only supports the text symbols that are generally then converted into emoji's by the recipient client or operating system. The basic symbols in a list such as should work, as they are ASCII characters and not reliant on extra encoding. These are a set of accepted text symbols that will universally work on all clients and many will convert them to emoji. Just highlight the symbol from, copy and paste it into your email. Alternately, you can work around this by q-encoding the emoji in UTF-8 format, which will render a string of code to add to your subject line. This code tells the email client to render the desired emoji. All you need to do is copy your desired emoji and run it through a Unicode to UTF-8 translation tool, such as As an example, say you want to send a Happy Birthday email to a lead. You could copy the  (birthday cake) emoji and run it through a translator to yield the code "=?utf-8?Q?=F0=9F=8E=82?=" Entering this code in your subject line without the quotation marks will render the emoji on the client's end, and render it in the design most compatible with their device/browser. With any email design, it's always important to test before a live send to confirm it appears the way that you expect it to.
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Issue An Event Program in Marketo connected with ReadyTalk has some members with the status of "Registration Error" and a Status Reason of "Error registering with webinar provider. exception='Ready Talk API call error: ERROR -> HTTP Code ='403". The LaunchPoint connection in the Admin area may also show this error.   Solution This error is an API call that Marketo is getting back from ReadyTalk, and will apply to the individual record that encounters the error but doesn't impact subsequent records that are attempted to be synced. Additionally the LaunchPoint page displays the status of last API call and, if it failed, it displays that information there, but the error will go away when subsequent registrations are successful. This error can be caused by any of the following: Meeting is in a closed state - this can occur when either people try to register after the event is complete, or the date and time of the meeting is changed in ReadyTalk without using the "Refresh from Webinar Provider" feature in Marketo Meeting is cancelled. First name, last name, or email address is missing on the registration form. The format of a registrants email is invalid. (This usually occurs when a registrant enters something like .con instead of .com) The meeting title length is invalid, it must be between 1 and 300 characters. First name field exceeds 125 characters. Last name field exceeds 125 characters. The answer provided in a registration field exceeds 255 characters (i.e. Title, Company, Address, etc). If people are registering after the event is complete, one possible recommendation would be to have the registration landing page redirect to another landing page after the event has either initiated or completed, which provides people the opportunity to register for subsequent events. This way people that attempt to register for the event after it has concluded will not be able to do so, but they will be provided the option to register for future events. This will prevent people from trying to register for an event that has ended and closed, preventing future 403 errors. This doc walks through how you can do this:   Who This Solution Applies To ReadyTalk integration users
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Issue An email program with "Send in recipient time zone" was scheduled to sent out an email on Jan 8th, 2019 8:00 PM PST but you see that it was sent out to leads on Jan 8th 12:01 AM PST. Solution From the activity logs of the lead, you can observe the following: 1. Send Email activity happened on Jan 8th 12:01 AM PST. This is when Marketo issued the Send request to the server, which held the request until 8:00 PM PST, per the time zone restrictions. 2. Email Delivered happened on Jan 8th 8:00 PM PST. The MTA (message transfer agent) pushed the held emails to the receiving servers. The send email event is an indication that the lead was qualified at 12:01AM but the actual delivery of the email happened at 8:00 PM. So, the send event means the leads were processed and prepared for email delivery. The delivery event is when the email is actually sent and delivered. You will see this behavior when emails are sent with time zone restrictions. For the complete details on Recipient Time-Zone and it's working , please refer to the following Adobe experience league document :-  Schedule Email Programs with Recipient Time Zone
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Issue The count for the audience of an Email blast program does not match the total members of the Email Program after it has been executed.     Environment This issue is applicable to users who have recently run an Email blast program in Marketo. Solution  The disparity in numbers occurs because the Audience Smart List is evaluated at the moment you access it. As your records evolve, this number can change after the Email Program is run. In contrast, the number of program members, who are the recipients that were emailed through the program during the scheduled run, is fixed at the point the program is executed. 
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Issue Users may notice that unsubscribed or blacklisted leads still appear within the Audience section of an Email Program.  Environment This issue is relevant to all Marketo users who are managing Email Programs and observing the Audience list.  Solution Despite being blocked or blacklisted, leads will continue to be displayed in the 'People' list of a Program or Campaign's audience, as they still fit the criteria for the Smart List of that particular asset. The Audience list includes all individuals who meet this criteria.  The blocked leads do get recognized and listed under the Blocked list of that specific program. However, this Blocked list is considered a part of the broader Audience list.  If you prefer these leads to not show up in your Audience, you can modify your Smart List filters. For example, apply the "Unsubscribed is False" filter. Root Cause This situation arises because the Audience count encompasses all leads that qualify for the Smart List, including those that are blocked or blacklisted. The system recognizes and lists these blocked leads separately, but they remain as a subset of the overall Audience.
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Issue: I am looking for the ID to one of my campaigns for a SOAP API project I am working on. Solution: The ID can be found in the URL of the campaign. 1.1 Log into Marketo, under Marketing Activities, find and select the campaign in question. This is a article attached image 1.2 The URL to the campaign will look something like: This is a article attached image   The Campaign ID is between "SC" and "A", in the above example it's "1150". This is a article attached image  
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