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Issue You created a picklist field in SFDC and want to know if that field will sync down to Marketo with the field type of picklist.     Solution Marketo has a picklist option in form fields, but not in Lead Database fields. When you sync a field from SFDC that has the type of picklist, this field will show in Marketo with a type of String. However, when you create a form, the field type for your field will show as "select," which is a picklist.  
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Issue You create a new field on the Lead and Contact objects in SFDC and two fields are created in Marketo, one mapped to Lead and the other mapped to Contact.     Solution You will see this behavior if the an SFDC field is created on two objects across more than one sync cycle, one before a sync cycle starts and the other one during or after the sync cycle completes. To ensure both the lead and contact show up mapped to the same custom field Marketo, do the following Disable the global sync in Marketo. (Admin > Salesforce) Create the field on your desired objects in SFDC.  Make sure they both have the same API name. Re-enable the global sync in Marketo, allowing the field in both objects to sync down to Marketo at the same time. If you find yourself with multiple fields in Marketo after the sync, contact Marketo Support to have the fields merged or remapped as necessary.  
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Issue Delay in SFDC Sync causes email to be sent with unpopulated tokens Wait steps in campaign designed to prevent race conditions are sometimes not long enough for the SFDC Sync to complete Wait steps cause delay in customer receiving their email after filling out for - bad user experience Environment Smart Campaign triggers off form fill and flow step syncs Person record to Salesforce  Info from SFDC sync is used to populate tokens in email Campaign uses Wait steps to hold email send until sync is finished Solution Split the Smart Campaign into two campaigns The first campaign runs the sync activities, but does not send email The second campaign triggers off of the Data Value Changes resulting from the sync and sends the email with the email tokens populated
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Issue You would like to use the 'SFDC Oppty Campaign ID' as a constraint for the Smart List filters ' Has Opportunity' and 'Opportunity was Updated', however, it does not appear as an option. Solution By system design, there are some opportunity fields such as 'SFDC Oppty Campaign ID' that are restricted and cannot be made visible in Marketo as a constraint or filter. One workaround is to create a custom field in Salesforce on the Opportunity object that holds the same value as the 'SFDC Optty Campaign ID' field. As a result, this field will appear in Field Management and become visible as a smart list constraint or filter in Marketo. If you would like to implement this, reach out to your SFDC admin.      
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Note: Once you have migrated to Admin Console, you can manage your support cases through the feature provided in the Admin Console Platform. To learn more, visit: Once you have submitted a case to Marketo support, we provide a simple way of staying connected to your case and the cases submitted from your company through the Marketo Support Portal. You can access the support portal through your Marketo instance by selecting Community in the top right corner: This is a article attached image You can also access the support portal directly at and login with your Marketo credentials (login and password). This will not work for users with SSO.   Once you are in the support portal you can Create a Case for Marketo Support or you can also review any cases that are open and being worked on by support or review your case history. Navigate to My Case management: This is a article attached image From the My Cases navigation you can access the following case views: This is a article attached image My Recent Cases* - Cases that you have opened in the past 30 days All Company Recent Cases* - Cases that any authorized support contact has opened in the past 30 days My Open Cases – Cases created by you that are being triaged by Support and pending Support’s response and are more than 30 days old My Closed Cases – Cases that were created by you and are now closed My Awaiting Fix Cases – Cases that were created by you where Marketo is developing a fix which will be implemented at a later date All Company Closed Cases – Cases that were created by you or your colleagues that are now closed All Company Open Cases - All open cases submitted for the account Company Awaiting Fix Cases – Cases that were created by you or your colleagues where Marketo is developing a fix which will be implemented at a later date Management Escalations - Escalations opened by you or your colleagues  Survey Cases - Surveys that are available for you to fill out after a case is closed *Cases that have been opened for more than 30 days will move from Recent cases to Open cases   To view specific case details, click a case number. This is a article attached image From the Case Details, you can perform the following: Close your Case - Select the "My Case is Resolved" button to close your case Add Comments - Provide additional comments to support or respond to a Support question Add Attachment - Provide any screenshots or documents that will help illustrate the issue you are reporting   If your case has been closed there are two options available to you.   Reopen - You can reopen your case if you are not satisfied with the case resolution by adding a comment in the case. Case Survey - Once your case has closed, please consider offering feedback on the level of Support you received.
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Issue Will custom settings, such as Launchpoint integrations, API configurations and SFDC sync settings, remain in place when doing an instance copy, or will they be overwritten?     Environment Non-Microsoft Dynamics integrated Instance Solution All permanent configuration settings which can be done to a Marketo instance are reset to the default values or settings in the destination instance. Everything is copied except for the below list: Lead Database and activity history are not copied CRM configuration is reset on the destination instance. Users are not copied. CRM Field Mappings are removed in the destination instance except for standard mappings, and must be set during the Field Mapping Stage of CRM sync initialization. RCA information is not copied. Program subscriptions are not copied. Campaign History is not Copied. CNAMES for Email links and LPs are not copied. All Account-string based properties are modified accordingly. Munchkin ID of the destination instance is preserved. Sales Insight Admin Configuration is Reset. Outlook licenses are not copied. All pre-existing data on the destination instance will be destroyed. Asset IDs for emails, landing pages, and programs will match Launchpoint and API integrations are not copied   If data may exist on the destination instance prior to the copy process, this may require that you work with your Success Manager to obtain a replacement instance for the copy to be completed. NOTE* This process is not applicable to customers utilizing the native Microsoft Dynamics integration.
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Marketo Support's Mission is: To provide fast and friendly world-class support through creative, flexible solutions to empower Marketo Automation Software success.   Areas of Responsibility: Technical Support Engineers (TSEs) are your initial point of contact for any technical questions or concerns. TSEs are responsible for troubleshooting issues within your Marketo instance and common include:   My Marketo Marketing Activities Design Studio Lead Database Analytics Revenue Explorer (RCA/RCE) Calendar Deliverability Tools Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Web Personalization (RTP) Admin Community   Our TSEs are not web developers and as a result they are unable to troubleshoot most types of custom coding (ie. HTML, JavaScript, XML, etc.). Our support team is able to help with the following types of non-custom code:    Simple Munchkin Code Asynchronous Munchkin Code Asynchronous jQuery Munchkin Code SOAP API REST API   Our TSEs are here to assist you and our support commitment to our customers is to always work towards providing an above and beyond support experience.   Note: Our team is not against looking at custom code and, based on the subject matter expertise, our TSEs might be able to offer suggestions and recommendations, but we do want to make it clear that they are not responsible for fixing or updating any custom code that has been implemented.   Response Time   Our TSEs are bound to responding to your cases and issues within the Service Level Agreements from your account's level of support services.  We track response milestones to ensure that your cases are being handled in a timely manner as dictated by our agreed to Service Level Targets.
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Issue You receive the below sync error notification which states "CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY: [process/workflow name]: System.LimitException: Apex CPU time limit exceeded"   Solution The error means that you have one or more triggers running when the leads are inserted that consume too much CPU time. You are hitting what are called SFDC Governor limits. This is really something you need to review with your SFDC admins and developers. Consider moving some workflows from Triggers (synchronous) to batches (asynchronous).    
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Included in this article   Overview Sync Filters for Existing SFDC Integrations Sync Filters for New SFDC Integrations Overview It is often necessary to prevent specific leads from syncing between Marketo and SFDC. There are a few different ways this can be done, such as sharing rules on the SFDC side, but the most effective way is through a Marketo Custom Sync Filter.   A Custom Sync Filter uses a custom field to mark each lead record to indicate whether that lead is allowed to sync between Marketo and SFDC. Here’s how to get it set up!     Sync Filters for Existing SFDC Integrations   If you already have an SFDC integration in place but want to stop some already-synced leads from continuing to sync, this section will show you how to make that change.   1. Create a new custom field in Salesforce. The Marketo bi-directional sync will automatically identify the new custom field and map it between Marketo and Salesforce. The best field type to use is a Checkbox field within Salesforce and the field will need to be created on the Salesforce Object that needs to be filtered (i.e. Lead, Contact, or both). Once the field has been created in Marketo by the bi-directional sync, it will be listed under Admin > Field Management.   Note: A Custom Sync Filter field can also be created on the Account object to dictate whether an account is allowed to sync. This sync filter will be applied independently from the Lead/Contact sync filter.   2. Update the records in Salesforce with the corresponding value you need to indicate whether the record should sync or not. Sync filters can be set up in two ways—a True/Checked value can indicate that a record is allowed to sync, or a True/Checked value could indicate that a record is not allowed to sync. This choice is up to you.   3. The Custom Sync Filter can now be implemented. Contact Marketo Support and request a Custom Sync Filter be activated. Be sure you include the custom field name, which configuration you need (checked=sync vs checked=don’t sync), and all records have been populated with the correct values. Once it has been applied, you’re all done!     Sync Filters for New SFDC Integrations   If you are setting up a new SFDC integration with Marketo, you can set up the sync filter as part of the integration process. This will let you designate which leads and contacts are ever allowed to sync, but this must be done in the middle of the initial SFDC sync process.   1. Create a new custom field in SFDC. The best field type to use is a Checkbox field, and you’ll need to set it up with the same name on both the Lead and Contact objects. Note: A Custom Sync Filter field can also be created on the Account before the initial sync, and it will be applied in the same way.   2. Update the records in Salesforce with the corresponding value you need to indicate whether the record should sync or not. Sync filters can be set up in two ways—a True/Checked value can indicate that a record is allowed to sync, or a True/Checked value could indicate that a record is not allowed to sync. This choice is up to you.   3. Begin your Salesforce Sync Setup but do not finish it. There are two sets of Salesforce Sync installations, one for Enterprise/Unlimited Edition and the other for Professional Edition. For both Enterprise/Unlimited and Professional Edition versions, three documents correspond to the three different steps: “Step 1 of 3”, “Step 2 of 3,” and “Step 3 of 3”. For both versions, complete all steps of “Step 1 of 3” and “Step 2 of 3”. When you get to “Step 3 of 3”, you will only do the first half of the steps and then stop. Complete the sections “Retrieve Sync User Security Token” and “Set Sync User Credentials,” and then stop there. Do not proceed to start the sync.   4. This is when the sync filter needs to be implemented. Contact Marketo Support and request a Custom Sync Filter be activated. Be sure to include the custom field name, which configuration you need (checked=sync vs checked=don’t sync), and note that all records have been populated with the correct values. Once it has been applied and the Marketo Support case is resolved, you’re done and can start your initial SDFC sync!
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Issue Your Salesforce sync cycle is taking longer than usual.  How long is too long?     Solution By default, Marketo starts each Salesforce sync cycle five minutes after the previous cycle completes.  Each sync cycle may take a couple of minutes or a couple of hours, depending on how much data needs to be written across.  If you notice your sync cycles seem to be taking longer than usual, here are some things to check. Have you done a large update recently?  This can create a backlog that can take time to work through. Have you added new fields to any of your synced Salesforce objects?  The more fields on the object, the more data needs to be written across, extending the sync cycle. If you would like to streamline your Salesforce sync, do an audit in Salesforce of fields visible to the Marketo Sync User.  If there are any fields that are not used in Marketo, remove visibility to them so Marketo does not waste time syncing them.  
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This is working as expected. The Parent Company Name field gets its value set from a different process and not via the SFDC Synch. SFDC and Marketo Engage both have a Parent Account ID field in the Account Object (Company Object in Marketo). If there is a parent account ID in that field, then the value of that field is automatically populated via a reference to the other Account Record. Since Company in Marketo is mapped to Name (SFDC Account) whenever that value is updated it will be reflected in Marketo. Example: Account ID 1 has a Parent Account ID of 2. They both have records in the same Account table. If the Name is changed of the Parent Account it is automatically reflected in any child accounts as the Parent Account Name is just a reference.
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Issue If a record which is in a Marketo Campaign Wait Step and is merged into another record, does the winner of the merge continue through the flow?    Solution Winner of the merge will continue through the Campaign flow and complete the remaining steps. To prevent this behavior, remove the record from Campaign using the 'Remove From Flow' step. Environment Records merged in Marketo  Records merged in SFDC
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Issue Does applying a permission set to the Marketo Sync User in Salesforce suffice for limiting the number of fields to sync from Salesforce to Marketo? or will the profile need to be updated directly? Solution In order to limit the visibility of fields for the Marketo Sync User in Salesforce, the profile will need to be directly edited (example: Add an Existing Salesforce Field to the Marketo Sync - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation) Root Cause Since the profile has access to a field, the Marketo Sync User will still have access to the field even though a permission set applied to the profile does not have access to the same field. Environment Salesforce Sync Marketo Sync User Permission Set SFDC
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  Welcome to Marketo Support This guide provides individual links that covers the following topics: Marketo Support Policies Service Level Agreement How to Contact Marketo Support How to Submit a Case Tips on Effective Case Submission Managing Authorized Support Contacts (Support Admins) Managing Your Cases How to Escalate    
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  Marketo Champions are customers who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in the Marketo Community, are experts in Marketo products, are avid contributors in the social world, and are loyal advocates of the Marketo brand. Benefits and perks our Champions receive include:   Access: Meetings with our product and marketing teams to give exclusive feedback Previews: Given early previews to products, features, and releases when available Publicity: Exclusive speaking opportunities at our annual Marketo Summit and other events Networking: Special networking events with Marketo executives and fellow Champions and semi-annual conference calls Ownership: Ownership of content and exclusive activities at our annual Marketo Summit that showcase your expertise and thought leadership Credibility: Special Champion badge on Marketo Community profiles, and profiled on Marketo's corporate website Sweet Swag: Champion-exclusive swag To find out more information and apply, click here. To view a complete list of current Champions, click here. Join the Marketo Elite Today!  
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Issue How to export a list of all the field mappings between Marketo and SFDC.     Solution Issue Resolution You can do export field mappings by following these steps: Go to Admin > Field Management. Click over a tab to Field Mapping. Click the export button, next to the search bar at the bottom.  
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Issue You are experiencing slow processing of campaigns, smart lists, and reports.     Solution There are three key components that can slow down an instance: Number of trigger campaigns: Trigger campaigns are always on, always listening.  If there are 50 campaigns triggering at the same time, all the 50 triggers will be in queue, slowing down your processing and routing inside Marketo. Solution: Reduce the number of Triggers. Convert some of the triggers to batches: Batches also run all the flow steps for every lead at once, instead of serially, which reduces total processing time.   Complexity of smart lists: The more complex a smart list, the harder it is for the system to figure it out, which increases backend processing and even creates campaign failures from timeouts. Solution: Reduce the number of nested smart lists called in a smart list. Whenever you ask Marketo to call another Smart List, it has to wait until all of the other smart lists finish, before putting together the final counts. Instead of Marketo looking for the list and running it, just put the filters in the trigger itself.   Volume of Leads: With regular cleaning and good systems design, it is fairly easy to keep your system running fast. Reduce the number of leads that can flow through with filters. Clean up the inactive leads at regular intervals.    
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Issue Issue Description Marketo records have opportunity role while they don't have any opportunity   Solution Issue Resolution This can happen because they are separate SFDC objects so it is possible that the opportunity is not visible to the sync user but the OpportunityContactRole is.  To resolve this, log into SFDC as the Marketo sync user and ensure that the opportunity is visible to the sync user.  
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Issue Can you sync Marketo multiple programs to a single Salesforce campaign? Solution Marketo only allows a 1:1 Relationship with Program/Campaign synchronization. If you try to sync a program to a campaign already used by another program you will recieve a error or prompt advising you cannot do it.    
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Issue Error "API is not enabled for this Organization or Partner" occurs during Marketo - Salesforce integration.     Solution This is a Salesforce generated error and indicates that API access is not available in your SFDC instance.  For more information, see this Salesforce documentation: . To resolve this, contact Salesforce to enable API access.
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