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I'm trying to find out who had a lead score change from a specific smart campaign - would I use data value changed with a reason or some other filter?   The Data Value Change trigger/filter with the Reason constraint is appropriate for finding leads that had their Lead Score changed by something such as a manual edit or Smart Campaign. This screen shot shows examples of how you might set this up.   The list below shows a few of the values you may see in the Reason field. If you know the exact phrase you are looking for, use the "is" operator. For example, "Changed by Smart Campaign Contact Us." If you don't know the exact value, try using the operator "starts with" or "contains."   Synched from Changed by Smart Campaign System flow action System action reset Form fill-out SOAP API Manual lead edit Munchkin API Import/merge into list   The Reason filter constraint is available in these filters:   Data Value Changed Lead Partition Changed Progression Status was Changed Revenue Stage was Changed Not Data Value Changed Not Lead Partition Changed Not Progression Status was Changed Not Revenue Stage was Changed
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Overview A triggered campaign launches automatically when a specific action occurs. For example, you can use a triggered campaign to automatically send an email to a lead after she completes a form. Triggered campaigns have at least one trigger in their Smart List. When the lead activates a trigger and passes through the other filters in the Smart List (if you have any), the lead will immediately proceed through the campaign's Flow. In a Smart Campaign, the Smart List palette contains a separate folder with Triggers. These are the events you can use to activate your triggered campaigns.   Be careful when using multiple triggers.  If you use two or more in a campaign, any single trigger can activate the campaign.   Email Triggers Trigger Name Description Clicks Link in Email If someone clicks on a link in an email. This can be a specific link(s) or any link. Email Bounces If an email bounces from an address. Email Bounces Soft If an email bounces due to an auto‐reply, full mailbox, etc. Email is Delivered If an email is delivered to someone. Opens Email If someone opens an email. Unsubscribes from Email If someone opts out of email.   Salesforce Specific Triggers Trigger Name Description Activity is Logged If an activity is logged in salesforce.This can include a logged call or task created. Activity is Updated If an activity that is already created is updated. Added to Opportunity If a contact is added to an opportunity. Added to SFDC Campaign If a lead/contact is added to a Salesforce campaign. Clicks Link in Sales Email If someone clicks a link in a sales email (an email sent through Sales Insight). This can be a specific link(s) or any link. Is Sent Sales Email If someone is sent a sales email (an email sent through Sales Insight). Lead is Converted If a lead is converted into a contact in Salesforce. Lead is Deleted from SFDC If a lead is deleted from Salesforce. Lead is Synced to SFDC If a lead is synced to Salesforce from Marketo. Opens Sales Email If someone opens a sales email (an email sent through Sales Insight). Opportunity is Updated If an opportunity is updated. Owner Changes If the owner of a record in Salesforce changes.This can be to a specific user or to any user. Removed from Opportunity If a contact is removed from an opportunity. Removed from SFDC Campaign If a lead/contact is removed from a Salesforce campaign. Sales Email Bounces If an email bounces from an address. Sales Email is Received If an email sent via Sales Insight was delivered. Status is Changed in SFDC Campaign If a lead/contact status changes within a Salesforce campaign.   General Triggers Trigger Name Description Added to List If a lead/contact is added to a Marketo static list. Campaign is Requested If a contact/lead is sent into a Marketo campaign. Clicks Link If someone clicks on a link. This can be a specific link(s)or any link that is tracked. Data Value Changes If any data value on a record, includes all fields available for edit/update in Marketo and Salesforce is changed. Fills Out Form If someone fills out a form. Has Interesting Moment If someone has an interesting moment. Lead is Created If a Marketo lead is created. Removed from List If a lead/contact is removed from a Marketo static list. Revenue Stage is Changed If a revenue stage within a revenue cycle model is changed. Score is Changed If a lead score is changed. Send Alert If someone does something, send an email alert. Visits Web Page If someone clicks and visits a web page.This can be a specific page(s) or any web page.    
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The Marketo users at your organization have created several special campaigns for your leads and contacts.  Typical examples include sending someone a whitepaper about a new product or mailing a series of nurturing emails for people not ready for sales. To add a lead or contact to one of these campaigns, go to that person's detail page and find the Actions menu in the Marketo Sales Insight section.  Pick Add to Marketo Campaign and click Go:     You can also select leads in your list and search views if you've added the Add to Marketo Campaign button to those views.    You can add 200 leads at once this way:     After picking the leads, you'll see a list of potential campaigns; below the selected campaign is a brief description provided by your marketing team.    Pick the campaign for this person in the Campaign Name pulldown, then click Finish:      
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Issue The email was sent from an engagement program or email program where Recipient Time Zone was enabled, however, emails sent to several leads were not sent based on their time zone. Solution If the time zone calculation for the affected leads falls under the conditions mentioned in, then check in [Admin > Field Management] if the Person Time Zone field is hidden. If this field is hidden, then this would be the reason as this field is where the Person's Time Zone is stored for when it is calculated and is used to determine the Recipient Time Zone for sending emails.
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Issue In an instance where there are multiple workspaces, when creating a new email and right-clicking on a Marketo Starter Template to send a sample email, an error is displayed: Access Denied This error occurs even though the user has all permissions to Access Design Studio and all permissions to Access Marketing Activities. This includes the 'Run Single Flow Action' permission which is required for sending sample emails: "You must have the Access Database - Run Single Flow Actions permission to send sample emails."   Solution This error can occur if the user does not have access to the Default workspace. To solve this, the user must be provided with access to the Default workspace in [Admin > Users & Roles]  
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Issue When I go to the Support area of Nation, I do not have full access to all the areas and tools.   Solution Our system is specific about how you need to access the Support Portal before we can authorize you to use it. The proper steps to take for us to authorize, and for you to submit cases, are as follows:   Log into your instance Click the Community tile (step 1 image) Click Support in the top banner (step 2 image) Click Submit a Case option (step 3 image) Choose from top options depending on what you need to do (step 4 image) Create a case, Manage authorized contacts, edit your Info   Simply going straight to the will not have the desired result. You must access the Support Portal from your instance by using these steps so that our system recognizes you properly. If this is your first time following these steps, your view of Step 3 will be different- not to worry, as that will be updated for you manually. Step 1 Step 2   Step 3 Step 4   If you experience issues, please email
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Issue Issue Description The Email Dashboard is not displaying accurate data after sending an email via the Email Program.     Solution Issue Resolution Email dashboards can take up to 72 hours to fully propagate, if the data is still not accurate or updating after 72 hours please reach out to support for further troubleshooting.    
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Issue Issue Description The Smart Campaign is returning N/A existing people when viewing the leads affected.     Solution Issue Resolution Check the names of any Smart Lists referenced in the campaign's Smart List and ensure the special character '|' is not part of the name. Remove or replace this character and review the leads affected again.
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Issue Issue Description Using a token in the Smart List of a Smart Campaign yields unexpected results, an error, or the campaign to not trigger.    Solution Issue Resolution Tokens cannot be used in the Smart List section of Smart Campaigns. Tokens can be used in the Smart Campaign Flow, in the following steps: Interesting Moments Change Data Value Salesforce Campaign Steps (add, remove, change status) Create Task
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Issue Issue Description When using a Velocity scripted my.token, the default value is not being used if the field the Velocity script is pointing to is not populated.   Solution Issue Resolution The reason for this is because Velocity script isn't designed to consider a default value the way that a lead token would. It's designed to execute the code to provide the rendered value. Although the UI specifies to look for a default, that's ignored by design since the code itself is only looking for the value for those leads. If the goal is for it to evaluate and provide a known value, otherwise then render a specified default, that needs to be built into the Velocity script code itself.  
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Issue You have a field (e.g. Most Recent Website Visit) that you want to see previous values for without needing to look through the activity log. Solution This can be done using a few custom fields, and one trigger campaign. Make duplicates of the field you want to see most recent values of (e.g. Most Recent Website Visit 1, Most Recent Website Visit 2, etc.) while still keeping the original field. Use the original field as you previously have, but set a trigger campaign to look for data value changes to that field. In the flow of that campaign, set the logic like so:   (1) Change Data Value: Most Recent Website Visit 3 new value: {{lead.Most Recent Website Visit 2}} (2) Change Data Value: Most Recent Website Visit 2 new value: {{lead.Most Recent Website Visit 1}} (3) Change Data Value: Most Recent Website Visit 1 new value: {{lead.Most Recent Website Visit}}   Using the above flow, the most recent values for the field can be checked without looking into an activity log. This can be useful in a number of ways, for example this information could be included in an email or alert. Another example, if the primary field (in the above example it is Most Recent Website Visit) is updated to a value that it should not have, then you can setup another campaign to update Most Recent Website Visit using the value in Most Recent Website visit 2 to restore the previous value.   Warning Please Note: The above process can be somewhat resource intensive (particularly if a large number of records trigger the campaign at close to the same time), this should be done with as few fields as possible to assure good instance health overall.
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Issue You have a Smart List that should exclude a group of leads from a campaign, but they still show up in the Qualified Leads list     Solution Check the filter logic for your Smart Lampaign. "Or" logic allows leads that only qualify for some but not all of the filters to be included in the membership.  For example, you could have a Smart List with the following filters. SFDC Type = Contacts Unsubscribed = False (You are trying to exclude unsubscribed leads) Visited Webpage -   If you use the following Advanced logic - "(1 or 2) and 3" - you will still have unsubscribed leads showing up in the list because they are Contacts, and the logic says they can be either Contacts or Unsubscribed = False.  They only need to satisfy one of the two filters to qualify, and an unsubscribed Contact would go through. There is a blog post that goes into more detail on this.  Smart List Logic - How many people do you want in your club?    
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Issue You want to know if it's possible to have the same folder name in both the Default workspace and another workspace.     Solution You cannot have the same folder name in different worksapces. For example, if you have a folder in your Default workspace named "Test" and then you try to create another folder called "Test" in a different workspace, this will not work. The same thing will happen if you try to clone a program to a different workspace and you use the exact same file name. When you are creating new folders or cloning programs, you must use a unique name.
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Issue How deleting or archiving programs will affect the Lead field: Acquisition Program.     Solution If you delete a Marketo Program, the field will append a "deleted" at the end of the Program Name. For example, if the Program Name was "July 2016 newsletter" for Acquisition Program, after deleting the Program, the field value would change to: "July 2016 newsletter  -  deleted (####)". The numbers represent an activity ID on the backend. Note: Archiving Programs does not affect the Acquisition Program.    
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Issue You are considering archiving or deleting old programs, and you are wondering how that will affect reporting on membership of leads.     Solution If you delete a Marketo Program, the membership data will be lost. Technically, in the Lead record Activity Log, there will not be an activity for "no longer in program," but any and all reporting will not be able to report from deleted programs.  Keep in mind that Marketo Support cannot restore deleted programs. Archiving Programs keeps program membership data. This means that Analytics reporting, including Revenue Explorer, will be able to see archived programs and the related data. However, smart lists will no longer be able to reference the archived program. For example, say the smart list was: "Member of Program, program is [name]". In this situation, the smart list wouldn't be able to locate the program.    
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Issue When creating a Smart List with a "Member of SFDC Campaign" filter, the SFDC Campaign is visible on the drop-down list, yet it throws an error when selected and the Smart List is loaded: "Error running Smart List: Check your Smart List configuration" Solution Things to check: The campaign has been re-named in SFDC or has been deleted. It could also be that somehow a "space" has been entered before the campaign name. For example, Marketo is looking for "SFDC Campaign Name" and SFDC has it as " SFDC Campaign Name" or "SFDC Campaign Name ". The campaign is present and active in SFDC, but is not visible to the sync user. The Marketo Sync User details can be located in [Admin > Integration > Salesforce > Username] This can be checked by logging in to SFDC as the Marketo sync user and verify that the campaigns are present with the correct name and activated for that sync user.    
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Issue None of your tokens are rendering inside of your .ics Calendar File token and instead are showing as the {{lead._____}} form.     Solution This is caused when a single token has an undefined value, such as a 'My Token' which doesn't exist in your Program. Send yourself a version of the Calendar file and look for a blank space where a token should be- This will be the token causing the others to not work. Make sure to define a value for this token and then your Calendar File will render without issue.    
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Issue Can a Default program in a nurture stream be changed to the Nurture Channel for reporting purposes? Solution Program Channels can only be applied to one type of Program. Nurture Channel will only be usable on a Engagement type program. You can however have multiple channels avaliable for a specific type of program! So you can have one program type with multiple channel options, but you cannot have one channel used for multiple program types.
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Issue Using boolean fields as a token in the Create Task and Change Data Value flow step results in flow step skipped with invalid token message. Solution Create Task and Change Data Value flow steps cannot use tokens created from Boolean or formula fields.      
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Issue After running an A/B test, some records appear to have received both Test and Winner.     Solution In an A/B test, the sample size of the audience is sent the variants, and then for the winner: the entire audience minus the test audience is sent the Winning email. So let's say that you received both Test and Winner. This means you have duplicate records in the database. Marketo is designed to not send duplicate leads the same email at the same time. So one of the duplicates is qualified for the Test, and then when the Winner is sent, it's the total audience minus the test audience, the Winner is sent to the duplicate record. This above situation can apply to Lead Records as well, because of duplicates with the same email address, but also duplicate records that may have a FWD set up between them (record B emails FWD to Record A email address). To reduce the chances of this happening, you may wish to run a de-duplication pass on your database.    
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