
A triggered campaign launches automatically when a specific action occurs. For example, you can use a triggered campaign to automatically send an email to a lead after she completes a form.

Triggered campaigns have at least one trigger in their Smart List. When the lead activates a trigger and passes through the other filters in the Smart List (if you have any), the lead will immediately proceed through the campaign's Flow.

In a Smart Campaign, the Smart List palette contains a separate folder with Triggers. These are the events you can use to activate your triggered campaigns.


Be careful when using multiple triggers.  If you use two or more in a campaign, any single trigger can activate the campaign.


Email Triggers

Trigger NameDescription

Clicks Link in Email

If someone clicks on a link in an email. This can be a specific link(s) or any link.

Email Bounces

If an email bounces from an address.

Email Bounces Soft

If an email bounces due to an auto‐reply, full mailbox, etc.

Email is Delivered

If an email is delivered to someone.

Opens Email

If someone opens an email.

Unsubscribes from Email

If someone opts out of email.


Salesforce Specific Triggers

Trigger NameDescription

Activity is Logged

If an activity is logged in salesforce.This can include a logged call or task created.

Activity is Updated

If an activity that is already created is updated.

Added to Opportunity

If a contact is added to an opportunity.

Added to SFDC Campaign

If a lead/contact is added to a Salesforce campaign.

Clicks Link in Sales Email

If someone clicks a link in a sales email (an email sent through Sales Insight). This can be a specific link(s) or any link.

Is Sent Sales Email

If someone is sent a sales email (an email sent through Sales Insight).

Lead is Converted

If a lead is converted into a contact in Salesforce.

Lead is Deleted from SFDC

If a lead is deleted from Salesforce.

Lead is Synced to SFDC

If a lead is synced to Salesforce from Marketo.

Opens Sales Email

If someone opens a sales email (an email sent through Sales Insight).

Opportunity is Updated

If an opportunity is updated.

Owner Changes

If the owner of a record in Salesforce changes.This can be to a specific user or to any user.

Removed from Opportunity

If a contact is removed from an opportunity.

Removed from SFDC Campaign

If a lead/contact is removed from a Salesforce campaign.

Sales Email Bounces

If an email bounces from an address.

Sales Email is Received

If an email sent via Sales Insight was delivered.

Status is Changed in SFDC Campaign

If a lead/contact status changes within a Salesforce campaign.


General Triggers

Trigger NameDescription

Added to List

If a lead/contact is added to a Marketo static list.

Campaign is Requested

If a contact/lead is sent into a Marketo campaign.

Clicks Link

If someone clicks on a link. This can be a specific link(s)or any link that is tracked.

Data Value Changes

If any data value on a record, includes all fields available for edit/update in Marketo and Salesforce is changed.

Fills Out Form

If someone fills out a form.

Has Interesting Moment

If someone has an interesting moment.

Lead is Created

If a Marketo lead is created.

Removed from List

If a lead/contact is removed from a Marketo static list.

Revenue Stage is Changed

If a revenue stage within a revenue cycle model is changed.

Score is Changed

If a lead score is changed.

Send Alert

If someone does something, send an email alert.

Visits Web Page

If someone clicks and visits a web page.This can be a specific page(s) or any web page.



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