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Issue Issue Description The user role has all the permissions to Design Studio, but whenever trying to preview an email, a limited access message is displayed: "You do not have sufficient privileges to perform this action"     Solution Issue Resolution The user role must have permission to 'Access Database'. The full access to Database is not needed, just the main access by selecting 'Access Database' and unchecking everything else underneath. The reason for this permission is that, when previewing emails, you are able to select to preview an email as a specific lead. In order for this to happen, users will need access to leads. 
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Issue Can the {{system.unsubscribeLink}} be customized to point to a different page, such as a preference center?     Solution Issue Resolution The system token unsubscribe link will always behave the same way, and it cannot be customized. The {{system.unsubscribeLink}} will always bring you to: sub.domain/UnsubscribePage.html. If your Landing Pages are not branded, this system token will still behave the same way and take the lead to your out-of-the-box Marketo Unsubscribe Page (ending in /UnsubscribePage.html). If you want the link to go to a different page, the easiest workaround is to create a redirect rule that sends visitors to UnsubscribePage.html to your custom page instead.
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Issue Email filtering can prevent the delivery of the invitation email to the Sales Insight Outlook Plug-in, preventing end users from being able to activate the plug-in.     Solution This can be remediated by white-listing the trusted IP range from the following document: The email invitation return path is determined by the Marketo user who is inviting in the instance. So if there is a restriction on the domain that the email can be sent from you can adjust this by creating a dummy user with a username with the a domain that would qualify for IT restrictions.  Then log in as the dummy user and send the invitation. It will have the dummy address in the From line.        
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Issue Can a Default program in a nurture stream be changed to the Nurture Channel for reporting purposes? Solution Program Channels can only be applied to one type of Program. Nurture Channel will only be usable on a Engagement type program. You can however have multiple channels avaliable for a specific type of program! So you can have one program type with multiple channel options, but you cannot have one channel used for multiple program types.
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Issue A recent email send resulted in a number of leads specifically blocked by Communication Limits, as seen within the Results or Lead Activity Log. What are the re-sending options? Solution The Marketo Application does not offer any automatic re-sending/rescheduling functions within the campaign. If communication limits are low, and records are blocked from being sent emails, you may need to adjust the limits or set the necessary programs or campaigns to ignore communication limits. Enable/Disable Communication Limits in an Email Program Apply Communication Limits to Smart Campaign - you would need to undo this process in this case. Even if the records were not sent the email because of Communication Limits, they would still be made members of the campaign or program.  If you were going to try to re-send these records that were blocked due to communication limits you could try this Filter combination: Member of Smart Campaign/Member of Program and Not Was Sent Email   Those 2 filters will show you the members that were not sent the email, and then you could re-send them at a later time.
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Issue New user gets message that the password link is expired when attempting to login for the first time. Solution If the invite isn't accepted within 24hrs of the first invite email being sent, it expires and there is no way to re-send it. You will need to delete the user and create a new one with the same email address. After you delete a user, it take a few minutes to clear out of the backend, so if you get a message that the user is already in use, just wait a few minutes and try again.
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Summary Your global form validation rule is setup/active in Admin, and the rule is enabled on the form, but the rule isn't working. Issue Your global form validation rule is setup/active in Admin, and the rule is enabled on the form, but the rule isn't working (emails that should be blocked can still submit) Environment Admin Solution Check the rule in Admin > Global Form Validation Rules and confirm that there is no '@' prepended to the email domains. The domains should look like the below: ',,' Instead of: ',," Root Cause '@' referenced in the domain name within the validation rule.
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Issue The URL for the landing page shows as "https" even though you do not have SSL set up on your Marketo instance, causing the browser to display a "Not Secure" warning.   Solution This can happen if the primary domain and DNS are SSL secure, but Marketo is not.  For instance, if your primary domain is "" (SSL secure) then the DNS, which is also SSL secure, will push down the "https" transfer protocol down to all the CNAMEs on that DNS.  This will force the Marketo landing page using the CNAME to use "https" in the URL, even though it is not secure. There are two ways to resolve this: Work with your IT department to see if there is a non-SSL option for your DNS Purchase SSL for your Marketo instance so that both your primary domain and your Marketo pages are SSL secure. If you would like to add SSL to your Marketo instance, please contact your Account Manager to see about adding that to your subscription.     
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Issue You have been utilizing the default tracking links to send Emails to leads in Marketo and decide to change the default tracking link to your own branding tracking. When you do so, this breaks the links in emails you have already sent. Solution The branding tracking link should be one of the first steps that the customer(s) need to do when they obtain their instances. If you decided to change the default tracking link to a branded tracking link after utilizing them in emails, you should be prepared in advance that any email sent prior to the change will generate the 404 Error. We recommend not sending any emails within a week or two of the change so that an email sent on Monday is then broken on Tuesday.  
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Issue You want to lock specific parts of an email, such as the From or Reply-To, to prevent certain users from editing them. Solution Through roles and various permissions you can prevent editing of the email as a whole. You do not have the ability to allow only partial edit of an email header such as the From/To. The same applies to Sales Insight emails. Edit permissions are granted for the email as a whole Note: You can prevent people from editing pieces of an email by making those sections non-editable on the template level, but again, this would apply to all users.        
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Summary How to see all the historical Support cases created for Marketo Issue How to see all the Marketo Support cases, attachments, and comments related to your historical support cases Environment Support Portal Solution Authorized Contacts can see the cases that they personally created/own, and the Support Admins can access the all cases on the entitlement from within the Support portal. Below is a community article with additional information and instructions: Managing your Support Cases  
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Issue When trying to reset a user's password under Marketo > Admin > Users & Roles, a popup error appears stating "Single id enabled users cannot have their passwords reset". Solution Admins cannot reset passwords for universal ID enabled users under Marketo > Admin > Users & Roles. The universal ID user should reset their own password themselves, by clicking on "Forgot Password" in the Marketo login page.
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Summary This article explains why certain Company fields show up on the Person/Lead Object when you do a describe API call to Marketo. Issue When making the Describe call on the Lead object in Marketo (/rest/v1/leads/describe.json),  several Company object fields are returned along with the Lead object fields.   Environment Marketo REST API Solution This is expected behavior. Users can utilize the Describe Leads call to retrieve a full list of the fields available for interaction via the REST API. Several areas within Marketo treat custom Company fields as though they were on the Person/Lead object. For example if you were doing a Bulk Import, you can target the Company and Person/Lead fields and you have the ability to update Company field values as if you were changing it manually on a Person record in the UI.   Root Cause This is expected behavior, due to how the Describe call retrieves all 
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Summary Aggregating/summing two score fields Issue You have two new score fields (for example: 'Implicit score' and 'explicit score') and you're wondering if there's a way to sum/aggregate these scores together for all records within Marketo. Solution To aggregate different score values together within Marketo, you should first create a third 'sum' field meant to capture the aggregate of the two scores. (Example: 'sum score') Now, we have 3 scores: Explicit Score, Implicit Score, and a Sum Score SOLUTION First, setup the scoring smart campaigns for implicit and explicit score as you normally would. Once those scoring programs are setup, add the sum score field to the flow of each respective campaign, increasing that score by the same interval that you increase the implicit or explicit score by. This should allow the scores to aggregate over time. Example 1 "Implicit Scoring campaign: Trigger: Visits web page 'x' Flow: 1. Change Score [Implicit score] Change: +5           2. Change Score [Sum score] Change: +5 Explicit Scoring campaign: Trigger: Fills out form 'y' Flow: 1. Change Score [Explicit score] Change +10           2. Change Score [Sum score] Change +10 Final result if a record runs through both campaigns > Implicit score: 5, Explicit score: 10, Sum score: 15" In the above example, the sum score flow step is simply added to each respective explicit/implicit scoring campaign, with the same change interval applied. Once applied to all relevant scoring programs in the instance, the sum score should continue aggregating the two scores into the sum score field. If you're increasing both explicit and implicit scores within one campaign instead of separating out by score type, you could also accomplish this with the same logic and instead adding the summed score interval within that same flow, for example: Example 2 "Scoring campaign: Trigger: Person is created Flow: 1. Change Score [Implicit score] Change: +3           2. Change Score [Explicit score] Change: +4           3. Change Score [Sum score] Change: +7 Result > Implicit: 3, Explicit: 4, Sum: 7" -------------------------------------------------------------------- Potential Alternative solutions: 1. Have your SFDC/CRM Admin create a workflow within the CRM which sums the two fields as they sync. This requires the score fields in question to be synced to the CRM. 2. Call a webhook, which will keep the aggregate in line with the individuals each time it's called. This would be a custom webhook implementation that Support cannot assist with. Sources for alternative solutions: How to sum Lead Scores in one aggregate score field Add two Scores in Marketo  
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Issue Customers may run into limitations with Webhook providers or other third party REST services that require their fields are an integer type field.  This may present issues with those values being inputted to Marketo (and other systems) accurately if a record has a value outside of the integer value limitation range: -2147483647 to 2147483647   Environment Marketo/Third Party REST/Webhook Providers Solution There is no way to increase/modify the integer value limitations on the Marketo side.  This is not a Marketo product limitation, it's the defined constraints of Integer data types. If you're running into issues with values from a third party/webhook provider falling outside of the limitation range, this will present issues with the field value being accurately logged in Marketo. In this scenario, it's worth checking with the third party/webhook provider to see if they have any flexibility around which field types they can allow (for example, String or Float type fields have less limitations and will allow for larger or smaller numbers outside of the -2147483647 to 2147483647 range). For a full overview of Marketo field limitations, you can visit the below article: Marketo Field Limits by Field Type
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