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Issue You want to re-map a synced SFDC field to a different field in Marketo. Solution Yes, it is possible to re-map Salesforce - Marketo fields after initial sync. For this you need to Contact Marketo support with a request for your current field mapping and your desired field mapping. You will need to provide the Marketo Field(s) and the Salesforce API Name(s), then format your request similar to the example below.   Important Note Before initiating the re-mapping, please export the records and their field values from Marketo and import the values into their Salesforce or create a smart campaign to write the data from one field into the other. This is important so that there is no data loss after the remapping work has been performed. Marketo will not automatically push these values to SFDC, after the mapping is complete.   Example Request Current Mapping: Field Label: [Marketo Field Name 1] CRM Field Map: fieldName__c (SFDC Lead)   Field Label: [Marketo Field Name 2] CRM Field Map: fieldName__c (SFDC Contact) Desired Mapping: Field Label: [Marketo Field Name 1] CRM Field Map: fieldName__c (SFDC Lead) fieldName__c (SFDC Contact)   Field Label: [Marketo Field Name 2] CRM Field Map:   Limitations - Fields need to be of the same type (String/String, Date/Date, etc) - Fields can only have one of each object type (eg: A Marketo Field could be mapped to a SFDC_1 (Lead) field and a SFDC_1(Contact) field, but can not be mapped to both SFDC_1 (Lead) and SFDC_2 (Lead). - Fields can be mapped to a maximum of 2 SFDC fields - SFDC fields can only be mapped to one field in Marketo   Please note that there may be additional limitations in certain circumstances. The Marketo Support agent that handles your request will provide any further details should such a situation arise.  
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Included in this Article:     Overview Creating Custom Fields Dynamic Updates Set Up Custom Fields in RTP Filter by Custom Fields     Overview Unfortunately RTP does not support the option to use Lead Database segmentations as segments in RTP. However, it is still possible with a bit of a workaround. Essentially, you will want to create custom fields for each segmentation, dynamically update them using smart campaigns, and filter by these custom fields in RTP. Below we will describe the steps you will need to take to implement this.     Creating Custom Fields To start off, you will have to make a custom field in My Marketo for each segmentation you wish to use in RTP. Follow the steps in this article to get the custom fields set up in My Marketo. Make sure to select Boolean in the Type field.     Dynamic Updates Next, you will need to assign these custom fields to those matching their respective segmentations. To do so, we will create a smart campaign, which will also update the list as more leads begin to match the segmentation.   In My Marketo, visit the Marketing Activities page and create a new Smart Campaign     In the Smart List tab, choose the filter for your desired segmentation, and the Segment Changes trigger for the same segmentation     The filter will include all of the existing members of the segmentation, and the trigger will include any members that qualify for the segmentation in the future. Next,     In the Flow tab, select the Change Data Value action, click Add Choice, and format the action to change your custom field to true when the lead qualifies for your desired segment, and false otherwise     It is important to have both cases, for your lead matching the segmentation and for not matching, because leads can both qualify or be disqualified for segmentations at any point in time.   Finally, under the Schedule tab, edit the Smart Campaign Settings so this will apply every time, and Activate the campaign       Set Up Custom Fields in RTP Once you have set up your custom fields in My Marketo, you will also have to set up this field to display in RTP:   Go to your Account Settings and navigate to the Database tab     Select your custom fields in the drop down menu at the bottom of the page, then click       Filter by Custom Fields Finally, once you've set up the custom field in My Marketo and in RTP, you can use the custom field to target the leads that qualify for your segmentation in My Marketo. To do so:   Go to the Segments page and create a new segment       Lastly, use the Database filter, select your custom field, and choose either true or false depending on if you want to target those in or out of the segmentation     There you have it! You can now use your segmentations in My Marketo to target your audience in RTP campaigns.
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Issue You need to locate the Munchkin ID for a specific Marketo instance. Solution What is a Munchkin ID? Marketo's custom JavaScript tracking code, called Munchkin, tracks all individuals who visit your website so you can react to their visits with automated marketing campaigns. Even anonymous visitors are tracked along with their IP addresses and other information. The Munchkin ID is the unique identifier for a specific Marketo instance and insures tracked activity goes to the correct instance.   How to find your Munchkin ID   1. Log into the specific Marketo Instance you need the Munchkin ID for. You can verify the instance name by checking the listing in the top left of your browser. This is a article attached image   2. Go to Admin and click Munchkin in the tree on the left in the Integration section.   This is a article attached image   3. The Munchkin Account ID will be the first thing listed in the Tracking Code box.   This is a article attached image
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Issue An email program fails to send emails to a large number of leads/people in the Smart List.     Solution Sometimes leads/people in your Email Program's Smart List will be skipped in the email send because they already reached their daily/weekly communication limit. You can confirm if this has occurred by following these steps: Open your Email Program. Change your view to Control Panel. Click on View Results in the top left panel to see a list of all activities attributed to the email program. Click on Filter > Custom. Select the Send Email box. Click the Apply button. Scroll to the bottom of the list. If the leads/people have been skipped due to communication limits, you will see that a large number of leads/people listed as "Skipped Lead already used up Daily/Weekly communication limit."   You can check or adjust your Communication Limits in the Admin panel of your Marketo instance.
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  Marketo calls direct complaints received from email recipient Abuse Reports.  For more information about Abuse Reports review the links below: Why do people report abuse? What Is the Difference between an Abuse Report and a Feedback Loop Complaint? Abuse Reports: What They Are and How to Avoid Them   For additional articles reviewing compliance concerns refer to the articles below: What is a Blocklist? Feedback Loops (FBL) Finding Leads that are Auto Unsubscribed for Email Spam Complaints / Feedback Loop (FBL)  
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Included in this Article:     Enabling or Checking if the Tag is Enabled Validating the Tracking Code Checking if the Tag Executes the Tracking and Personalization Code   Enabling or Checking if the Tag is Enabled        Log in to RTP and enable the tag within the Account Settings page.          Confirm the Tag toggle is set to On     Validating the Tracking Code   Check if the RTP tracking code is injected into your website's pages.        In a web browser, open the developers console. Go to Network, Search for rtp. Locate the rtp.js.     Checking if the Tag Executes the Tracking and Personalization Code   You should see four RTP calls: rtp.js trw msg, appearing twice   If you only see the first rtp.js call but not all other calls, check the following:   Validate the tag's account ID In RTP, go to Account Settings, click Generate Tag, and confirm the correct Account ID Confirm the Account ID is the same in the code installed on this page (it's case sensitive) Validate there are no javascript errors. In Developers Tools, go to the Console tab and check if there are any error messages related to RTP or to jQuery Validate the tag is injected properly Check if the tag is not cutting code lines or any remark elements are not there. The RTP tag is between remark elements. Some of the RTP code lines are commented In the Developers Tools, go to Sources and add break points in the RTP tag. Refresh the page and see if there are any errors.
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Issue You want to break the link between an email and the template originally used to create it.   Solution If you need to delete an email template, or if you need to break the relationship between a template and an email to prevent template changes from affecting the email, you can do the following.   Open the email in the Email Editor If you have Email 2.0, click Edit Code.  If you have the legacy Email Editor, click Email Actions > HTML Tools > Replace HTML.  This will allow you to directly edit the HTML for the email. Make a small edit to the email's HTML outside of the mkteditable sections. Save your changes.  If you are concerned that the edit you made will affect the email, you can save the change, re-edit to undo the change, then save again. When you go back to the summary page for the email, the Template: line should now say "None". PLEASE NOTE: It is not possible to reverse this change.  They link between the email and the template cannot be re-established once it is broken.      
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Issue You receive the "Subject is empty" error when attempting to approve an email which contains an emoji character in the subject line, and elsewhere in the email, emojis may fail to render. Solution Marketo can render any Unicode character up to 5.2 and any ASCII character, but this does not encompass emojis. The Marketo email editor will strip out any unsupported symbols. This is because we cannot guarantee the consistency of their appearance across platforms, as not all clients can render all emoji. Marketo only supports the text symbols that are generally then converted into emoji's by the recipient client or operating system. The basic symbols in a list such as should work, as they are ASCII characters and not reliant on extra encoding. These are a set of accepted text symbols that will universally work on all clients and many will convert them to emoji. Just highlight the symbol from, copy and paste it into your email. Alternately, you can work around this by q-encoding the emoji in UTF-8 format, which will render a string of code to add to your subject line. This code tells the email client to render the desired emoji. All you need to do is copy your desired emoji and run it through a Unicode to UTF-8 translation tool, such as As an example, say you want to send a Happy Birthday email to a lead. You could copy the  (birthday cake) emoji and run it through a translator to yield the code "=?utf-8?Q?=F0=9F=8E=82?=" Entering this code in your subject line without the quotation marks will render the emoji on the client's end, and render it in the design most compatible with their device/browser. With any email design, it's always important to test before a live send to confirm it appears the way that you expect it to.
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Included in this Article: Overview Setup Issues No RTP Tag or GA Integration Differing Filters Differences between RTP and GA Web Bots Visit Duration Sampling Bounce Rates   Overview   Occasionally you may find differences in comparing RTP analytics and Google Analytics (GA). Some discrepancies may be caused by setup issues with either the RTP or GA platform. However, many small discrepancies are simply due to differences in how RTP and GA handle data, and are unavoidable. Differences of both kinds are highlighted below.     Setup Issues   No RTP Tag or GA Integration You will need to have the RTP tag turned on in RTP and installed onto any page you wish to track in RTP. You will also need to have GA integrated and turned on in your RTP settings.   To learn how to do so, follow these two articles: Deploy the RTP JavaScript - Marketo Docs - Product Docs Integrate RTP with Google Analytics - Marketo Docs - Product Docs   Excluded IPs If you have any IPs being excluded by RTP, this data will not be displayed in RTP or used in reporting, but may still be present in GA. To check this:        Go to your Account Settings        Scroll down and check if you have any IPs being excluded in the Exclude IPs field       Differing Filters Some filters exist in GA that don't exist in RTP which can potentially exclude users from their data being reported. If a filter like this is employed in GA, then certain users will be excluded from being tracked in GA, whereas they will be tracked in RTP.   Log in to your GA account and navigate to Admin > Filters to check if any exclusive filters have been applied       Differences between RTP and GA   Web Bots RTP and GA both attempt to detect activity from bots, which are computer programs written to run tasks over the Internet. However, RTP and GA treat the identification of bots or "fake" users differently. For example, when RTP identifies a bot, it may not even send the data on to GA. You can't change that bot activity might be recorded differently, but it should also not affect your data too significantly.   Visit Duration A visit from one user automatically ends after a certain period of time in both RTP and GA, but those settings may be different between the two. To learn more, or learn how to change these settings, see How Visit Duration is calculated in RTP.   Sampling GA often will actually use a sample of your web traffic data, rather than the entire set of data, to report trends. This will produce very similar results, but most likely will not be 100% accurate. RTP does not make use of sampling, and instead provides summaries using all of the present data.   To learn more about sampling in GA, read this article: How sampling works - Analytics Help   Bounce Rates Generally, about 50-85% of the traffic to your website actually gets recorded in RTP and GA. This is because both the RTP tag and the GA tag will need to load on the page before they can send data back to RTP or GA. If visitors leave your page before the RTP or GA tags load, then data will not be sent back to the RTP or GA analytics platforms. We recommend that the RTP and GA tags be placed higher in the web page's code in order to give them more time to load, leaving a smaller window for the visitor to leave without data being sent back.
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Note: Please ensure that you have access to an experienced CSS and Jquery developer, because Marketo Technical Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting custom coding. Advanced solution - requires CSS and jQuery knowledge Issue: Need to set a popup window in Marketo. The rich text editor (hyperlink - popup tab) has this feature but gets overrode by most browsers opening in a new tab. Solution: Use jQuery. Here's a third party site that covers how: This does work in Marketo landing pages - The header content goes in the custom head HTML Save a copy of the CSS and popup.js to the images and files section of Marketo Update the CSS and .js files to your copies in Marketo I used the same input version in the example here, but you could use a link or content instead. Click here for a sample page in Marketo using the above solution:
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For a list of blocklists worth paying close attention to visit our article Top blocklists - What you need to know.
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Included in this article: Navigate to the Clickstream module How is Visit Duration Caluclated 00:00 Visit Duration Single page viewed Session timed out   Navigate to the Clickstream module        Go to the Visitors page        Click on a visitor to find the Clickstream module in the bottom right     How is Visit Duration Caluclated When a visitor visits a website being tracked by an RTP campaign, it records clicks in the Clickstream module in the RTP platform. Clicking on a visitor allows you to view their viewing information in the Customer Journey section, including: Links clicked Time stamp of each link click Total visit duration     Visit duration is calculated by subtracting the first time stamp from the last time stamp. In other words: visit duration = last time stamp - first time stamp. See the image above for an example of this calculation.   00:00 Visit Duration Single page viewed Both RTP and Google Analytics rely on clicks to determine visit duration. This means that if a visitor only views a single page, neither RTP or GA can track when the visitor leaves the page, since there is only the initial time stamp without a time stamp to mark the exit from the page. The visit duration for viewers that didn't view more than one page during the session is recorded at 00:00 since it cannot be calculated.   Session timed out Another way that a visit duration can be recorded as 00:00 is if a visitor's session times out. By default, a session will end after 15 minutes of inactivity. For example, if a visitor stays on a page without making any clicks for 25 minutes (perhaps they are reading an article or watching a long video), that session will time out and be recorded with a duration of 00:00. If the visitor finally makes a click after the 25 minutes of inactivity, a new session will begin. In Google Analytics, the session timeout can be customized to be longer or shorter than the default 15 minutes.
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Issue: The web page visit is partially tracked only if users fill out a form otherwise it goes unnoticed. Solution: In several tests the Activity Log shows "Fill out a form" without a page visit. From the traditional standpoint that could be an obscure bug. How users could fill out a form without visiting the page? Google Chrome introduced Incognito. Firefox, Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer implemented as Private Browsing. Pages users visit in Private Browsing/Incognito will not leave traces, like cookies, on users' computers after they close all open windows. A normal visit to any page is not tracked during visits, regardless the navigation path. That includes other pages after the form is filled out. Private browsing is a relatively new feature. It is a new challenge to tracking, applicable to any software and company evaluating users activity. The new Do Not Track feature is a contributing factor for apparently incomplete Activity Logs. When users turn on the Do-not-track feature, the browser tells every website they visit (as well as their advertisers and other content providers) that they do not want their browsing behavior tracked. Honoring this setting is voluntary — individual websites are not required to respect it. Websites that do honor this setting should automatically stop tracking your behavior without any further action from users.
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Creating a campaign to redirect a targeted group of visitors is as easy as targeting visitors for a call-to-action campaign. Here are the steps to accomplish a redirect:        On the Segments page, click the Create New button and set up the new segment to target the group you wish to send the redirect to          Then, in the Campaigns page, create a new campaign          In the Target Segment field, choose the segment you just created          Finally, scroll down check the Redirect checkbox, enter the URL you wish to redirect to, and hit        
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Included in this Article:     Overview Check Tag and Content Discovery are On Check Content Patterns Verify Content Discovery is Working   Overview   If you notice that RTP is not tracking clicks to your Content Discovery pages, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can take.   Check Tag and Content Discovery are On       Go to Account Settings          Check Tag and Content Discovery     "Tag" and "Content Discovery" must both be enabled for Content Discovery to work. Follow this article if you are having issues with your RTP tag or want to verify that it is working correctly.   Check Content Patterns        In Account Settings, go to the Content tab     Check that the URLs entered in the Create Content Patterns section match the URLs you wish to use with Content Discovery       Verify Content Discovery is Working   Once you've made changes the Content Discovery setup, visit any page in the Create Content Patterns section. If the Content Discovery is working, visiting the page should increase the click count and capture you as the visitor. To check if this worked the way that it should, after visiting the website you should:        Go to the Visitors page under Analytics     Use the search tool in the visitor database and search for the URL that you visited. It should return a list of visits to that site with your most recent visit at the top. If the Content Discovery is working correctly, the visitor database should have tracked your visit and it should appear among the list.     Check to make sure the time stamp matches the time you visited the page. The time stamp can be found under the Visitor Information section after clicking on the visitor.
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Included in this article Overview The Content Recommendation Engine (CRE) allows you to recommend specific content you'd like to promote. However, sometimes you may not want to include it on certain pages. You can exclude these pages from having the CRE on them by specifying those URLs in Account Settings as pages to be excluded. Including and Excluding pages You can select pages to exclude/include for the CRE display: In RTP, go to 'Account Settings' Under the 'Domain Configuration', locate the 'Recommendation Engine' section Choose to 'Include' or 'Exclude' Paste the URLs you want to include/exclude (e.g. /contact_us*; *action=logout*, (use * for wildcards) Use semicolon as separator) Examples of exclude/include configuration entries Maximum number of Inclusions / Exclusions The maximum character limit for the Inclusion / Exclusion field is 1,000 characters. Alternate way of hiding CRE You can place the following HTML code on pages where you want to hide the recommendation engine: <style> .insightera-tab-container-bottom{      visibility: hidden !important; } .insightera-bar{        visibility: hidden !important; } </style> Troubleshooting If you have trouble with your Content Recommendation Engine Bar showing up in places it shouldn't, check out Troubleshooting Web Personalization (RTP) - Content Recommendation Engine Bar shows up on all or excluded pages
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For those in highly regulated industries, your company may additionally require that you securely encrypt the Marketo tracking links embedded in Marketo emails. Remember that Marketo takes the URLs you place inside of emails and shortens them using the "Branded Tracking Link" domain (this is another CNAME you set up in Marketo under Admin--> Email). These tracking links are how Marketo enables you to track engagement with your emails. Overview & FAQ - Overview & FAQ: Secured Domains for Tracking Links What's Changing Marketo has discontinued the Secured Page Services: SSL for Tracking Links service and its manual certificate renewal process. This is being replaced with the Marketo Secured Domains for Tracking Links product which provides all needed certificates and manages renewals automatically. Action Required To secure your email tracking links, contact your Marketo Customer Success Manager to add the Secured Domains for Tracking Links product to your subscription. Once you’ve purchased Secured Domains for Tracking Links for your instance: An automated message will be sent to the Support Admin on your account They will need to respond to the message with the Munchkin ID of the instance needing Tracking Links set up. Responding to this case will auto generate a Support Case for a Marketo technical support engineer to help complete the process. Marketo will then have certificates generated to cover all the domains and subdomains that you’ve set up in your instance. Within 3-business days, we will create a secure server endpoint. Please plan accordingly for this 72-hour turn-around-time. Do I need Secured Domains for Tracking Links? Secured Domains for Tracking Links ensure that tracking links can be served securely for domains which have implemented HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security). HSTS is a web server directive which forces all subsequent requests for resources on that domain to be loaded through HTTPS. If you have implemented HSTS at your site on any domain that you are choosing for either your Landing Page CNAME or your branded email tracking links domain, you will need Secured Domains for Tracking Links and/or Secured Domains for Landing Pages. How is the new Secured Domains for Tracking Links Better? With Marketo’s new Secured Domains for Tracking Links product, you no longer have to provide renewal/updated certificates to Marketo. We’ll procure any necessary certificates and manage their renewals automatically – giving you a more secure and convenient solution for securing your links in emails! Do I have to upgrade? An upgrade is required. Marketo no longer supports the legacy Secured Page Services: SSL for Tracking Links certificate renewal process. Will my tracking links automatically convert to HTTPS? You will not see tracking links in your Marketo emails changed to HTTPS (they will remain prefixed HTTP). However, when an end user clicks the link, if HSTS is enabled for the domain in the link being clicked and the browser is aware, the request will be automatically changed to HTTPS by the browser and served securely via HTTPS before re-directing to the destination of the link.   This means that no insecure connection occurs because the browser recognizes the HSTS security policy.  HSTS preload is required for this to work.   If a tracking link top level domain is not on the HSTS preload list, then link clicks will be insecure until the browser becomes aware of the HSTS policy on the target domain by visiting the site. Will my old links in emails continue to work? Links in emails will continue to function normally. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Included in this article Highlights The MLM package in SFDC’s AppExchange is being retired. The MLM package itself doesn’t do much, but was responsible for installing 16 custom fields (16 on the Lead object and 16 on the Contact object) that sync data from Marketo to SFDC like Lead Score and Acquisition program. The configuration update will shut off the sync of data to the MLM package and these fields, so the data in those fields in SFDC will become stale and won’t update. You can keep syncing this data to SFDC but it requires creating new custom fields. When the fields are re-created, a drip process will be triggered to backfill existing data from Marketo into the new fields in SFDC. No Data Will Be Lost Marketo is the source of this data, and the data inside of Marketo will not be touched. The data in Marketo will continue to stay current as it always has. The change being made is in how it is passed into SFDC. No matter what, the data will be preserved inside of Marketo. What is the MLM Package? The MLM package doesn’t actually do a lot on its own. It has been a prerequisite that had to be installed during the Marketo > SFDC integration setup before the MSI package could be installed but it’s a pretty safe bet that hardly anyone actually uses it. It’s the fields that were installed during its installation that get the most usage.  The fields that the MLM package created are frequently used by sales teams inside of SFDC. Data from the Marketo fields passes into these fields in SFDC where it can be viewed on Lead and Contact records (if you’ve added it into the page layout). Telling the Difference Between MLM and MSI in SFDC MLM and MSI are two different tabs inside of SFDC. It’s important to know which is which. The Sales Insight tab is the tab labeled “Marketo”. The MLM tab is labeled as “Marketo Lead Management” Fields Affected When the configuration change happens, no data will be synced from these 16 fields in Marketo to the 32 corresponding SFDC fields (16 on the Lead object, 16 on the Contact object). Lead Score Acquisition Program Acquisition Program Id Acquisition Date Original Search Phrase Original Source Info Original Source Type Original Referrer Original Search Engine Inferred Company Inferred Metropolitan Area Inferred Phone Area Code Inferred State Region Inferred City Inferred Postal Code Inferred Country The Changes Being Made For most customers, the only fields commonly used are Lead Score and Acquisition Program. While these fields will stop updating in the Lead detail pages, it’s important to remember that the Lead Score data will still be available through Sales Insight without any changes being made. Effects on Sales Insight MSI will have very little change made. The Stars and Flames will still function the same way, and lead scores will still update and display current information. Only one change will affect MSI, and it will have a very limited scope. Scoring Still Displays in MSI The Sales Insight Score tab on Lead records in SFDC will continue to show up to date score information. This view will not be impacted in any way. Stars and Flames Still Function the Same Way MSI’s Stars and Flames will still update with data the same way that they did before, even if you have set them up to work with custom score fields on the Marketo side. For more information about Sales Insight’s Stars and Flames, please check out the documentation here: Priority, Urgency, Relative Score, and Best Bets - Marketo Docs - Product Docs Customize Stars and Flames - Marketo Docs - Product Docs Set Score Fields to be used for Stars and Flames in Sales Insight - Marketo Docs - Product Docs The Only Change Inside of MSI There is only one small change to the MSI package. If you have "Debug Mode" enabled in Sales Insight Config (pretty rare), then inside of Sales Insight, if you mouse-over the Stars, you’ll see a label that gives the score. This functionality relied on a dependency between MSI and MLM that has been patched and removed now. As a result of that change, the score can’t be displayed in the hover-over label. Again, this score only ever appeared if you had debug mode enabled, which is very uncommon. Exceptions to MSI Patch The MSI patch wasn’t able to upgrade every version of MSI. A very small number of customers who have an older version of MSI currently can’t be updated by the patch and will need to manually upgrade their MSI installation. If your company uses Marketo Sales Insight version 1.38 or below, you will be required to manually upgrade to the newest MSI package version. Identifying Your MSI Version To check what version of MSI you’re currently using, navigate to Admin > Sales Insight, then look for the Version info in the Status box in the middle of the page. Manually Upgrading Your MSI Package If you find that you are using MSI Version 1.38, you’ll need to manually upgrade your Sales Insight package. The directions on how to upgrade MSI can be found here: Upgrade Marketo Sales Insight for Salesforce1 - Marketo Docs - Product Docs If you’d like help with this installation, please feel free to reach out to Marketo Support with the directions found here: Contact Marketo Support Effect on Fields in Lead Layout Page The change that will be noticed will be to the fields shown in the Lead detail pages in SFDC. If you have any of these fields like Lead Score added to the layout of your Lead detail page, these are the fields that will no longer update and will begin displaying stale data. If your sales teams utilize any of this data, you’ll want to recreate the fields in SFDC to pull in the updated data from Marketo. Keeping Field Data in SFDC The sync of data into these 32 fields (16 on the Lead object, 16 on the Contact object) will be shut off. If you want to keep syncing data from these fields to use it in SFDC, that can be done. You’ll need to create new custom fields in SFDC for the Marketo data to sync into, using specific API names to match up to the original Marketo fields. There are different versions of Salesforce, but don't worry, all of the details on how to recreate the affected fields as well as a video tutorial can all be found in the documentation here: Adding Marketo Fields to Salesforce Cut Off Date The MLM package will be officially deprecated as of January 31st, 2017. The data will stop syncing to the fields created by the MLM package after this date. Backfilling Data Creating the new custom fields will kick off a drip process to backfill the data from Marketo to SFDC. That takes all existing data for these fields from Marketo and pushes it back to SFDC into the new custom fields you’ve created. There are some important details to how this process works, so here they all are! The data backfill process will only initiate if you recreate the old fields using the proper API names as specified. The backfill process goes through a separate communication “pipeline” outside of the standard sync cycle. The backfill process will push data at roughly the same rate as the “Push Updates” rate we get now in the regular sync—somewhere between 7k to 12k records per hour. The total time it takes to update all records will vary depending on sync rate in the separate “pipeline” and the number of records being updated. Once the backfill process is complete, an instance notification will be posted in the Marketo notification center. The backfill process updates the new fields in SFDC records with the data that is in the 16 Marketo fields. When this update happens, it will create a SysModStamp on the record in SFDC. Any new SysModStamp will queue the record to resync back to Marketo. If a lead record is in line waiting for the backfill process to pass updates to SFDC and that record gets resynced through the standard SFDC sync cycle before the backfill is done for that lead, that record will be taken out of the queue of records waiting for the backfill process. This is done intentionally to prevent race conditions where old data could potentially overwrite more current data. SFDC Sync Backlog Any time a large number of records are queued to resync between Marketo and SFDC, it could cause a sync backlog. A sync backlog is only a possibility, not a certainty. Most customers will not have any problems. The rollout schedule has been staggered out over time specifically to address this issue and to prevent sync backlogs. The backfill process passes data through a different channel, outside of the standard sync cycle, so it won’t cause a backlog in that process. It’s the resyncing of the records after the backfill that puts stress on the sync cycle. That standard sync cycle is where you may experience slowness if a backlog develops. The resulting resync of leads will increase volume and put a heavier load on the sync. However, whether or not it actually creates a backlog in the sync cycle depends on many factors like your existing sync volume and if you have any other large number of updates being made. If you think your sync cycle is experiencing a backlog, please reach out to Marketo Support. We can check the existing volume for both the standard sync cycle and the backfill process. Cleaning Up SFDC The MLM package and the 32 fields created by it (16 on the Lead object, 16 on the Contact object) will be orphaned and no data will continue to be synced to them, making them obsolete. Since they’ll be unusable, you may want to remove the MLM package and delete the fields. This process is optional, but can be done if you choose. Uninstalling the MLM package deletes fields, data and workflows created by the package. Any dependencies like for reports or workflows inside of SFDC that you have created based off of these fields will need to be removed manually. If these other custom dependencies exist, they’ll need to be removed before uninstalling the MLM package. For information on how to uninstall AppExchange packages from SFDC, please see their documentation here: Uninstalling a Package For detailed information on how to avoid problems elsewhere in SFDC, please see our documentation here: Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Preventative Troubleshooting Preventing Problems in SFDC Since the fields in SFDC are brand new fields that have just been created, everything in SFDC that references the original fields will need to be updated to point to the new fields instead. This includes all Workflows, Apex Triggers, AppExchange packages for 3rd party software and Reports. As soon as the new fields are recreated in SFDC, the Marketo fields are remapped to those new fields. The backfill process begins and the sync is cut off to the older existing fields, so they immediately stop updating. This results in two important things to be aware of: Everything in SFDC referencing the older original fields will be referencing old data that is no longer updating. The backfilled values entered into the newly recreated fields will be seen by SFDC as brand new values, not the existing values that they are in Marketo. This can cause your Workflows, Apex Triggers, AppExchange packages for 3rd party software and Reports to all behave differently. For full details on this, please see Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Preventative Troubleshooting Where to Go for More Information Recap Summary Now that the changes have been completed, and the deprecation date has passed, this doc will give you the overview of what has happened: Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync - Recap Summary Frequently Asked Questions Check out our FAQ for the answers to the most commonly asked questions. Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Frequently Asked Questions Discussion thread We've created this discussion thread in the community to address any questions you may have. This discussion thread will be monitored by the Marketo team to ensure you get answers to your questions. Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Questions and Discussion Overview Documentation This doc will give you a high level overview of what the configuration changes are and what to expect moving forward: Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync - Overview Release Schedule The release is being staggered over the course of 6 months. This doc will give you exact details so you can know precisely when your Marketo instance will be updated. Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Release Schedule Recreating Affected Fields There are different versions of Salesforce, but don't worry, all of the details on how to recreate the affected fields as well as a video tutorial can all be found in the documentation here: Adding Marketo Fields to Salesforce Preventing Problems In Salesforce Recreating the new fields in Salesforce can cause your Workflows, Apex Triggers, Reports and AppExchange apps behave differently. They'll need to be updated and this doc will show you what to watch out for: Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Preventative Troubleshooting Contact Marketo Support If you would prefer to talk to someone live, please contact Marketo Support over any of the channel listed here: Contact Marketo Support
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Here it is: Your guide to understanding merges in Marketo, in Salesforce, and how the two interact. Merging Two Leads We begin with two records in Marketo which have been synced to Salesforce. Both are leads in Salesforce, not contacts. Lead A, Marky Marky, has a Marketo ID of 1001446 and an SFDC ID of 00Qi000000vJ0hK. Lead B, Markee Marquee, has a Marketo ID of 1001447 and an SFDC ID of 00Qi000000vJ0hU. We wish to merge these leads in Marketo. In this example, I first select Lead B, and then hold SHIFT to select Lead A as well. Then right-click in the highlighted area to bring up the Lead Actions drop-down (or click Lead Actions at the top of the screen), and select Merge Leads from the choices. Now I see the Merge Leads dialog box, where we decide which conflicting field values we want to win. We could click the box next to "Lead 1" if I want all of Markee Marquee's values to win. Instead we check the box next to "Marky" because we want that to be their first name, rather than "Markee". Then we click merge. Note: whichever record was most recently updated will be pre-checked to win field conflicts. Here's the result. Note how the remaining single lead has the ID 1001447, that of Lead B, the first one we selected. The first record you select is the target record - this records remains while the other record is deleted, it's field values, activities, and program memberships merged into this winning record. The leads are also merged in Salesforce, and the remaining record there has the ID 00Qi000000vJ0hU (Lead B) as we would expect. Merging Leads and Contacts Here we begin with a lead and a contact. We have a lead, Marky Marquee (Marketo ID1001447, SFDC ID 00Qi000000vJ0hU), and a contact, Joe Hill (Marketo ID 1001448, SFDC ID 003i000002KAFGa). We first select Marky Marquee (the lead) and then select Joe Hill (the contact), and conduct the merge as we did above. This time, however, the second record we clicked, Joe Hill, shows up as "Lead 1". This seems to contradict what we said earlier, but it's happening because the second record is the contact, and the contact is always going to be the target record. I want Marky's name to win out, so I check their First and Last Name and then click Merge. Note: this will cause an error if the Marketo sync user in SFDC doesn't have the Convert Leads permission. Note that the remaining record has the ID 1001448, the ID of the contact, even though that wasn't the first record we selected in Marketo. The contact is always the one which remains. Program Memberships Here we have two leads: Dexter Science (ID 1001451) and James Frankough (ID 1001452). We add James to two programs, Program Example 1 and Program Example 2. We can see this in their activity log: Now we merge the records, selecting Dexter first (so they'll be the winning record), but we check James's values for the First and Last Name. Below is their activity log after the merge. Notice that there are new Change Program Status activities - because the target record in the merge was 1001451, but the programs were associated with 1001452, the system has to copy their program statuses over during the merge. If you double-click one of those activities, it gives "Lead merge transferring program membership (transfer)" as the activity's Reason. Activities caused by merges can trigger campaigns. For example, suppose there is a smart campaign with the trigger Program Status Changes, for an old program with no activity in months. Activities caused by a merge like this could trigger such a campaign. To prevent this from triggering campaigns, we can add Reason as a constraint: Campaign Memberships Next, we have two leads: John Doe (ID 247) and Johnathon Doe (ID 248). We've associated John Doe with two SFDC Campaigns: Campaign Example 1 and Campaign Example 2. When we merge John Doe into Johnathon Doe, since the target lead is ID 248 and the campaigns are associated with ID 247, it has to copy them over - just like it did with campaign memberships. However, unlike with program memberships, it does not provide a Reason in the Add to SFDC Campaign activity following the merge, meaning there's no easy way to prevent this from triggering campaigns which use the Added to SFDC Campaign trigger.
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