How to Break the Connection between an Email and the Email Template



You want to break the link between an email and the template originally used to create it.


If you need to delete an email template, or if you need to break the relationship between a template and an email to prevent template changes from affecting the email, you can do the following.
  1. Open the email in the Email Editor
  2. If you have Email 2.0, click Edit Code.  If you have the legacy Email Editor, click Email Actions > HTML Tools > Replace HTML.  This will allow you to directly edit the HTML for the email.
  3. Make a small edit to the email's HTML outside of the mkteditable sections.
  4. Save your changes.  If you are concerned that the edit you made will affect the email, you can save the change, re-edit to undo the change, then save again.

When you go back to the summary page for the email, the Template: line should now say "None".

PLEASE NOTE: It is not possible to reverse this change.  They link between the email and the template cannot be re-established once it is broken.




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