RSS to Email to Auto Generate email

RSS to Email to Auto Generate email

To manage our blog using marketo and capture all of the user engagement, it would be great to be able to create an email and workflow with our existing blog RSS feed.  
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Can you explain this further? I think this is an interesting idea. Would you generate an email of the exact blog content disseminated on the RSS feed?
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 Disclaimer: I am not a developer or engineer.

It suppose it is possible for Marketo to develop the ability to create a means by which we would be able to enter an RSS feed, and an email template be able to pick up the latest entry from the RSS feed and enter the content into an email template, capturing the information from that feed such as title, author, and content.  I don't know what challenges that may present in the form of consistency, but this would allow automated email creation from an RSS feed, which in turn would allow us to create a work flow that can auto deploy the email based on triggers to a subscription list. 

As the subscription grows, this is a great opportunity to leverage the revenue cycle modeller to capture an enormous amount of insight from a large segment of our customers from our most frequent communication channel.

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 We're looking for this exact functionality as well.  Any update from the Marketo side?

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Need the same thing here.
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It would also be great if we could use this dynamic content feature to customize the Email subject as well (not just the email content).
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New customer with same double ditto!  Guess we gotta keep using our old ESP in the meantime :O(
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+1 -- We'd also really like this feature. 

MailChimp has an easy to use RSS-to-Email syndicator that I've used in the past. It just pulls the latest feed entry(ies) into a pre-defined template and sends to a list. So it's certainly doable in theory.
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This could be done today with a bit of work.
  1. Using the ping notify from a blog or RSS callback, "wakes up" a webservice or timed batch every day
  2. webservice would use SOAP api to:
    1. fetch a subscrtiption list from Marketo
    2. Update a text field for each recipent with the article formated into html
    3. Have a trigger campaign send an email with the content as a toke
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I have exact same requirement - we want all our engagement in Marketo, and we want Marketo sending our bulk emails.

We host our site and blog on WP, so I can add a plugin that would use SOAP or JS API totrigger action on Marketo side.

What is needed is two new API functions (or if available examples/docs on how to call them):

1. API Support for a Create Email function. Should take in an email template and template param values and create a new email.
2. API Support for a Trigger Email function. Should take in an email and a list and execute a campaign sending that email to each person on the list.

(actually this could be combined to one call or several calls based on what makes sense for the API designer)