Random sample in Email Send Campaign

Random sample in Email Send Campaign


Since the introduction of the email send campaign we've been using it a lot. Mostly to send invitation and reminder emails for the simpler batch and blast campaigns.

One of the troubles we're having is with the random samples not being available in the email send campaign. Metering a campaign by spreading it out over 10 weeks requires us to have 10 email send campaigns within a bigger campaign. However, there's no way to (easily) split the audience over the 10 email send campaigns other than generating 10 static lists or 19 smart lists.

The way we would like to do it is by adding let's say 2000 people to the parent campaign and sending to a random sample. Once an email is delivered we would change the membership status of the Email Send Campaign and the Parent Campaign. Rinse repeat the next week.

As we're able to leverage the 'Random Sample' filter in a Smart List, why can't we use this in an Email Send smart list? Sounds straight forward enough.



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