Champ Chat: Program Member Custom Fields (PMCF)

Level 4 - Champion Level 4 - Champion
Level 4 - Champion

**Video re-uploaded in June 2024


Have you ever wondered how you can use Marketo's PMCFs for something besides the Chicken or Fish question? There are PLENTY of great ways to utilize these fields, and this video talks through a few examples on how, such as:

  • Nurture Member Reporting
  • Marketable Database Reporting
  • So much more!

Watch the video where @Jessica_Kao3 and @Kimberly_Galit1 talk about the best practices for setting these up!


Level 4 - Champion Alumni

Great uses cases for PMCF, thank you both! I love this session format btw ðŸ˜ƒ

Level 3 - Champion

Nice session.
I've followed a similar naming convention for the PMCF, but have called them like 'Local field 1 (String)'. I chose the word 'local' to follow the same meaning as a local token (only accessible in that specific program) to have some consistency for my users.

My other tip is to add a note in the program summary to inform that, for example, Local field 1 (String) = T-Shirt size.

Level 4 - Champion

Good tips @John_Grundy1 - I love the idea of adding in the details into the program summary so that everyone know what that field's purpose was for that particular program! Also the idea of naming it "local" is helpful. Thanks for watching and adding tips!

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Great video - Like you mentioned, I just wish Marketo would provide reporting capabilities on PMCFs.  Capturing the data is great, but if you can't report on it (aside from the API), it's difficult to measure program effectiveness.


With regard to the local forms requirement/limitation, the way around that is to simply create a flow step based on the value selected on global/central forms.  That's what we do for UTM parameters.  The highlighted values are the hidden values that get captured when someone submits a global form:






Level 7 - Community Advisor

I just noticed that the video is throwing an error - is there a way to get this updated? I direct folks to this link in my recent Study Guide: Adobe Marketo Engage Business Practitioner Expert Renewal so there's likely to be a few folks unable to watch this awesome video!

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Agree with @michellechopin this could be a great video for newer users of Community and Marketo.

I too can't see the video @Kimberly_Galit1  has it expired? can it be uploaded again?


This is evergreen content from 2021.

Many thanks,

Level 4 - Champion

@michellechopin  and @Zoe_Forman Hi! Thanks for the callout. We are aware of the video issue on Community, and Adobe is working on getting it fixed! Hopefully they'll be back soon.