Was any resolution around the reporting, where we can subscription to these reports? We understand that Adobe Product team have not out this in their roadmap and I understand that ...
Hi Marketo community, is there any progress getting PMCF being include in the Marketo roadmap? Not having reporting (subscription) on PMCF diminishes the power of this enhacement.
For Global Form Validation Rules, allow the marketers to provide various error messages based on select languages. Although marketo user can change the language of the form, the er...
We are using PMCF in an engagement program where our touches are default programs. We storing the preference of the leads in the engagement program level, and would like to persona...
@SanfordWhiteman, Sorry about the delay. I checked in with my internal team and understand that I was not structuring the question correctly.The specific feature they were interest...
Thanks@Darshil_Shah1. It is definitely beyond my technical knowledge, but I understand there is a Certificate based Authentication method. I am trying to understand if this has bee...
Does Marketo provide any advance authentication methods beyond basic? I was not able to find any reference to any advance methods and want to make sure I am not missing anything. T...