Trying to return current month + last 4 months in 3 letter abbreviation using velocity.This is what I have, but I'm sure there's a better way?😅#set( $calNow = $date.getCalendar() ...
Thanks for the clarification.Are you able to use segments in the script itself?Any good articles or documentation on using segments & velocity?My assumption on the limitations were...
Is there any guidance on when to use API to Update Snippet Dynamic Content vs Update Custom Object + Velocity when it comes to creating & personalizing emails?Some things that I ha...
In Bizible/Marketo Measure,
Ad Destination URL is available for LinkedIn Sponsored Content, but not LGF.
Please make available for LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms.
Want to be able to capt...
I’ll try my best to rephrase as a question 😉
A) Custom Object data model
Custom Object: Topics
Field 1: Total Topics
Field 2: Topic #1
Field 3: Topic #2
learning some velocity scripting and having some issues rendering.
this is what i have.
#if (${topics_cList.get(0).topics_Total} > 0 )
#set( $topic1Percent = $math.div(${topics_cL...
Playing around with Executable Campaigns.
Are you able to use Executable to change parent program status?
Trying to create an executable campaign for web form fill campaigns.
How do you add CrmTask. Fields to enable to criteria setting?
For instance, you show "CrmTask.Assigned_to_role__c", which is currently not a visible field in our instance.