API To Update Email Content via Snippet Vs Custom Object + Velocity Scripting

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Level 2

API To Update Email Content via Snippet Vs Custom Object + Velocity Scripting

Is there any guidance on when to use API to Update Snippet Dynamic Content vs Update Custom Object + Velocity when it comes to creating & personalizing emails?


Some things that I have noticed for both approaches,

Update Snippet Dynamic Content

  • Pros - Can update snippet content directly used in emails
  • Cons - Passing HTML in API Body is messy and have run into limitations
  • Cons - Have to worry about HTML & styling outside of platform

Update via Custom Object + Velocity

  • Pros - More control in platform to manage styling
  • Cons - Additional step to use Velocity
  • Cons - Segmentation/Personalization Limitations. Have to get creative for personalization

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: API To Update Email Content via Snippet Vs Custom Object + Velocity Scripting

I would always go with Velocity.


A universal design principle is to separate data from presentation. So you store the data in a CO and then bend/fold/flip/rotate the presentation in Velocity any way you want, making on-the-fly, even per-person changes.


Also, in what way does Velocity have segmentation/personalization limitations? It’s more like the opposite: Velocity can use traditional segmentations and also apply infinite additional logic.

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: API To Update Email Content via Snippet Vs Custom Object + Velocity Scripting

I would always go with Velocity.


A universal design principle is to separate data from presentation. So you store the data in a CO and then bend/fold/flip/rotate the presentation in Velocity any way you want, making on-the-fly, even per-person changes.


Also, in what way does Velocity have segmentation/personalization limitations? It’s more like the opposite: Velocity can use traditional segmentations and also apply infinite additional logic.

Level 2

Re: API To Update Email Content via Snippet Vs Custom Object + Velocity Scripting

Thanks for the clarification.

Are you able to use segments in the script itself?

Any good articles or documentation on using segments & velocity?

My assumption on the limitations were based on needing to apply segmentations separately.

Here is my use case,


  • Registered member of community and subscribed to specific topic
  • Registered member of community and not subscribed to specific topic
  • Not registered member of community and should be subscribed to specific topic

Dynamic content

  • Show specific topics and participate in topic
  • Show specific topics and drive subscription to topic
  • Show specific topics and drive registration & subscription to topic

I was updating CO's based on content related to specific topic and apply segments to determine CTA of,

  • Participate in topic
  • Subscribe to topic
  • Join Community, subscribe to topic

Any recommendations?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: API To Update Email Content via Snippet Vs Custom Object + Velocity Scripting

Are you able to use segments in the script itself?

Of course! The segment is a system-managed lead (person) field, you can see it in the tree in Script Editor.


Basically infinite logic can be added on top of segmentation(s) in Velocity.