Trying to return current month + last 4 months in 3 letter abbreviation using velocity.This is what I have, but I'm sure there's a better way?😅#set( $calNow = $date.getCalendar() ...
Thanks for the clarification.Are you able to use segments in the script itself?Any good articles or documentation on using segments & velocity?My assumption on the limitations were...
Is there any guidance on when to use API to Update Snippet Dynamic Content vs Update Custom Object + Velocity when it comes to creating & personalizing emails?Some things that I ha...
I’ll try my best to rephrase as a question 😉
A) Custom Object data model
Custom Object: Topics
Field 1: Total Topics
Field 2: Topic #1
Field 3: Topic #2
learning some velocity scripting and having some issues rendering.
this is what i have.
#if (${topics_cList.get(0).topics_Total} > 0 )
#set( $topic1Percent = $math.div(${topics_cL...
Playing around with Executable Campaigns.
Are you able to use Executable to change parent program status?
Trying to create an executable campaign for web form fill campaigns.