Hello All,I am hoping someone can help. I implemented a solution using the script found here: (https://community.marketo.com/MarketoResource?id=kA650000000GuKCCA0) with my older fo...
Adam,Thanks for your reply. This is what I initially thought and it makes perfect sense. The reason I was not so sure that was the answer is because one of the emails that I was do...
Hello All,Can anyone explain the difference between Total Members (as found on a Program Performance Report and the number of Sent emails on the Email Performance Report?I have a p...
Thank you for your reply Jessica!This method does not seem to fit my needs though. If I understand this correctly, it is only going to insert a static value (as specified in the UR...
Hello,I have been searching all day and have not found a solution that works so I am hoping someone here can provide some insight. 🙂We have Marketo forms embedded on our website u...