Hi Jamie,I finally figured it out. You steered me in the right direction. What threw me off is that I actually had to go to the Custom option and from the pull down option, which i...
I would like the option to schedule the delivery of the reports where you can do it every 2 weeks or other week, or the 1st and 15th of the month, 1st of the month, monthly or even...
Hi Gregoire,Do you know if there's a way for the "download of the smart list" that's emailed to the recipient not to expire? Reason I'm is asking is that there's a couple of smart ...
Hi Gregoire,Here's one and it just so happens that I did it again and I had to redo the channel twice. It would be nice to be able to change what a channel applies to after you cre...
Hi Greg,I'm not sure if I saw it in your long list but what really slows me down is when you clone a program, there's no option to select some elements, so I end up wasting time de...
Yup I did exactly like what Hana mentioned last night and exported the list of all of our landing pages and you can view the urls as she mentioned. It would be nice to be able to e...