I totally agree with your suggestion. We might do away with the lead section of our SFDC and I just want to be able to convert them as a contact from Marketo and sync to sfdc as a ...
Yeah I agree with Steven's comment. It was frustrating for me last week when I had to keep refreshing and checking to see if I really synced the right campaign to Marketo.
Yup it takes a long time for the candidates to sync over from SFDC campaign to Marketo program. The problem I had before was the reverse when I sync a marketo program to SFDC. We h...
Hi Christina,If I'm understanding correctly, you want to just export the data from the results tab of a campaign? If I'm looking correctly, at the bottom of the page, you can see a...
In addition to what Charlie said above, if you have non marketo forms on your website and data gets dumped into Marketo, it will still accept the lead and not auto dedupe.
Hi Kelly,You don't necessarily need to know html code to do it. But I do have my footer on a snippet, so I just added the 4 follow social icons to the footer. And yes you can add i...