Jeff is correct above. But I also would like to add that if you create a campaign in SFDC with members, and sync it to a program in Marketo, they become members of the program.
Thanks Cheryl! It's so weird but I send test proofs to the editors and they never mention that the FTF doesn't work, and it didn't work for me, so I assumed that it didn't work bec...
I imported a list to Marketo and added them to a program. I then synced the program to SFDC, but when I viewed the campaign members there were 5 that are leads and the rest are c...
Hi Elliott,I did the Send Test function and I checked some of my old text versions of my proofs (surprisingly I haven't cleaned my deleted emails), but the link wasn't truncated an...
Anyone else experiencing this problem? This wasn't a problem before. When I send the test broadcast this is how it's getting cut off at the end of the link:emailWebview?ftf=true&mk...