What I do for a particular campaign is add the following to the flow:Unsubscribe = FalseAdd to list = (the campaign suppression list)and because we have an opt out type pick list i...
The fastest way to do it is to sync your Marketo Program to the SFDC campaign. In your Marketo program, under program actions, select salesforce campaign sync, a pop up box will ap...
Jen,You might have created the regular program if you don't see the Streams Tab. Look at how your program looks like, if it looks like a brown portfolio or notebook, that's the reg...
Bryant, I've seen something like this before, but I don't remember if it's the same. Check if on the SFDC side, especially on the Marketo sync user if there's a special formatting ...
Lately, I'm seeing the same thing that Jeff is experiencing and the job title and description is preferable compared to what I was getting contacted for in the beginning after I go...