Thanks Steven and Elliott,I'm going to check with my circulation director if this is going to work. After I mentioned what Steven suggested above first this is what she said:No, th...
Not an easy one for me either. I have several suppression lists. So in my campaigns smart list, I have to do:member of list > not in list A, not in list B, not in whatever list and...
Hi Steven,Nope we're not doing as you suggested. So they are actually not leads they are contacts to receive subscription or publication emails. How will it work? Thanks for respon...
Thanks Elliott and Jeff, you gave me some ideas. I created 2 different programs for our PPC campaigns and the main reason I did it that way is because our promotion is for 2 differ...
I want the ability to be able to send email to a custom email field. We have publication subscribers who prefer to have their assistants receive the publications or emails and the ...
Elliott's suggestion sounds good. We're going to have more Marketo users in the company and I know that more people will be importing lists, so having the undo functionality after ...