Hi All,
Is there any possibility todo direct connection to Marketo Database as I can see most of the companies are doing that.So, is there any way we can directly queryand fetch th...
@Jo_Pitts1, I really appreciate the help which is provided bySanford. I was always being nice and I even said many times like in reply no one was answering and after many hours wit...
It would be more user friendly if you provide a delete option for the replies. So, that if no one is answering the query asked in reply i.e., because of basic human nature that he ...
@SanfordWhiteman, It's because Noone is answering if I kept it in reply. So, I created a separate thread for that. Why would I askduplicating questions if anyone had replied in sam...
@Jo_Pitts1,I'm asking it because I need to understand Marketo. As I need to Crawl/PRofile complete Marketo Data and store it in local Database. So, need to understand all dependenc...
Hi All,
Can Anyone help me with Marketo Dependencies and API's sync order to be maintained while calling all API's. As I want to crawl/profile complete data from Marketo and Store ...
Hi All,I want to get more details aboutMarketo Database Architectureas it would be more helpful for me to understand and which is the bestDatabaseto store forMarketo Dataafter extr...