Hi,My UK colleague has promoted a survey and some recipients couldn't access it (not found page). I have checked the email and everything is fine but it seems that some leads were ...
Hi,I want that any registrants receive a reminder one week prior to event. If I add following to flow would that work (smart list = trigger change program status > Registered).Céci...
you can set alerts so that each time a lead registered to your webinar, partner gets an automatic alert w/ all lead contact info (see tokens).I think there is also an option with "...
Hi,It would be great if we had ability to open 2 emails or landing pages in one view to compare differences. This is often useful when you do changes outside the template, when you...
As far as I'm aware you cannot clone a lead. If this isn't a one-off action, I would suggest you either import list with all the fields filled (you can duplicate leads/lines in .cs...
description line under landing page name... what's spooky is that it seems to only occur for the Japanese landing pages with are using same template as any other landing pages... g...
Are you systematically re-directing all the landing pages that you're unapproving/archiving? Do you create a redirect to another Marketo page or to generic website pages? ...
Hi,Now each time I'm adding a text in description field of a landing page, the landing page is automatically switching into draft mode. This didn't happen before. Is it normal or a...