Thank you for the clarification, @SanfordWhiteman. This is great!I wonder what Marketo means here in their documentation regarding support POST-1Click update.What is your interpret...
Hi@SanfordWhitemanOne more question to clarify please.Google Statement:Adobe/Marketo Statement:Based on the information provided, does this mean Google will no longer accept the fo...
Dear Marketo Community,The recent email rule updates by Google and Yahoo, especially regarding the 1-Click (List) Unsubscribe, are prompting significant changes in email marketing ...
hi,@Darshil_Shah1thanks for the detailed explanation, I've tried to the Contains "2023-09" filter in the report. Unfortunately, it has exceed the limit due to too many timestamp fi...
Hi,@Darshil_Shah1Thank you for replying to my question, much appreciated!'There are a couple of workarounds that you can explore, like creating a setup in Marketo that'd add people...
Dear Marketo Community,We've created a People Performance report in Marketo. In the Smart List section of the report, we've used the filter 'Filled Out Form', to find out how many ...
I hope you are well! Thank you for informing us about this change for Design Studio. However, in the modern interface, many users have noticed that the 'contain' logic i...